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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. This was her argument. I am taking back the job of driving and lifting them.
  2. I don't know what my RCFs are (they live in our singer's garage) @Happy Jack might remember as I bought them from him. I was horrified to hear our singer suggest she might look for a lighter alternative. Put simply, the RCFs provide the best sound quality I've ever heard.
  3. Hi, If you had inherited a scratchplate which had been painted with an unknown type of paint and you wanted to remove it without destroying the finish beneath the paint, what would you do?
  4. If a bass is going to have a maple fretboard, then black inlays, natural body and black plate is most definitely the way to go.
  5. None of my wives or long term partners has been that excited by my chosen lifestyle. I don't blame them at all. One came to gigs in order to prevent me murdering the singer en route to the venue. So in a very real way she kept that band alive. But I have led a self centred life, selfish in my indulgence, myopic to the needs of others. Which is why I will, deservedly, die penniless and alone. I am a feckin awesome bass player though.
  6. I'm not sure what else I might mean either! Yes I don't recognise it. Used to seeing him with his Blockhead bass. looks really ugly doesn't it? And bulky. Hats off to him managing to play it!
  7. A quick question - what the heck is NWR playing? Also an observation on how he sets up a holding pattern as ID fails entirely to come in at the correct place at the start of verses. It's the kind of musical flexibility I love to have with the people in my bands. The script is merely the outline plan, everyone must be ready to go with whatever the singer decides to do.
  8. I bought the amp and cab I could afford, and saved for the bass I wanted. Knowing what I know now? Same bass but I'd leapfrog the carlsboro stuff and go directly to the Trace.
  9. Oh and I suspect I've been spoilt by years of playing big stages with proper PA support. It didn't matter a fig what my amp sounded like - only I could hear it.
  10. Great advice all around. A couple of points specific to last night. We were outside and the people opposite were already at their tables under ther marquee (no sides) Singer sings in bands for her living , is hugely experienced , and doesn't sing while soundchecking the instruments. I don't think everyone who loved the sound is wrong I am frightened I was! And yes my first thought was screw carrying the Ampeg if all they want is a weedy midrange!
  11. Or join a reggae band...
  12. I quite agree, I didn't turn up nor alter my tone. But how can I enjoy playing if I know my bass sounds sh1te?
  13. Did a gig last night. With people I love and trust. Took the Ampeg SVT for that lovely valve goodness. Singer soundchecked the instruments and bv's then we swapped and I went out to check the band with her vocals. I was appalled. The bass sound was just a weedy, thin, fizz. I asked her in all honesty had she really meant me to remove the glorious bottom end, not just from mine but from the whole band's sound? I went along with it, one must respect the person doing the soundcheck. Later I received many plaudits from members of the crowd. So am I broken? Why can't I be trusted to know what a good bass sound is? It seems I lack all objectivity when it comes to my own sound.
  14. Trust me you don't want to be here!
  15. I wish I could follow this advice.
  16. Yep. They're a modular system.
  17. To anyone lacking the gear but wanting to do this who might have been put off by the (excellent) advice above. Just to say we took part in a series of streamed gigs last year and the guy did it all with his phone. It worked just fine. Obviously it wasn't as professional, but don't think you have to do it professionally or it won't work.
  18. I was a brut guy back before I needed to shave, and before regular washing seemed important. No one ever wanted to smell like that .
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