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Everything posted by kyboo

  1. Saturday bump.
  2. Bumpish bump.
  3. Here is a video of 3 band VFE distortion on the bass (second half is the guitar). [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Dnto_LcjM[/media]
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1391626053' post='2359433'] One annoying thing is that if you put it in bypass and forget to save your preset, when you activate it again it loads the last preset and ignores the current knob positions. Haven't read the manual yet though so there might be some tricks to this. [/quote] If you press all three EQ buttons for a short while it resets EQ settings. So I usually center EQ knob and reset it which gives me good starting point for EQ tweaking I have been having it for awhile and all that fuss (or fuzz? over on talkbass is justifiable. I don't think that this pedal is just another flavour of the month. Unlinke B3K or Vintage (at least for me). It is really hard to get not good sound out of it. I also find that mid sweep in front of it makes it even more versatile. Its EQ section comes after distortions. That is actually my only wish having EQ which could be positioned before or after dirts. Have you tried Crunch Tube? I like that one a lot.
  5. kyboo


    [quote name='MaGrOtTeN' timestamp='1391590544' post='2358798'] Can you confirm weight? [/quote] It was already for sale here and the advert said 10lbs. Hope this helps. Alan's gorgeous basses are known not to be really light
  6. PMs answered.
  7. Sunday bump.
  8. Glad to help. I find a compressor having much more impact on a good bass sound than EQ. Also, have you tried RedWirez bass cabinets impulse responses? They are amazing http://www.redwirez.com/bigbox.jsp Lastly, this analog tape simulator is worth to check out as well http://www.masseyplugins.com/#plugins/tapehead Free version does not expire but it does not remember settings between restarts. It has only two knobs so it is not much of a problem. It sounds nicer than any tube simulator I tried.
  9. Here it goes. I keep my bass signal in the third quarter of the input level. It is a zip file. Not sure why basschat shows it as .ipb
  10. Also, I would not use line level for active basses. It is not that much about 'strong' signal but about impedance matching. Not many active pre-amps have the correct impedance for line level inputs. You get more noise if it is mismatched.
  11. If I put such EQ on my bass signal it would not sound good. However, I don't mix the bass signal with other instruments I just practice alone so I don't know much about mixing in the context of other instruments. Anyway it seems to me that cutting it deep around 300Hz is not a good idea as that is the main area of the bass sound. At least to my ears. How about not cutting there and maybe not using a high pass filter as well? I use Reaper as well, let me upload my project file.
  12. How do you plug your bass in? Do you use the instrument or line level input? I practice the bass plugged into a computer and never had this problem but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Tell us more about your setup.
  13. This video might help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mol6awk_aDo
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1390834272' post='2350032'] Well.... I was disappointed! I really wanted to love my Euro but its ergonomics just didn't work for me. Excellent quality basses, with fantastic tone - but the shape was the thing that I just couldn't adapt to. I kept going back to my Status and J basses and they felt like old comfy slippers in comparison. YMMV of course. [/quote] I used to have love & hate relation with my bolt-on Spector. Amazing build quality and can get any sound of it (twin pickups) but it balances weirdly, small body and long heavy fat neck. I almost parted with it but fortunately I haven't. I figured that the problem was in the way I was hanging the bass on my shoulder and my posture alone. Now it keeps neck nicely up. Give it a try.
  15. Yes, it comes with it.
  16. kyboo

    VFE pedals sale

    Hi guys, I though I would give a heads-up. VFE has a very interesting sale on. I just bought three (hopefully wicked) pedals for 165 pounds including shipping. Shipping is $30 (about £19). However, the best part is that VFE is actually helping a disabled guy from a neighborhood who has built these pedals. Peter, the VFE owner gave him a job. Personally that is very appealing to me. You can read more info here http://www.vfepedals.com/built-by-aj.html When checking out use the 'OVERSTOCK' code. I already happen to have his take on the B:assmaster called [url="http://www.vfecustom.com/woodchipper.html"]Woodchipper[/url]. I got it awhile ago when it was on sale as well. The built quality is perfect and it sounds monstrous. Hope I haven't got over the line with my eagerness
  17. Friday bump.
  18. Price drop, trade option and Sunday bump
  19. Sunday bump.
  20. New Year's bump. Hard to believe no one thinks of having a go on the fretless Now strung with Chromes.
  21. Thumpinator now sold. No love for Pigtronix compressor Sunday bump
  22. Thumpinator back up for sale, Zoom is gone bump.
  23. Yes, it is. Hasn't left my bedroom
  24. Daz bought tuners off me. Pleasure to deal with.
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