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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Building, manufacturing, assembling, constructing, creating, crafting. Eat a thesaurus, basically. People will load certain words in an attempt to differentiate or seem more than they are when they all mean the same thing at the end of the day - where once there was not a bass, now there is.
  2. The stars have aligned! The pickups I wanted appeared on eBay (US) - moved some money around and snagged them. Hopefully will see them in a couple of weeks. Also, eBay UK is having a £1 final fee/no insertion fee weekend, so I'll get my EMGs listed and hopefully sold to offset the cost of the new pickups. Also, some small round brass things might be arriving soon...
  3. For reasons I have yet to wrap my head around, G&L USA don't shield their basses. My CLF L-1000 was exactly the same. Baffling, even if prices hadn't gone up by 38% in 18 months.
  4. It's actually the correct way to string some Hagstroms...
  5. Been known to wear the odd hat... The Pork Pie... The cap... The Jersey cow trilby...
  6. In my opinion there's no need for this kind of antiquated heel access on anything other than period correct reissues. We've evolved. These basses have no historical precedent whatsoever, so there's no need to do this. Come on, learn from Gibson's insistence on sticking with the 3 point bridge when they've shown they can use other, way less consternation generating bridges.
  7. If it's anything like a Jazz bass, it can get in the bin as far as I'm concerned regardless of the level of involvement of the Almighty in its design!
  8. They will price themselves out of things - we're not made of money and we're becoming ever more aware of that fact.
  9. Yeah, Gibson - sort yourselves out, Fender are out-Gibsoning you!
  10. Shaking my head. These are fundamentals of instrument construction, faux pas committed by factories which have done it correctly for years. Has it been a perpetual Friday afternoon?
  11. Same old, same old. Take USD price. Replace dollar sign with pound sign. Job's a good 'un.
  12. Sorry, I can't remember and I didn't measure. I just lucked into finding some that fit. If I have to hazard a guess as to why I might have had lucky washers - maybe ones for pot shafts might work?
  13. Can't really return it after the pickguard job - looks like it's been screwed in. Not necessarily a dog - maybe they overstretched themselves financially and seeing as it can't be returned, this is their only option. Maybe threw out the stock rounds too. I dunno.
  14. That was a wee bit snippy. I said "OK", I didn't say "perfectly" or "accurately", and it's a treat compared to the one in Lobster's video.
  15. But yeah, that one in Lobster's hands should never have left the factory.
  16. The Gallery have one which appears to be aligned OK... https://thebassgallery.com/products/fender-ltd-gold-foil-jazz-bass-1
  17. Well, it had me wincing at the thought of getting poked in the eye by it, so I reckon it's pointy enough!
  18. Yes, I got some of this from B&Q and it conducts just fine. I tested it with a multimeter.
  19. Maxed out truss rod? I know it's not quite the same thing but I resurrected the neck of a BB450 by taking the truss rod nut off and sliding on a couple of washers to give me more operating room with the rod.
  20. Well, that was a great first gig of the year. I was playing in the Balaclava in a place called Fraserburgh. We gave ourselves plenty of set up time in case we had got rusty at that too but it turned out that we hadn't, so were ready about 45 mins before we were due to start playing. That was weird. Place was dead when we started, must have only been a dozen or so people in the place and they weren't really paying much attention either. I dreaded a long night of poor attendance and no dancing. But towards the end of the first half, a big group of folk came in and they were well up for a night out. So we elongated the first half by a few songs (didn't want to put them off when they've just come in). We took a shorter break too because we didn't want them to leave then piled into the second half with Song 2. What a difference from the start. They danced their derrières off, there was floor dancing, there was air guitar, the dancefloor was never empty. More folk came in and it kinda snowballed from there. Some requests were shouted which we were able to fulfil for a change. I always get a bit thrown when young people ask for classic rock (in a surprised but pleased kind of way). She wanted some Led Zeppelin, so she got Rock and Roll. Got asked for one more tune at the end, and they wanted us to play one we'd already done (Basket Case), so yup, we can do that My Jack Casady was as good as gold, I remembered my wristband for forearm comfort and I even had some feedback fun with it at the end of a couple of songs by holding it up to the amp. Got home about 2.30am, grateful for a great gig.
  21. I came in here expecting a cover of "Doll Parts" or "Celebrity Skin"...
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