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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I decided to test the waters and ordered some HB solder less patch cabling not realising that the new system would come in to play 2 days later. Facepalm. Anyway, communication was excellent, delivery arrived in about 4 days no extra charges.
  2. I didn't expect to be fitting another amp into my collection, but then I seldom do expect these momentary instances of insanity. I bought a Behringer Ultrabass 4500H many, many years ago, with some eye wateringly heavy cabs to match. The cabs have long since disappeared but the head has, over time, become a very firm favourite. There is something about the sound, the tone and shape controls I've always loved, and it has proved to be, incredibly reliable. So when a virtually brand spanking new BVT4500H came up for sale I was intrigued. The price was right, the seller happy to package and post, and before I could say whirlwind romance, it was in my bedroom gazing at me from atop a Barefaced Compact or two. Not gigged it yet, I'd need a gig to do that, nor even rehearsed with it, so all I can tell you is it sounds great at a very low volume, and it looks awesome. And let's be honest here, that is pretty much the significant detail right now. It isn't an SVT. It doesn't have any valves. It's nowhere near as heavy to lift as my SVT, and I don't expect it to sound remotely the same. But it has shamelessly borrowed the aesthetic and I fully expect the unknowing to be bowled over, as indeed am I.
  3. I don't want to wee on anyone's parade, but we do have a tendency to go straight onto the attack when we hear about a new product. Remember the appalling reaction to Barefaced and their pedal? Simple fact is we're consumers of products, we don't make them nor do we have any input to the R&D. If the product is badly thought out, designed or overpriced, we won't buy it. Having said all that, it's only my opinion. I just prefer us to be happy and excited not carping and miserable. Everyone else is of course free to explore their own response to the news.
  4. Can't we just be excited at a new Trace Elliot amp without having to dissect the history of the company's ownership? I am very excited to know more about it.
  5. Ha ha ha! You might think that, but actually I am not sure the Helix is going to last.
  6. That's going in the famous quotes thread
  7. Well funnily enough I have, but the person whose house I'm in doesn't want me throwing away their bed. It's a poser
  8. Just completed an entirely painless transaction with Guy. Bought a monster amp from him. He happily arranged a courier and the thing arrived bang on time in bomb proof packaging. Delighted to recommend this most excellent Basschatter.
  9. I feel disenfranchised. I don't have a sofa.
  10. Thanks @Kevsy71 some great pics too
  11. Here we go. Very nearly, or perhaps actually, there. Just finished wiring it up after using it on Saturday. Can't choose between the MXR and the Fwonkbeta so I'll have both. No compression because the amps do that pretty well. The Behringer OD is simply the best for an always on bit of dirt that I've found, and the Joyo boost kicks it up when I need real filth. Everything is in the loop of the SY-1 so the synth is unaffected by the rest. The Mr Black phaser edged out the competition from Behringer and Fender.
  12. Just about the most desirable rig I've seen here. Love the finish on those cabs.
  13. @Al Krow the tracks were all original. I had no intention of using it as the style of the band is a kind of indie pop / Irish drinking music and synth wouldn't sit well with tin whistles , mandolin and acoustic guitar. But it was on my board and the keys guy didn't show. I told them not to worry, I had it covered, and kicked in an organ sound to run alongside my bass. It was a gag but they were open mouthed in astonishment at how great it sounded. Later I just picked a few sounds at random and mixed them as part of my sound rather than distinct from it and everything sounded excellent.
  14. @prowla I went down the route of the C4 and can at least reuse the midi switcher I bought as one of the add ons you mention. The FI makes wonderful sounds but I swapped it out as I wasn't using it. However, I have to say after taking the Boss SY1 with me to rehearsal on Saturday,it is the clear winner for me. The band were open mouthed at how great it sounded and I was able to alter and pull up different sounds on the fly . It's my first choice
  15. I was looking at the black version of this the other day. Rather like the leaves on that colour.
  16. Let us know how you go. Sounds excellent.
  17. I had come to think of Ashdown / BF as my number one non valve option, but lord that sounded good today.
  18. Anyone else use this combination? I took my trusty Trace to a rehearsal today, sat it on top of a Compact / Midget combination and put a Sandberg jazz into it. It made me question all the other amps I claim to love. Theres really nothing like it. Heft, clank, thump and snarl. Every member of the band complimented me on the sound of the bass, but I know what they really liked.
  19. Jack is a great guy. A really, really great guy. Honest, generous, reliable, and an all round good egg. I happily commend him to the community.
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