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Everything posted by BassBus

  1. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1507910942' post='3388779'] I love my windows phone (I know I am in a minority of one)... [/quote] You're not alone. I have a customer who loves his. Plugs his desktop through it for broadband and gets a speed many times faster than his landline.
  2. As above. I use iPad for synths (iM1, iProphet etc.), backing tracks (iReal pro) and recording and looping (Cubasis, Loop Tree). There are endless apps in Apple's app store and I'm sure Google Play. However as yours is running Win 10 you might not have access to any decent apps. Every time I look for specific apps in Microsoft's app store there is never anything there. Just this week I read Microsoft are giving up on apps as they couldn't persuade any companies to make apps for their system.
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1506954169' post='3382251'] You would use an insert cable on the volume in and out sockets. Voila! Passive expression pedal ahoy. Not a lot of people seem to know this... certainly opens up the amount of expression pedals available to you. (e.g. any volume pedal!) [/quote] This person did not know that. Thank you.
  4. Here you go https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thomastik-Infeld-Bass-Guitar-Strings-Nickel/dp/B001633DTA/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1505934330&sr=8-15&keywords=thomastik+jazz+flat+bass+string
  5. Those machines have been using too much fake tan, much like a lot of real musicians. Nice tune though.
  6. I remember one fretless player saying he practised on a fretted bass. OliverBlackman's post explained why that works. Trouble is that fretless player is a guy no-one has ever heard of. Think he called himself Jaco or something like that.
  7. Depends on how good you want your playing to be. If you just play as a hobby and are happy with that then maybe not. If you want to work up to pro levels then yes record from time to time. I think most top flight athletes video their performances and use that to fine tune their technique.
  8. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1504710606' post='3366819'] I thought these guys were rather good. [/quote] He says modestly Nice piece of work Kevin. Lovely relaxed vibe about it. Contrast stands out for me.
  9. Good work Dad. No disco beat? We'll get you converted to ambient before you know it.
  10. His playing is certainly to my taste and been subscribed to his YT channel for a long time. Haven't heard anything from him in a while. Loved his working of The Enormous Room. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM-95upzaH4
  11. Thanks for letting us know. Schedule set. Dig out your pork pie hat.
  12. Necks are not like Ibanez. Bit more body to them but very comfortable.
  13. I'll echo everything Wan has said here. I have one and it has a lovely neck on it. Superb value.
  14. Certainly Dave at his grumpy best. Roger Sadowsky doesn't speak too highly of the instruments either.
  15. Interesting stuff. I like Vantage Point.
  16. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1500740677' post='3339915'] Irrespective of what I change / adapt in my playing, I do not sound like the original bass line. [/quote] I'm wondering why you need to sound like the original all the time. Putting your own slant on a bass part helps you develop your own style. You play the part as you hear it. As has been said above it comes from your mind. That's all that matters at the end of the day.
  17. I mean, he could at least have replaced the tone knob. I ask you.
  18. [quote name='Steve Lawson' timestamp='1499419676' post='3331427'] which one? Glad to be of service! [/quote] To be honest I can't remember. Probably just as well in case I plagiarised your work
  19. [quote name='Steve Lawson' timestamp='1499261540' post='3330359'] Enjoying this a lot! Nice work. That's a lovely collection of pedals, and you've got them working together well! [/quote] Thanks so much Steve. One of your pieces was the inspiration for the arrangement and dug me out of a hole of stuckness.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsLcZwCztms
  21. I've seen Chris McIntyre in Edinburgh repair a chip like this to the point it was invisible. Find a reputable luthier and that will be sorted.
  22. That's definitely a J. Arthur P type.
  23. It's not improvised. This has been hanging round for a year now. First I couldn't find where to go with the arrangement then Steve Lawson and Perry Frank put videos up that sparked it off. Then things got in the way after that, including the electrics on my ACG packing in. But here it is with the arrangement having evolved quite a bit over time. Thanks to our Steve and Perry for the inspiration too.
  24. More unconventional use of a bass guitar. I used the Status Series 3 again for this. Started with the EHX Canyon delay then through all sorts and finishing with the chords degrading in the El Capistan. I used the Loop Tree app on iPad for this one. Seamless looping with lots of tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZwTM_A8h50
  25. Go to youtube and look up the many videos that show you how to do it. Get hold of a soldering iron. and a pair of pliers that can get a grip underneath the fret. Then follow the youtube video instructions. The soldering iron will melt the glue holding the fret in reducing the risk of fret tangs pulling bits of wood from the fret board. Alternatively take it to a luthier.
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