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Posts posted by BadHands

  1. I'm the guy who asked this last time, and people overwhelmingly answered they get the gist of it and do their own thing.

    Context is king. You can play something note for note, and if there's some Mandela effect to it, people will think you played something wrong when it was faithful to the original recording anyway. 

    If it's a cover for an originals band, amalgamating the rhythm and bass together along with appropriate effects to fill things out sonically, could give you some ideas for your own songs and open you up as a player. Rage against the machine make great use of the bass player filling in the mid range when the guitarist decides to play solos.

    I do think more often than not when people say they don't learn things note-for-note it's due to laziness, but if the result sounds good in it's own way, does that even matter?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, stewblack said:

    Allow me to join the clamour of LS2 love. Small footprint, incredible flexibility, only other pedal I have that does similar is the Tri Parallel Mixer, and it's nearly 3X the size. 

    Yeah, I was sorely tempted to try it, but it's just too damn big. 

  3. Hi all, 

    Debating getting rid of this beauty as I really havn't taken to 5 strings the way I'd hoped and they've got NOTORIOUSLY fast necks, so someone should be making use of it - Especially since Michael Pedulla retired and isn't making them anymore. Made famous by Chris Wolstenholme from Muse. In immaculate condition + original hard case + case candy/owners manual/tools. 
    Debating trades + cash one way or the other for 4 string Stingray, Modulus, or Vintage Fender Jazz. Based in Staffordshire, could meet partway if needsbe.


    BODY: Plain soft maple
    NECK: Bolt-on
    SCALE LENGTH: 34inches
    FINGERBOARD: 5A Birdseye maple

    INLAY: 5mm abalone
    NUT: Bone
    TRUSS ROD: Single, double acting adjustable with two stiffening bars
    BRIDGE: Machine brass barrel, 17mm string spacing
    MACHINE HEADS: Pedulla/Gotoh
    STRAP PINS: Loxx chrome
    PICKUPS: Made for MV Pedulla by Bartolini, JJ
    ELECTRONICS: Active Bass and Treble 2 band Bartolini EQ + Pickup blend
    FINISH: Vintage Cherry Sunburst






    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, Rich said:

    If you can use a soldering iron, why not make your own? Using this as a basis, it'd be quite straightforward to put an FX loop switching thingy together. 


    This is certainly something I'd be interested in doing in the future. My only concern is with any kit like the above, the more I learn about what I'd need to include to include to cover the bases I want, the more it will eventually cost and it could just be cheaper buying one that already exists. 


    • Like 1
  5. Hi all!

    I've only just realised HOW valuable the LS2 is for what I'm aiming to do with my pedalboard (Blending clean signal in with effected), so I'm looking in the usual places to find one relatively cheap. Pardon the pun but I'm out of the loop with this kind of pedal.. What alternatives to it exist, or is this the best at it's price point? Aside from phase inversion, are there any other features that other pedals have?


  6. 16 hours ago, Drax said:

    Also , gig volume demos?! 

    Over the years I’ve had pedals sound great at home but then totally different (worse) once cranked to proper volume. 

    A lot of work to execute, which I guess is why no one does it. Would be great USP for someone’s channel. 

    But without a live guitarist, drummer and vocalist, is it still a true test? I do like the idea of a full-volume live test, though. Might have to wait until post lockdown.


    4 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

    In addition to exploring the touch sensitivity around just breaking up on distortion pedals another request...

    Test if it be possible to set up so ON is only fractionally louder than bypass. A pedal that can only do its thing 10dB louder than clean is no use to me.


    In the interest of comparing wet/dry sounds I'm thinking of starting at unity, and only upping the output at all if it has any difference on sound. This might only come in to play with stacking pedals, but certainly food for thought, thanks!

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, Drax said:

    When you’re in the market for a particular pedal the most useful reviews are the A/B shootout, switching between different variants of the same pedal - be that from different manufacturers, or different editions from same manufacturer. Janek did a good one like this on the OC5 against OC2. 

    Having someone demo just a single pedal in isolation is ok, but with so many other variables (bass, strings, recording chain , playing style ) it helps to have the direct comparison all in one setting.  

    Also always have the pedal settings permanently displayed in a corner window. 

    These are two BIG things I want to include. Comparing two kinds of pedal with the same rig (and trying active and passive), and comparing them with that. Maybe there are bigger differences between two versions of the same pedal on an active bass, than passive. That's important to know.

    As far as the settings, it grinds my gears to dust when they're playing around and I have no idea what the settings are.. 

  8. Hi all,

    Debating starting a YouTube channel as there are certain things I feel are missing when watching people demonstrate pedals for bass (Yep, another one of those people).

    I've already got a list of things I want it to include, but I'm curious as to what you've been disappointed is missing/grateful was included when listening to a demo? 

    The main reason I'm thinking of doing it is to compare and combine effects, so making sure I use active and passive, different playing styles/intensities, and pedal order (ALWAYS adjusting pedals accordingly) are the main 3 which stick out to me, alongside playing appropriate styles. 

    *Bonus question*

    Feel free to include the effects demonstrators you keep coming back to because they strike the perfect balance for you.


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