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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I did play mine last night and had a lot of fun
  2. Congrats, enjoy. I think I'll play mine at band rehearsal tonight
  3. Tribute bands are different - they are as much about dressing a certain way and using similar/same instruments to the ones used by band being paid tribute to. Tribute bands aren't a style of music - that is a band type. I stand by my statement that no bass is tied to any one genre of music (questions like "is bass X good for genre Y?" - the answer is always yes). Play nursery rhymes on your Fodera if it makes you happy! Some basses are better at being basses than others, but that's another matter entirely.
  4. No bass is tied to any one genre of music. Play what you like on whatever you like.
  5. The magic smoke has been let out, sad times
  6. Velbon (tripods) - Faultless. I have a decades old Sherpa tripod and the quick release lever broke. They sent me a replacement FOC. Schaller - faultless. While I was restoring the Gibson Victory it had a broken tuner (screw broke inside the capstan). Turns out the tuners were Gibson branded M4S units. I emailed them asking for a replacement capstan and screw, asking for a price of course. They sent me FOC 4x the parts I was looking for, a sticker and a bunch of picks. Was emailing back and forth with the MD most of the time too. They had absolutely zero obligation to do anything. Respect. AMD (computer processors) - bit of a funny one this. I was looking to buy a K6-III processor to replace my K6-2 and couldn't find one anywhere. So I guessed the email address of someone fairly high up in the company who was quoted in an article online and had a good moan about availability and asking where I could find one. I guessed correctly and to my amazement, she replied. Not to tell me to naff off - quite the opposite. My brass neck must have impressed because she offered to send me one FOC and asked if that would make the situation better! Hell yeah! She wasn't joking and a few days later I received a 450MHz K6-III. It was a good 'un too, overclocked to 500MHz no bother. Still dumbfounded to this day.
  7. Just checking I was right. I nearly spat my tea out when I saw Gibson mentioned in this context of companies that do things right
  8. Irrelevant, seeing as you seem to own all of them
  9. Not everyone lives on here, you know...
  10. I've only ever left a couple of bands. One time it was very boring, I just felt like I had too much going on and I quit the one I had been with the least time and hadn't written any songs for. The other time, it was personal.
  11. Geez, still a lot of outdated thinking out there then. I'm of the opinion that no bass is tied to a particular genre of music and the people who care about that sort of thing are listening with their eyes.
  12. What people? Most folk at gigs I've played wouldn't care/notice if I used a rubber band stretched over a saucepan as long as it sounded good. You must have quite the geeky/discerning audience.
  13. I'm bloody glad of "sleeper" brands like Yamaha and G&L. I get to play great instruments and feel like I'm part of a wee, exclusive club, the membership of which swim in a slightly different direction to the mainstream - my kind of people.
  14. Or any old P bass and put G&L MFD split in there for an SB-1 wannabe with an acceptable headstock?
  15. The G&L Tribute L-2000 I owned had the chunkiest neck I've ever played on a 4 string, and I like chunky necks. Jazz necks can get in the bin as far as I'm concerned
  16. Assume nothing - put up a pic of the back of the headstock so we can better advise.
  17. Really, swear filter? A$$ is an animal. Weird-a$$ is a colloquial adjective. It doesn't necessarily mean "bum".
  18. I like the G&L headstock. Bloody moaners complaining about a wee pointy bit. You're wrong. Fight me
  19. Eh, it doesn't bother me either way. Got all the main types No pickguard - Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass Traditional, screwed down pickguard - G&L Tribute LB-100 Weird-a$$ pickguard attached with a bracket - Epiphone Jack Casady No pickguard but has control plate - G&L CLF L-1000, Reverend Triad They are what they are. The only "disadvantage" I can see of not having a pickguard is for the manufacturer, who has to rout the body front and back now instead of just in the front.
  20. Have faith - my 13 year old s#itbox sailed through its last MOT with only a few advisories, it does happen
  21. At least it's proof that some people use the search function
  22. Ach, you caught me using one to pry it open
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