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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. And with that, Pandora's box lid flew open
  2. Humans make a mistake, film at 11.
  3. I think I should have been clearer with my rather truncated statement which now that I read it does make me look like a bit of a douche. It has been sometimes true though - in times of trouble I've had to focus on my own situation and be less concerned with the difficulties of others. I don't think I need to apologise for that - I'm not a saint. But I do need to apologise for being a grump, so, sorry for being a grump. Gen Xers can be grumpy too, boomers - in fact, we'll out grump you, you old timers! FWIW I try to help people with their physiological needs by helping run and contributing to a community food larder, and it bothers me that it needs to exist at all.
  4. We have a house. We've had a few wobbles along the way trying to keep it (bass fire sales, debt restructuring etc.) so frankly I don't care how easy/difficult it is/was for other people.
  5. I'm on 9 and a bit months, if we're flexing here Ahh, you win.
  6. 12 years since last bass purchase? First new bass ever? Hand in your badge and gun - how have you managed to hide in plain sight all this time when you're so clearly BCing wrong? Kidding aside, congrats and enjoy that new bass/case smell...
  7. If your bandmates haven't complained/noticed then I don't see what the problem is. We replaced our sax player a few years ago and he plays the older songs his way. I wouldn't expect him to be a carbon copy of the previous sax player.
  8. That P bass has been getting freaky with some alien life forms, but it's still a proud parent.
  9. You're about 11 years too late, but if you can find one second hand... https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2011/03/26/gibson-releases-thunderbird-short-scale-bass/
  10. Why? IIRC back in the day there was some rumblings of Fender being legally unhappy with Gibson regarding the original reverse Thunderbird which spooked Gibson enough to redesign it. That's why. Totally ready for the QI klaxon to go off
  11. No need to apologise, one less person looking for the same things as me is always a good thing
  12. Ooh, that's a very personal question! Assuming we're talking about basses Epiphone Jack Casady Most G&Ls (L-1000 in particular) Good (in my opinion) Gibsons 3 pickup basses Fat Yamaha BBs (the slimmer bodied ones aren't true BBs in my opinion - the B stands for Broad) P basses which are subtly different from Fender/Squier (like my G&L Tribute LB-100) Humbuckers
  13. Yup. They leave me utterly cold.
  14. I think it's ugly because it's a Jazz
  15. It wasn't meant to be an exhaustive list of all non-flying personnel in the RAF
  16. I have Christmas AND a birthday to navigate in that time. I have £500 burning a hole in a savings pot in my bank account that was set aside for the utilities price hike which never (fully) happened. I have ideas of making my Epiphone Les Paul passive again, and fitting a 10 way switch to my Reverend Triad. Neither things need to be done this year. Must. Stay. Strong.
  17. In response to above, I don't think monitoring stuff counts - it's PPE, innit and removing a wire makes it safer, so I think this is fair enough. So, October now, who's still in, apart from me?
  18. Pilots got to eat, pilots got to be told where to fly?
  19. Jack Casady had a Les Paul Signature back in the day, he liked it but he didn't care for the pickup. He helped tweak and refine the Gibson low impedance pickup to sound like he wanted it to. “In 1985 I was living in New York and happened to stop in a music store one day and saw a goldtop, full scale semi-hollow Les Paul bass. I loved the bass but found the pickup to be deficient…I did a little investigating and found out that only about 400 of the instruments were made in 1972 and because it was kind of an odd duck, it didn’t catch on.” “I approached Gibson and asked if they would be interested in reproducing the bass with my input. Epiphone’s Jim Rosenberg was very interested, and allowed me to kind of re-make the instrument. I told Jim that I’d like to develop a Jack Casady pickup for it and he hooked me up with the R&D Department at Gibson.” “I went to work on the pickup and it took almost two years to develop. I think they were getting pretty antsy by this time but I wanted it right. I did a lot of homework and bench testing and finally when it clicked in right, it was great. They blow the old Gibsons to smithereens, even in the construction. As you know, the early 70s weren’t good for cars or guitars (laughs) and the workmanship that’s coming in on these instruments is just super.” From https://bibliolore.org/2014/04/13/jack-casadys-signature-bass/ "We duplicated the pickups as they were on the old '72 model but then I took the pickup and added more Alnico power to it, another three quarters of an Alnico magnet on the other side. Also I took a page out of a lot of lap steels, I took the windings that were used for those pickups and used a higher gauge wire. I used a 28 gauge wire, very thick. I wanted to thicken the sound up, and they said that I could do anything I want. I could add one pickup, two pickups, three pickups. I said what I want is one great pickup that I can have at any expense." From https://www.flyguitars.com/interviews/jackCasadySignatureBass.php ... Of course, some people prefer the old Gibson Lo-Z pickup so sometimes you see Epiphone Jack Casady basses out there with the old 70s pickup.
  20. Good things happen when artists get involved in the nitty gritty of designing their signature models, like the low impedance pickup in the Jack Casady Sig. When it's more than just a colour combo and a signature decal/engraved neck plate.
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