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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. It could be, or it could be an EMG-HB, which is a rail split P in a guitar humbucker sized casing. I have two of them in my Epiphone Les Paul "Standard" bass. They evolved from the EMG-SS which were designed for Steinberger basses (SS = Steinberger Sound).
  2. Furthermore, the preamp in the L-2000/2500 is simply a signal booster and the only tone shaping it provides is a non-adjustable treble boost. The 2 band EQ is passive, cut only regardless of whether or not the preamp is engaged (in either mode)
  3. Furniture, innit? Doesn't count in my book.
  4. And even if they did create what you desire, would you trust them to do it right? It is "different", by the dictionary definition of the word anyway. Have they issued a bass with this pickup before? No, ergo, different. No-one's saying it's a radical deviation from the programme, or a game changing, epoch defining, historical cornerstone of the development of our instrument...
  5. This will disappear without a trace. Keeps on happening, anything that deviates from the "norm" - take your pick - Dimension, Cabronita P, Starcaster, Coronado, I could go on. The Meteora will be next, followed by this, most likely. I personally applaud them for trying new stuff, but they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. The majority of Fender's customers just want the classics. People who want something a bit different don't tend to give Fender a second glance. This is the world we live in.
  6. Stranger things have happened, but that sounds like a niche inside a niche, which companies rarely do - one level of niche is often too much for them. Back in the day, Epiphone's short scale bass counterpoint to the Embassy was the Newport bass. Who knows, maybe they'll have a mad turn and reissue that.
  7. Just put your own preferred strings on it. What colour did you get?
  8. Yup, we sometimes play Tail feather and it always goes down well. It's almost the law that you should play something off the Blues Brothers soundtrack if you've got horns and keys in your band, no?
  9. I am loving the early 70s font used for the "PRECISION BASS" decal. I don't care that it technically predates Squier's existence (as an instrument brand) - the fact that they've taken the time to replicate that detail instead of using any old Letraset they had lying around is evidence to me that someone put some thought and care into these basses.
  10. When flicking through my parent's vinyl when I was a kid, I flicked quickly past this: The decision was based purely upon how boring the cover looked. Thought it was church music or something. Only realised what I had missed when the Halifax ads started using "Our House". Needless to say, opinion duly revised.
  11. Tricky. I think it would have to be properly "broken" in order to be considered a repair. You've kinda outed yourself by alluding to the fact that there's a degree of personal preference to this issue - I would have neglected to mention that if I was pitching this I think the KiOgon loom would fall foul, but ironically, directly replacing the preamp wouldn't, IF the existing preamp was demonstratably faulty. The hardcore among us might argue that if it's useable in passive mode then you should just soldier on as it's still able to be used as a bass, but I'm not a total meanie...
  12. We (covers band) do it in a fairly straight ahead rock style and it goes down pretty well. How well a complete change of style/genre would go down really depends on your audience. I personally think that unless there's a famous cover of it in the new style/genre then I wouldn't bother. Additional - the opposite is true of my originals band - we have a style so if we cover a song, we do it as us. Guitar-based songs without guitars? The few people who know us know what to expect
  13. Some songs are truly timeless, and surprisingly so. I still can't get over how many young 'uns dance enthusiastically to "Bad Moon Rising". Was it featured in an episode of Stranger Things or something?
  14. Our lot are pretty open minded. We're all mature enough to realise that it's not about what we like or don't like - the guitarist has a pathological dislike of Oasis but we still sometimes play "Some Might Say" and I die a little inside every time I play "Don't Stop Believin'", but the punters like those songs, so what are you going to do? We do have veto powers but they're used sparingly - we generally will give anything a go but can work out quickly if it isn't working out musically. Singer vetoed one Pink song because he felt like an idiot doing an acapella rap thing in the middle, fair enough. We're going to keep adding songs, old ones kinda just drop out of the main list into the reserve list and if we haven't used them for a while they get ditched. Songs get ditched when we clock that they haven't gone down that well with a few audiences.
  15. I think Squier have been knocking it out of the park lately with these basses - both the blue and the black one look very classy indeed. If I didn't already have a G&L Tribute LB-100, I'd have given some serious thought to obtaining one of these - probably the black one for those 70s/80s Lotus "John Player Special" vibes... Congrats on the new bass, looks lush!
  16. I think like for like replacement of defective parts is OK. An "upgrade" through the back door using this method might be on dubious ground though.
  17. The good thing is that it comes fitted with rounds, so it's free to try. All I'm saying is give it a chance, because like you allude to - we're all individuals.
  18. Can we get a final scores on the doors for this thread then wrap it up? I made it, albeit with a withdrawal soother gift in August courtesy of a very generous and amazing wife. I am a lucky man.
  19. And this year's first participation "awards" go to...
  20. Try it with rounds first before diving straight into flats - I love the sound of mine with rounds.
  21. Now that the traps are open and gear can be acquired again, I want to do something I've been scheming about for a while. My Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass currently has EMG-HB pickups and an EMG-BQC 3 band EQ. I did this many years ago when I wasn't sure what I wanted. Now I know that I'm done with active basses. I barely play this bass these days as I don't enjoy the clean, hi-fi sound of the EMG pickups and electronics. The bass has sentimental value so rather than move it on I thought I'd change the pickups and wiring. Pickup choices are somewhat limited if I don't want to be getting the router out. The Standard takes guitar sized humbuckers mounted in pickup rings (think PAFs). There are more expensive options like TV Jones Thundertron/mag/blade but I think I will give the Warman Drivetrain a go, they're relatively inexpensive, high output, 4 wire for series/parallel fun and are claimed to be "equally at home in a bass" by the vendor. So, what to do with 5 holes in the body for controls? My thoughts are - Stacked vol/tone for neck pickup Stacked vol/tone for bridge pickup Three way switch for series/parallel/single (neck) Three way switch for series/parallel/single (bridge) Three way switch in top of the body for pickup selection My main question would be - is it possible to have that last switch do a neck pickup only/both pickups in series/bridge pickup only like on a Fender Boxer/Jazz Bass Special, after each pickup has been individually switched for individual series/parallel/single before it hits the switch?
  22. It's not new year until someone puts up the annual moan-a-thon thread about the Hootenanny! Happy New Year!
  23. Nope, things arriving this year are only exempt if they were paid for (by you) in 2022. From now on, only unprompted gifts from others are allowed.
  24. Just give me my Epiphone Jack Casady Signature, or my G&L CLF L-1000 if I'm feeling fancy and let me at it!
  25. As long as it's hard enough to be a fingerboard then it's all good and I will judge individual basses on their own to aesthetic merits rather than what a spec sheet says.
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