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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. https://www.wood-database.com/sweet-chestnut/ It's pretty soft, but it's a little harder than basswood and that gets used for making solid bodies all the time. (Basswood for comparison - https://www.wood-database.com/basswood/)
  2. The bus passes are sunburst/tort too?
  3. Just about the time the free bus pass comes through, eh?
  4. Depends on the type of nut on the end of the truss rod - if it's removable you could take the nut off, thread on a few washers then tighten up again to give you some more threads to work with.
  5. This is "basses on the settee", not basses next to the settee!
  6. Why can't he do both? I'm in two bands with my drummer and that's when he's not off doing misc side bands from time to time. We're in a very similar position - one originals band which gigs occasionally and writes songs and a rock covers band which gigs much more frequently. They rarely clash and at times it's been helpful for the originals band to be able to borrow PA etc. on rare occasions where they play places with no house backline.
  7. Van Morrisons - ahh good, the groceries are here.
  8. 20 frets? Centrally located pickup? Ever so slightly beefed up BBOT bridge? It's a P bass that had a fight with a dodecahedron and lost! I actually quite like how it looks. But it's like me in a new shirt - apart from the change of shirt, it's still the same barely proficient bass player!
  9. It just smacks of trying too hard to be different.
  10. Because it's both and neither at the same time?
  11. What does it matter? Is it arrogant? No, I don't think so. My personal thinking would be that if I had a new song, I'd probably want to have it somewhere in the middle of the main set, so if it goes over a bit meh then there's other songs to bring the set momentum back on track. But that's just me, and I'm not saying that others are wrong for thinking a different way. Of course, it would be nice to be in such a position - to have recognised songs for listeners to compare the new one to and make relative judgements about, but that's another issue entirely
  12. The silent part when one of the Wishbasses was shown, quality moment, genuine LOL.
  13. Also, the answer is P bass, you're all wrong, fight me. *record scratch*
  14. A strange yet soothing calm descends over the forum. Biscuits resume their tea dunking and the newspapers stop being rustled.
  15. If you go back and edit the very first post of your thread, you should be able to edit the title of the thread also. That would render all this discussion null and void and put it all to bed.
  16. Vienradzis, vispārējs, means the same thing, doesn't it, @nilorius?
  17. Respectfully disagree on the ugly verdict. As for weight, well there are lighter basses at the centre of a black hole
  18. Well I could take it one further and suggest that the J pickup gets replaced with a DiMarzio also, so that the pole pieces also match...
  19. It might look more balanced if the neck pickup is replaced with a DiMarzio Model One with black cover.
  20. Unicorn == unobtainable (or at least super difficult), mythical. The only thing it has in common with the word universal is that it starts with the same three letters. Also, the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
  21. Is there anything "universal" about you other than you breathe oxygen? You do breathe oxygen, right?
  22. It's really just the pickup placements and types that made me say that, coupled with the fact that this bass might stand a chance of balancing on a strap unlike a long scale EB/SG style.
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