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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. You might get a passive RD (i.e. RD Standard) but the OG RD Artist with Moog circuit? That's in "eat my hat/flying pigs/snow in hell" type territory...
  2. I don't get it either. There are WAY more annoying people out there on YouTube worthy of the vitriol. It's not as if he's a *shudder* influencer. Worst self-awarded job title ever.
  3. Yay for your positive attitude (and the Jack Casady), but boo to your situation.
  4. Pickups out of phase? Is it the 70s again?
  5. It sure as heck sucks to be a poor sentimental 50 year old, which I'm sure I'll be in 3 years time
  6. The washers are temporary - I've still got some playing about to do with that. Sorry for the vague language - when I said the bridge was "sorted", I was really talking about the modifications allowing it to fit and that I know what I'm going to do RE: mounting it at the correct angle. I will not be routing into the top of the body - what's the point in having a carved top if I'm going to flatten it (and then the front insert will have to be removed anyway and resunk). I will look into those brass spacers. Might not be able to get ones thin enough, but the boys in the workshop at work might be able to help me do something about that too. Typing that as @PaulThePlug replied
  7. I'll see how it comes together, there is a bit of an angle to the neck. Remember that the OG three point bridge sits at least 5mm off the deck like the goofy oil rig that it is, so I don't really mind about the gap at the back. I will put the strings on to check but I think it'll be ok. Got some boring stuff I could do, like copper shielding...
  8. Aaaaaand in comes the car with a circa £400 MOT repair bill. No more project progress this month then!
  9. So, the Babicz bridge arrived yesterday. Eager to get it fitted but the bolts were just seizing, even if I tightened them down a bit at a time. Turns out that the main two bolts go down fine but the front threaded insert is about 2mm further forward than the Babicz allows for. I may have uttered the phrase "oh you b'stard". So, what to do? I envisioned going to the ballache of removing the insert, glueing in a dowel, redrilling the hole and reinserting the insert. But then someone said to me "why not modify the bridge so that the top hole is more like a slot?" Now, normally I would scoff at such a suggestion - me, with no metalworking skills since the school and more crucially no metalworking tools beyond a set of files. BUT I do work in the School of Engineering which has a fully kitted out workshop staffed by legends who know what the hell they're doing... In and out in 20 mins. Job's a good 'un! Thanks so much to the guys in the workshop for sorting this out for me! I know rendering a £145 bridge unreturnable and probably unsellable on its own wouldn't be everyone's solve for X, but this is a one way mod as far as I'm concerned. I know that the mod has rendered the topmost locking screwhole unusable on the A saddle slot, but it will never need to be up there, so it is moot as far as I'm concerned. The back end of the Babicz only needed 2 M8 washers on each side to jack it back up to level, doesn't sound like a lot but as you can see, it's quite a steep dropoff... So, I think that's the bridge sorted. Stoopid, beautiful carved top!
  10. My covers band is quite easy going and willing to give most things a go. We have individual veto powers but we rarely use them. We listen to suggested songs together when they're suggested to work out if they'd be worth doing before we even begin to learn them. Sometimes we learn a song but for whatever reason we (collectively) decide it sounds a bit naff when we play it and bin it. As a trio plus vocals (ie. only one guitar) sometimes that happens - can't distill the multiple guitars down in an acceptable way. We thought we'd give "Paint it Black" a go but it just sounds plain and boring without the sitar. Etc. FWIW I play songs I don't necessarily like or enjoy because - bigger picture - I know punters will like it. It's not just about me. Most of my suggestions have made it to the set list. The ones that didn't were mostly rejected before we even went to the bother of learning them. I'm happy with how things work.
  11. In no particular order: Epiphone Squier OLP Takamine AXL Yamaha G&L Guild Sterling by Musicman Gibson BC Rich Fender Italia Ibanez Reverend DeArmond Danelectro Tokai Warwick (Rockbass)
  12. That mirror has some terrible neck dive...
  13. It's a filter, but instead of your typical high pass filter as found in a tone control (using a capacitor, typically), it was intended as a notch filter (using an inductor), blocking some midrange frequencies and letting everything else through.
  14. On a purely theoretical level (owning none of these basses), the neck pickup on the original EB-3 is a mudbucker, a monstrous ~30kOhm humbucker. The neck pickup on the SG is a Gibson TB+ in disguise. The Epiphone presumably has the same Epiphone "sidewinder" they've been using for decades. The TB+ and sidewinder are probably quite a bit closer to each other than being anything like the mudbucker in terms of sheer amount of windings and DC resistance. For sonic adjectives, I'll wait for the actual owner to chip in.
  15. Nice one, congrats. It is an odd feeling, even when it's a weird, local, spoof awards. My originals band got nominated a few times for our local "Fudge Awards" - a few times for "Best of the Rest" (ie. the unpigeonholeables), and once for best EP. Came second one time (2019), attended the "awards ceremony" and the band who won weren't there so they just gave it to us instead. It was a rubber duck wearing a crown with "Best of the Rest" written on it in permanent marker. We got hold of a pen and added "2nd" to it (because we don't like to misrepresent ourselves). Then we got drunk. Your award sounds much more professional and legit. Good luck!
  16. I think it was in dire need of a setup. Suspect this one was taken straight out of the box.
  17. Capitulated and ordered a gold Babicz bridge. Bloody expensive, and will probably delay obtaining other parts for the project but what are can you do when alternatives are thin on the ground and it's the last one the shop has, with the price likely to rise at the next restock...
  18. It's not an MFD in the LB-100 - it's G&L's take on the common or garden P pickup. FWIW I like G&L's alnico V P pickup, but it's no MFD.
  19. They were in the shops before the website got updated. I heard about them on Lobster's discord server. Just blame Gibson
  20. I'm only 47, and I've checked out completely. Stopped looking for new stuff, couldn't even begin to name you anything current. I'm not saying it's all crap, I've just got lazy and unmotivated.
  21. You would have preferred if they had reissued/reimagined the post '63 Newport then... (picture lifted from flyguitars.com)
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