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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. If I were to see one at £80 I'd be very tempted.
  2. No @Al Krowthere are others here far more HB savvy than me! However, I will say I don't mind those kind of comments as he's really just trying to describe a step up in quality. If you think the range is poor then he's saying these are good. If you think the rest are great he's saying these are excellent.
  3. Regret selling my Yammy. There was literally nothing wrong with it. This red and black looks even nicer.
  4. I thank you both. I've decided it's too pricey for me. I really don't need another filter pedal but I like buying them. I've gone for a Mojo Hand 443 instead.
  5. stewblack

    NPD - filter fun

    I agree with Paul
  6. 100% agree. The best band I've ever seen in terms of musicianship, tightness and contribution from the bass player.
  7. The overdrive, fuzz, synth and limiter are right up there with the best to my ears. I can't believe they still manage to sell them for £20. I have others which are fine rather than excellent and a couple that are a bit meh. Personally I feel you can't go far wrong. How badly you'd have to mistreat them to break the tough plastic cases beggars belief.
  8. I run my board in two loops. Big loop with all effects in it running parallel to the clean untouched signal. Then a loop within the Plethora (2nd in chain after the Sub'n'up) with my Source Audio collection of dirt, synth, filter, and phaser. Then Flanger, Chorus, Compression and Noise Gate in the remaining Plethora slots.
  9. First new HB I've not bought. Not because it's comparatively pricey for the range, nor because of the look. It's just coincided with a deflation of my GAS. Never say never of course.
  10. What a beautiful eulogy @ped and what a desperately sad piece of news.
  11. Happy to - I'll get some sound clips to go with them in a bit.
  12. @lee650 love the board , I suspect we share taste on a lot of bass sounds. Please feel free to share some of the C4 stuff you've found!
  13. Curious little pedal which produces a nice voice like effect. This sound can be enhanced by flicking the switch to 'fuzz'. It adds a touch of distortion and pushes the midrange. Three controls labelled intensity, range and resolution interact to locate a sweet spot which produces something I've only previously found from a Bassballs. I prefer the inbuilt distortion on the Mooer to that on the EHX, not sure if it'll make it to a gigging board , depends how it affects the bass in a mix with other musicians. First impressions; it's easy to get a good sound out if it, but only one sound, shift any of the nobs too far away from the sweet spot and you lose it. The fuzz makes the sound more middy and more prominent, it might cost some bottom end in a band set up.
  14. Rather than start a new thread ... Any opinions on this pedal?
  15. Ha ha ! I will share a shot of my workmate tomorrow which thoroughly supports your thesis.
  16. stewblack


    I have resigned myself to buying and trying as many as I possibly can. It's so much fun.
  17. stewblack


    Hmm. I never tried mine with a band, couldn't get what I wanted so moved it on. Perhaps I was hasty...
  18. Sorry got here late. Yes the price quoted was the price paid. DHL gave me a one hour slot a few days after I ordered.
  19. I made a baby board. HB board came from Thomann ready velcro'd and with a bracket and fixings beneath for power supply - and all in a very nice bag. HB tuner (most excellent) and apart from the Tsakalis Audioworks Phonkify they were all bought second hand for not much cash. I'd possibly swap the chorus or flanger for a phaser, but all my core sounds are catered for. OCD alert, all pedals need straightening!
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