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    N.W. London

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  1. My latest board. I was running just the Microtubes Infinity and the tuner for ages but treated myself to the LHz Hazard Lamps preamp pedal for some of that lovely Spector Haz Lab oomph in the chain!
  2. More good info here @PinkMohawk https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/317641-staining-your-fingerboardphotos/
  3. In a 'small world' situation I bought a bass off @Austin1303 from another platform but I didn't even see, or know, he was on here with it for sale as well! Anyway, it was a smooth deal and Austin is a great guy to buy from. Thanks again.
  4. Currently 3 TT-800's in stock at Andertons! https://www.andertons.co.uk/mesa-boogie-subway-tt-800/
  5. Great idea Clarky and I chipped in as well. Link for donating here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/mark-clark-3
  6. I bought a gig bag from James and it was the smoothest of smooth deals and everything was as expected. Thanks again, Jon
  7. He is/was a bass legend. I didn't know anything about him before his appearance at the 2016 SE Bass Bass and what an introduction to the man and his career. RIP Herbie and thank you for the music/knowledge/stories.
  8. I hear you there Mr. C. and yeah, these have 'case queen' written all over them. Hopefully Sadowsky are doing what Gibson do - Release the top end custom shop version first then roll out a production version in due course!
  9. Has anyone here on BC snagged one? @Clarky - Is this one for you?
  10. Love, love, love this but currently £630 short LOL
  11. Oh yeah, it was the first thing I done when I got my Euro 4LX! All from sage advice on here as well.
  12. This is why I love BC! Would you 2 fine fellows mind expanding a bit on what the giveaways are? I'm genuinely interested and love building up my knowledge on this type of stuff. Cheers, Jon
  13. Refretted but pretty original and mojo'd up '65 Jazz for £7.5k here at Charlie Chandler's Guitar Experience (no affiliations BTW!) https://ccgx.co.uk/product/fender-jazz-bass-3-tone-sunburst-1965/
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