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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. You said you didn't know what route one is. I defined it. TL:DR - knobs, fnar fnar.
  2. Direct, straight for the jugular, asking someone about their knob(s) without even commenting on the current weather conditions...
  3. Looking good. An effect I hope to replicate on my Les Paul, albeit going from chrome to gold
  4. It sometimes doesn't translate. Lobster's discord server is a bit like that sometimes - but not to the same degree as that, more just like asking if I'm being mean rather than deciding I am being mean and getting a timeout or whatever. Either that or the intended effect is lost on people. There are things I would say here that I just don't bother with in a more US-centric setting. It's just the way it is. We can't expect everyone to be on board with our particular brand of humour.
  5. Epiphone Jack Casady Signature - Jack Casady was involved in its design (particularly the pickup), Jack Casady takes his basses for using on tour straight from the factory, "no ringers" as he puts it. I have nothing more to say on the subject other than I believe this is how signature instruments should be *mic drop*
  6. But that's a result! Why? If the manager got a roasting from the CEO, they're unlikely to muck you about again. I get that principles are expensive but this sounds like a noseless face to me.
  7. They clearly never thought Newcastle would get that far. 15 minute setup? You must have us confused with "Instant band in a box, just add water".
  8. Into the lion's den today of Glasgow guitar shops. I'm not participating this year so think of it as me going so you don't have to. Stay strong, bass brothers and sisters...
  9. Regurgitation - have you forgotten how good it tastes?
  10. Even happened to me once with the covers band (minus the unpaid bit). Booked to play at the social club of a football team out in the sticks. Due to a toxic combination of other stuff going on in the town and a lack of promotion (maybe they thought they didn't have to), absolutely no-one turned up. Not a sausage. Played the first set to 2 bar staff. At half time they told us we could just stop, but paid us anyway. We're booked there again so hopefully the football club will actually have some supporters this time. The date? April 1st... made me chuckle and ask several times if it's a genuine booking
  11. One person's choice is another person's blasphemy. I wouldn't go that far, personally - I'm quite capable of ignoring the slim BBs because they don't appeal to me. But I'm sure there will be people out there who froth at the mouth and brandish pitchforks at the thought of them...
  12. I just about spat my tea out at the price of 'em!
  13. I'm not a fan - kinda flies in the face of the name "broad" bass. Old school tubby BBs for me
  14. I use the spare leads at rehearsals. I assume batteries will be good until their expiry date. But that does remind me that I ought to check that DI - it does tend to live in its box...
  15. Is it time for this thread again? I'm one of these irresponsible, unprofessional blaggards who doesn't take a spare bass or amp. I have a Behringer preamp/DI which I can use to go through the PA in an emergency. I do take spare strings, leads, batteries etc. Usually they have been used to bail other people out...
  16. If a song ends on the same notes repeated while the drummer does an ending, I'm fond of a "machine gun the audience" type move...
  17. I rarely remember to flick a switch to change pickups during a gig, never mind tweaking an active EQ. Added to the fact that I'd say that the majority of the audience don't care as long as they hear the songs they expect and it isn't egregiously wrong sounding is the reasoning behind my movement away from active basses. Even recording with passive doesn't bother me - just run it with the tone wide open and all the EQ and even the effects can be done in post these days.
  18. I'm heading in the opposite way, all passive these days, with my final active bass in the process of being made passive once more.
  19. Wood's rather soft on matches. Cocktail sticks are better.
  20. Debatable? Hardly worth appointing a chair for what will simply boil down to another syntactic/semantic bun fight, imo.
  21. It's what all the cool kids are doing. Well, it's what I'm in the process of doing to my black Epiphone Les Paul. I blame Squier for that black and gold Precision they put out recently.
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