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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Is this Fender just saying "ha ha Gibson, look, we can even make an EB-3L better than you"
  2. Perhaps I meta'ed the whole thing because of the use of the word "universal". I saw beyond myself and had a realistic think about bass players/bass playing in general. If it's just another free-for-all scrum of personal opinions then you're all wrong, my basses are the best basses in the world until I sell them and get other ones which are the best basses in the world
  3. You say that, but from a Gibsonhead here - universal == Precision bass. I'll embellish: I like Gibson basses BECAUSE they're weird, because they have foibles, because they're relatively uncommon. All those attributes which I deem to be positive pretty much knock them out of contention when it comes to universality. I'm not that blinkered. Gibson have made several choices along the road which ended up practically guaranteeing that they would forever be outliers in the bass world. Including the latest choice of the past few years - don't bother.
  4. The Specials, "Nite Klub" If there were any unwitting musicians in the music shop when I was trying/buying my first bass - The Stranglers, "Peaches".
  5. They're pretty rare, relative to Artists and Standards, so you'll have plenty of time to build up your strength in the gym before you find one
  6. Bloody poor showing in Scotland north of the central belt - where are all my bass playing teuchters at?
  7. All they'd have to do is not make the body out of maple which was pretreated in a black hole I disagree about messing with the electronics - the circuit in the Victory Artist is pretty clever - good range on the 2 band EQ in active mode, full passive mode (bass and treble cut only) and a notch filter for scoopy, slappy stuff if that's your thing.
  8. So, is this confirmation that the word "mono" means "defective" to Gen-Z?
  9. I don't think this conversation would have been necessary if you'd done it wrong
  10. There's also "roaster", which is a Glaswegian term of endearment... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=roaster
  11. Despite my reputation, I've been pretty omnivorous the whole time I've been playing. I've played gigs with Gibsons/Epiphones, Fenders/Squiers, and many others on the periphery of the neverending great holy war. I believe that as long as I have roundwounds and humbuckers, I'll sound like me.
  12. Simmer down, it has only been an hour!
  13. Sorry, I've heard neither so I can't comment. Why do you want to change? What do you hope for with the change?
  14. That was the first song I learned (on the bottom four strings of a guitar) in order to have something to play when I went to try and buy my first bass.
  15. Because the basses are nice? Because the bass player likes them? Because they can? Because it matches their outfit? Because your definition of "expensive" might not be the same as theirs?
  16. Rosewood one looks nicer to me, but it's purely an aesthetic choice.
  17. Distinct lack of teuchters - there must be more than three highlander bass players out there!
  18. Followed by wondering why they bothered?
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