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Everything posted by Noisyjon

  1. [quote name='largo' post='821704' date='Apr 28 2010, 11:45 AM']You could try putting up the values of the EQ sliders, so they are nearer the top. The problem you have is you can't drive your gain any further without clipping the amp so can't see how a pedal "booster" would help? Being honest, I had a brief spell with one of these amps and I had the very same problem. My solution was to sell it. Now playing a Markbass SA450 which is way, way louder, but I still loved my Ashown ABM500 that I sold to buy the Ampeg. Has an Ampeg(ish) tone, only much better in my opinion and I would suggest you look at doing the same. Academy of Sound have these at £279 just now !!!![/quote] Can't beat real life experience advice! Sounds like you need a second matching speaker cabinet to get more out of it as you require
  2. Hi Mike, An option I would suggest is putting a pedal pre-amp between your bass and amp to get some more oomph. Something like one of these would do it: MXR M-80, Sansamp, Sadowsky, Aguilar, etc, etc Hope that gives you food for thought, Cheers, Jon
  3. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='813592' date='Apr 21 2010, 11:27 AM']The 400+ is louder but I think the GT200 is thicker and has a much nicer distortion, not that I've ever got a 400+ to distort (When it does it's preamp distortion so fairly average) I like to think of them as very different sounding amps. Also when I say the 400+ is louder it's a bit moot as they are both hella loud, just one will make your ears ears bleed slightly more than the other. Hope this helps[/quote] Yeah I know exactly what you're saying about the 400+. That ain't helped my GT200 GAS at all as that's what I thought about them!!! [quote]But then again....if i ran this on its own in bridged mode...... hmmmmmm[/quote] There's a man struggling with himself right there... go on, go on you know it makes sense Cheers, Jon
  4. Hi Tayste, I have a Boogie 400+ too and often wonder what the comparison is like with a GT200... Can you let us know when you can? Cheers, Jon edit: Sorry to derail your thread a little, have a bump on me for an awesome cab!
  5. Nice looking bass there Clarky and glad to hear it's a cracker. I'm a 'no covers' man if I may be so bold! Cheers, Jon
  6. I have, and use, a Tacoma Thunderchief. They are the absolute dogs danglys of acoustic basses. To give you an idea they keep up, acoustically, with an acoustic 6 string guitar in both volume and bass. IME a lot of the cheaper acoustic basses lack real bass sounds and can be really 'honky' in the mid range. Cheers, Jon
  7. [font="Arial"] Roland VS-2400CD (24 track, 8 XLR mic input HDD recorder) Was up for £800 o.n.o. but now sold elsewhere. Thanks, Jon.[/font] [attachment=47727:VSonBoxAngled.jpg]
  8. Sims Custom Shop are very good. Have a look at their price list [url="http://www.simscustom.com/html/00pricing.htm"]HERE[/url] Hope that helps?
  9. About a 350 Watt RMS amp would be about right...
  10. Hello AirTightEddie, Welcome to Basschat! I own and use a Mesa Boogie Bass 400+ into 2 x Barefaced Compact cabs (1x15" each - well worth a look). I also own and use a 3eq Stingray through said setup playing classic rock, punk & metal. That particular setup is really, really nice sounding and I would recommend it highly. It's also well within your budget. The only 'err' is that the Mesa Bass 400+ amp is no longer made so second hand is the only way to get one now. That and the re-valve costs are pretty high due to the 12 x Power amp valves. Also be aware that is is one LOUD beast of an amp staying clean sounding up to some pretty frightening volumes. If you want, and need, some valve 'grind' distortion from the amp then the 400+ may not be the one for you. If I were in your shoes I would defo talk to Matamp as their valve amps look, sound and are built to be the business. The fact that they can can be spec'd and built to your liking is even more of a bonus. Good luck and keep us posted, Jon
  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='808716' date='Apr 16 2010, 06:00 PM']Looking really good - genuinely fascinating to watch this thread and to see the attention and care you employ Wes[/quote] +1 from me. Looking good Wes Cheers.
  12. Slash album by, er, Slash & Friends! Loving the Chris Cornell & M. Shadows songs.
  13. Clarky you are a bass buying Legend, Man Very nice piece though... a good excuse to brush up your Blackened riffing?! Cheers, JTB
  14. [quote name='theFALLEN' post='803913' date='Apr 12 2010, 05:01 PM']I am currently running the Ashdown 575 watt head with a 210 cab.[/quote] I'm another that would recommend looking at the Barefaced Vintage model (the 2x15", 4 ohm, 800W thing!). Considering the bass, amp and music you play that cab may be a really good solution for you. I use 2 of the Compact models (1x15" cabs) so essentially the same thing which may also be an option for you... Good luck, Jon
  15. Well done, nice setup. From personal experience I can't recommend getting a 2nd Compact cab enough. I run my 2 with either a Markbass SA450 or a Mesa Bass 400+ and they are just great with either. Cheers, Jon.
  16. In light of John at Bravewood not taking on any more commisions at the moment I feel honoured that he took on and built me this recently: It's a stunning sounding bass. Obviously a nod to Dusty Hill with the lefty headstock but the specs are thus: Badass 3 bridge (string through), SD Custom Shop, Custom ordered 'Hot Stack for 51 P bass', CTS Premium Vol & Tone controls, Sprague orange drop cap, Electro Socket jack socket, Nickel Schaller straplocks, 34" scale, Carbon fibre reinforcement, 43mm nut width. I wanted the vintage looks but with modern refinements and a twist! Cheers, Jon.
  17. Been away for a few days and just read this... Had me for a moment there and then I realised the date it was posted. Nice one CK!
  18. another +1 from me on the sell-it-yourself-and-then-go-to-The Gallery front!
  19. Watford Valves are doing a deal on a full 400+ valve set IIRC... Check 'em out. From experience I've found it best to phone them for advice, prices, etc as their emailing is a bit sporadic. ATB, JTB
  20. I must say my US Glaub is amazing, it really is up there with the best of 'em for sound, playability, looks, etc. I did try a Skyline Glaub first and wasn't impressed much with the instrument all round, compared to my US Fender P. Hope that helps, JTB
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='759148' date='Feb 27 2010, 02:38 PM']I have just bought back my old CIJ Ramones/Pistols/Clash-alike bass "Sid", which has changed hands a couple of times on BC. This was the bass that I played on my band's album and on most of our early gigs so it has sentimental value to me - it also plays really smoothly, is hugely punchy live (helped by the Wizard Stealth 51 pickup), and is a perfect substitute for my more-valuable 72 Precision when playing earthier venues. I have taken the liberty of showing a couple of photos below that were taken by jonthebass after he bought Sid from me (I sold it with a SD Quarter Pounder p/u which you can see here, Jon later replaced with the Wizard p/u) - hope that's OK Jon? [attachment=43678:SidFullFront.jpg][attachment=43677:SidBodyFront.jpg][/quote] No worries Clarky. I miss Sid dearly but wish you both the best - keep it for goodness sake! What a bass ATB, JTB
  22. Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers Just listening to Sway.
  23. Me too! I got my first P bass out the other week, cleaned it up, put some new strings on it and there we go, back to the top for a while
  24. Great links! I'm looking at buying that DVD to have a ganders/listen at home. Have a look for the clips with Mike Inez (from Alice In Chains) and Fieldy (from Korn) in that series. They've got some sound going on too! Cheers, Jon
  25. Hi Alfie, If you look down [url="http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/restoration.html"]THIS WEB PAGE[/url] a little you can see how the J pickup hole has been made rectangular in shape to help male the Alder 'plug' easier to make and fit. Any help? Cheers, Jon
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