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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I agree with everything here, except for the lack of visiting shops - I still like to ogle basses IRL when I get the chance. I don't bug the staff unless I'm fairly sure I want to buy something though. The last time I was in a shop I did ask to try their Reverends and my wife bought me my Triad. But I would have asked for it to be ordered online for me if I hadn't been in Glasgow.
  2. I can't wait for someone to come into this thread prophesising your demise in the fires of hell if you dare to buy an instrument unseen...
  3. When it comes to rare basses, I've sold a Guild B402-A, and the G&L El Toro I traded it for. They ultimately weren't meant for me.
  4. The voice of experience often comes across as gruff When it's a more optional situation, I guess for me it comes down to what's being played. If it's not being played, it's clear to sell.
  5. Around £1500. Beyond that, I don't see the point, and my bass skills and frequency of my playing barely justifies the figure I have postulated.
  6. Choosing between keeping the roof over your head or keeping the bass tends to make it a quite easy decision...
  7. Yes, if it's paid for in 2022 it counts as 2022 intake, regardless of actual delivery date.
  8. Next year I will not be participating. One year off is plenty. Got plans anyway - want to make my Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass passive again and add a 10 way switch to my Reverend Triad. And don't be surprised if an old school reverse P Yamaha BB makes an appearance...
  9. It was cleared by the denizens of this thread...
  10. Mostly by channelling my inner Scottish frugality - "I'm nae paying that!" and staying the F away from eBay and the sale forums here. Lego also helped pass the time and soothe that need to collect something. That and a very generous wife gifting me a bass in August to assuage the withdrawl symptoms
  11. Ooft, 2 weeks to go, possibly the most dangerous two weeks of the whole year. I'm still in. Who's still in, and who's feeling twitchy?
  12. Last gig of the year last night in the Rusty Nail in Aberdeen. There was a 60th birthday party in and they were very musically open minded, up for dancing to most things and singing along if they were sitting it out. A joy to play for. Cake at half time too which they shared with us - bonus! Had a blast, not one but two "one more tunes" (quick look over at the landlord for the second one, and he nodded his assent), very warm feedback at the end. An excellent end to the year. Home for a dram before bed. Tidy!
  13. Thank you folks for the offers of help, before I've even bought anything! I am going to stay true to my aim to be abstinent until the end of the year. If I do attempt to purchase something collection only next year, I'll start a thread about it and see what can be done.
  14. Eh, I can't remember when I bought the Fender Cabronita P, where I bought it (might have been Kenny's in Glasgow), how much I paid or even how long I had it. Same for the Starcaster bass (I have an inkling it was in a now defunct Aberdeen music shop, iiMusic). I think both products were released within the timeframe though. Presumably I'd need to know those details in much more clarity than this, have receipts etc?
  15. Don't tempt me - failing the Gear Abstenence thread with 2 weeks to go would be pretty embarrassing... If it's still available in the new year, let's you and me talk, Basschat...
  16. There's collection only bass down London way which is seriously calling to me. MUST STAY STRONG. But if you think I'm travelling all the way down to flecking London from Aberdeen for a bass that costs less than a grand, you're sorely mistaken.
  17. I know, you already said and I thank you for your openmindedness. I didn't quote you when I wrote what you quoted...
  18. It seems like a passive/aggressive keyboard warrior thing to do more like. I'd like to see them do that in reality - the rough equivalent I guess would be to speak really loudly and slowly, like someone who thinks someone who doesn't speak English will understand English if its said louder and slower. And who enjoys seeing an ar$ehole like that engaging in that behaviour? Pathetic.
  19. Harsh AND unfair, have some sympathy for us in the frozen ar$e-end of civilisation!
  20. Take a walk in my shoes - I'm in Aberdeen - there's next to no cool gear up here locally so if I see something tasty that's collection only I'll ask. If you don't ask, you don't get. No need to get your nose out of joint - I can read, why do you think I'm messaging to ask if you'll reconsider? I'm not some flecking illiterate chancer, I'll have you know!
  21. I always ask before I bid if they'll reconsider the "collection only" policy. If I hear back in the negative (or don't hear back at all), I don't bid.
  22. We were supposed to be playing a gig tonight but the roads north of Aberdeen are really bad, RTCs on both sides of the main dual carriageway heading out of the city. For safety's sake, considering 3 out of the 4 of us live in the frozen wastes north of Aberdeen, we decided to cancel the gig. The venue were understanding, which is a bonus. Stay safe out there, everyone.
  23. I use an earlier incarnation of this, cuts strings fine.
  24. You've only had the bass a few days, you haven't even had a full volume go with it and you're asking about replacing the pickups? Give them a chance to impress you before you decide they're somehow lacking! I've been where you are - it's an expensive business and leads to more sideways moves than actual upgrades. At least give it a few weeks and a fair go before even thinking about such things...
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