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Everything posted by scruffynerfherder

  1. haha love it. I notice some of them have one leg shorter than the other which gives them a distinctive 'bop'
  2. ....'Tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
  3. thing is, being from wolverhampton some of us may actually be able to say 'straight outta compton'..that could make us particularly intimidating for our digital invasion.
  4. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1200908' date='Apr 15 2011, 04:18 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=02d9adeeb8bd0d7acb765696940d5001&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=%2BSquier+jaguar"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=Search...2BSquier+jaguar[/url][/quote] Hillbilly deluxe vs thread... *finish him!* ..thread killed...Fatality.....lol cheers for the link ill have a look
  5. anybody tried one of these new editions? they look smashin to be fair. and for the price look worth a punt. seems like an absaloute steal in terms of looks. [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-guitars/pid19891/cid560/squier-vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-in-3-colour-sunburst.asp"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-guitars/pi...ur-sunburst.asp[/url]
  6. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1199540' date='Apr 14 2011, 03:49 PM']Oh my, that's gonna be awesome....[/quote] I know it really. really isnt something thats going to appeal to many more people than me. but i wanted something that had my personality all over it. I didnt fancy anything you can just pickup off a shelf or something that looks exactly like something else you can get. theres no point in a comformative design when the world is your oyster
  7. I have eah im just waiting for the body to come in the post and ill post it up. Just wanted the thread up while id got time to. shall post picture veeeeery soon
  8. wow! how many wolverhamptoners can one forum handle!..i recon if one more joins..we should just revolt and take over (probably the only sentence so far i can use the pirate smiley in context too..go me)
  9. Looks cool man Should be straight forward enough, hope it goes smoothly
  10. As recently discussed in my thread over on the other part of the gear section, ive decided to do my own p bass copy build. the odvious name for the project of course was the PJBASS as yep..you guessed it my name is P.J, And ive been looking for a theme..ive toyed with comic characters, my football team, themed to an album cover from RATM, Lakland reps..everything.. and being a brit that has always followed the NBA quite closely ive decided to go with a theme from my team, The Boston Celtics. Im thinking that lovely emerald colour would look awesome on a Precision so ive made a design. decided on my hardware that im after and im going to start the build this month and keep updating here with how im getting on with the little monster! Luckily my uncle owns a sprayshop and he's brilliant with his paints and finishes..so he has agreed to paint it up for me too which is awesome. Im going to go with a set of Ernie Balls, Seymour duncan pickups, original p bass tuners/hardware. Black bridge, enerald green finish with Paul Pierce Jersey number, Customer decal with pj-bass is easy enough to get hold of, finallyblack pickguard and a Rosewood fretboard. should get first project picks up within next week or so....Thoughts? (am aware its not to everybodies taste but really had a taste for something unique)
  11. Im in love with my Ernie ball supers.
  12. [quote name='hellothere' post='1185929' date='Apr 2 2011, 04:08 PM']Ah I assumed that was you in the pic. I don't understand this fascination people have with putting up pics of their girlfriend/partner/wife/favourite person to knock one out over.[/quote] its preference. We beat hitler for our freedom to insert out own avatars. Lol
  13. ....there arent any pictures of me on this site....LOLZ
  14. I quite liked the cap one! im pretty good at finishing to be honest ive always been good with my bits and pieces like that used to hand paint stuff for my car back in the day so im going to give it a go either way i think...gold hardware tho..your on to something my friend!!!!
  15. i downloaded a template and had a play with some colour schemes on a p bass body.. ill admit some are a bit geeky as ive always been into my comic characters and stuff so forgive the nerdy nature of some of the ideas as im awarew they wont be to many peoples tastes. Youve got a Venom based one, Captain america, and a couple of shall we say..bright ones. and ill concentrate on the actual hardware like the pickups etc after ive decided on cosmetics as i want something a bit more...me. Also, my name is PJ hence the headstock pun
  16. [quote name='jimmy62alan' post='1185487' date='Apr 2 2011, 01:59 AM']Hi Scruffy, If you fancy a Flying V or a SG type bass I can help you out with a set of plans, or you could go for the headless bass option. If you get an old bass with a decent neck then have the body modified to take the headless bridge, then you chop the necks head off and a little tweaking to have the strings threaded through your new headstock and down to your bridge with built in tuners. Alright saying all this sounds easy its just a bit fiddly. The plans I've got are for guitars but can be easily modified to bass guitar, if your interested or have further questions drop me a line. Cheers ALAN[/quote] Cheers man ill keep you in mind
  17. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1185263' date='Apr 1 2011, 09:07 PM']Scruffy... I have done a few mods and a few builds, myself and its great fun, because the end product is as you want it and different from anyone else. Usually when I do this I have already a clear idea as to where I want to get to with a particular build or mod, however you have not specified what do you want achieve, or at least a model to go by. One thing is for sure, you will not find anywhere that you can walk in and buy a do it yourself kit in a box with body / neck pickups / frets and wiring looms / pots etc. You'll more than likely find unpainted bodies and necks sometimes even neck blanks without frets, or you can buy a cheapo bass like a Sue Ryder, or even one not so cheap but of decent quality like a Squier and mod it to your heart content with all the bits and bobs you desire, be it fancy exotic pickups, or pre painted necks from companies like Warmoth, Mighty Mite etc. But you must at least have some idea as to what you want the bass to look and sound like.[/quote] Basically im looking towards the p-bass shape i think.( And the whole unpainted body etc is what im after really) that way i get to build it up my way and do my own colour schemes etc. i want it to stand out so ive got some idea of paint colours etc BUT...i am open to suggestions and ideas from other users. Im looking around the net to see what i can find for a bit of inspiration.
  18. thats looks awesome, definately putting fuel in my fire to get making my own
  19. Anybody know of any decent ones? considering a personal build rather than shelf bought. Not sure if it would be worth it, if not im going to just buy a fender J-bass straight off the shelf. but even if i do that i may still do a build to kill some time and 'keep me off the streets' as it were. ..opinions?
  20. JTUK, i really appreciate that. thats awesome, thanks for putting so much time and thought into it! Incredibly helpfull and more of a diverse take on what im used to seeing. nice one
  21. Each to their own.
  22. yeah i wouldnt doubt it either. nice one, im very open minded to be fair so ill give everything a listen if it will help me move forward a bit
  23. im not new to bass, but new to attempting and studying slap as a technique so my knowledge of good and great slap players is limited to the bands i listen/ed to. there are a few that spring to mind but the only players who introduced me to the technique was probablyflea or even fieldy at a push from back in the day when i was really into all the heavier stuff so havent had much to go on. thats partly why im on the forums, to expand my knowledge past my taste. so all input is welcome
  24. it took me 3 tries to read your posts as i had trouble not looking at your avatar lol... got there now. cheers
  25. i will openly admit that i only have one at present. yes this kind of poverty does exist at present..you should all have a live aid style concert for us. its only because i havent had the oppertunity to build up a collection like i used to have haha..given time ill be as bad as you lot!
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