I've got a James Tyler 4 string for sale. I know of only one other owner in the UK of one of these rare beauties. He told me Tyler hasn't made basses for 6 years now, so rare as hen's teeth is appropriate. More tonal options than any other bass I've played and owned - and that includes GB, Benavente, Zon, Kubicki, Status, various Fender, Pensa etc. Unwilling seller to be honest, but credit card debt needs some serious cash throwing at it.
Difficult to know where to pitch this baby, but the owner of the other one ("7string" is his user ID on talkbass) suggests somewhere between £1500 - £1800. i know that's serious dosh, so I will listen to serious offers for a quick sale. All Tyler basses were hand-made. This has a terrific Demeter pre-amp with three frequency switches.
7string's thread on Talkbass is here:
A guy called RoboChrist from Toronto said on the thread above - "I can vouch for this model! Somebody buy this thing. Wicked pickups, full Demeter preamp with freq centre switches....insane."