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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I would say the Epiphone Jack Casady is way too expensive to be considered "budget" gear in this context. Also consider that there is no more expensive option to buy a comparable product new from Gibson so it's the budget version/alternative of... nothing.
  2. At least it sounds like you avoided being on the route to the bogs and having to Bill Wyman it every 30 seconds or so.
  3. Way ahead of you - the peacocking started the moment it came in the door
  4. I've done that before. That's why there's annotations on the set list along the lines of "TUNE BACK UP TO E FFS!"
  5. Gigging Friday and Saturday last weekend. Friday was in the Balaclava in Fraserburgh. Arrived to find the pool table still in use where we should be setting up. Surprised by the guys who playing apologising and offering to get out of our way mid game - please, finish your game, it's all good! Good gig in the end, decent crowd - one of those ones where it would happen in waves - a group of folk would be in and dancing for a few songs, then they'd leave but soon another lot would come in and take their place. Slinky dance moves from the table of folk nearest us. One lady almost took out one of our lights as she pitched towards it but it was rescued. Genuine overbalancing due to overcommitting on the dance moves rather than an annoying drunk person, she was very apologetic afterwards - no harm, no foul! Fun night, enjoyed it. Saturday was in Wilsons in Aberdeen. Bit of an odd one. First half was great, there was a hen party in so you can imagine the antics, lots of dancing, good times. Unfortunately, when we went for our break, they left. Second half was less busy and I could see the shy folk up the back enjoying the songs but not enough to come down the front and say hello. Ahh well. Kinda wish we hadn't taken a break now. Drummer's snare failed part way through a song - bottom skin shredded. Luckily he had a spare snare with him so it was a quick swap between songs. On the plus side, my best mate came to see us for a bit, and a fellow bass player I know came up after for a nerd out about basses and amps, said my tone was good and coming through nice and clear so that was nice. Both gigs I played the Reverend Triad. It's a great bass, I'm really enjoying it - neck is lovely - great fretwork, roasted maple back, minimal finish, mmm.
  6. As the dust settles from a busy weekend of gigs, I'm pleased to report that the Reverend Triad passed with flying colours. Light and well balanced, I wasn't even using one of my usual neoprene straps but it didn't matter - hardly noticed it on my shoulder/back. With a Neotech strap on there I'll be to play it for hours without thinking about it. Neck felt great as I was playing, and I felt that connection with it that happens when I'm really enjoying playing a bass that gives me that extra 10%, the confidence to throw a slightly more complex fill in there or really nail the timing on a difficult section. Only downside was buggering about with the pickup switching meant that I forgot to stomp on my OD pedal a couple of times. Not the bass's fault that I'm so easily distracted of course, but something to watch out for if you're normally a "set and forget" type like me To cap it all off, a bass player I know came up after and complimented my bass tone, said I was coming through loud and clear (oh god, I hope there weren't any huge clangers then!). Really pleased with the bass. Would recommend a Reverend to anyone looking for something a bit different from the norm.
  7. Yuck. Ironing is only done in this house on an as and when required basis. I ironed my shirt for last night's gig and that's it. I guess it helps that I don't wear shirts to work.
  8. Thoughts? It would be nice to be in a position where the price of custom shop basses had any relevance whatsoever to my life...
  9. They always make a beeline for the singer. If the interaction takes longer than a few seconds I start playing something repetitive and obviously pisstaking on the bass, gets a laugh from my bandmates/sober people
  10. Yup, tasty bridge replacement with a Schaller 3D bridge and agree that it was probably worth £29 on its own That's a score! I have nothing further to add, @Bassassin has been tagged twice now and I have little doubt he will be along shortly to tell you what you have in full, explicit, hardcore, technicolor detail...
  11. But... but... he's supposed to be indestructable
  12. I quite like that, but that's coming from a Les Paul (non oversized body) bass player. It's basically a regular sized Les Paul body with a bass neck jutting out of it. I enjoy the preposterousness of it all
  13. Can I pitch in here if we're talking about website layout/design? Who thought it was a good idea to make you click on a link to expand the manufacturer filter 10 at a time? You miss and the pointer goes off the menu by a pixel then it disappears and you have to start again. Sucks if you want to filter for Yamahas. Just display the whole list, it's not THAT long.
  14. I think they're all a bunch of crooks, and requiring us to take out insurance against their mistakes is a total racket, so the best thing you can do is make your parcel as courierproof as possible. And don't, for the love of god use Hermes/Evri or Yodel. Those two would find a way to deliver Captain Scarlet in multiple pieces. To your roof.
  15. Don't mess around with a bass you like. If it's important enough that you're asking how to do an incredibly bothersome thing which won't even look half as good as the real thing, just get the real thing. Doesn't have to be a fancy/expensive P - or will the same folk you're wanting to convince that you're playing a P with a disguise get arsey about you playng a Squier instead of a Fender? Also, to hell with folk like that, they can get in the bin.
  16. Classic Pro, as in 3 point bridge and Gibson TB+ pickups? Is the issue that burst == boring?
  17. Because I only started playing in my thirties, I'm on the fast track/crash course. Unless I'm still playing in my eighties, then I'll know the crash course didn't work
  18. Indeed. CURSE YOU, RED BARON!
  19. Is the use of particularly British idioms cricket in this situation though?
  20. Rule 1: don't be a d!ck. Comes way ahead of competency, musicianship or any other considerations.
  21. I have a Reverend Triad and I have to say that I am very impressed with it, it feels very "premium" in the hands and there are some great sounds in there. GLWTS
  22. Yes, the battery will drain as long as you have the bass plugged in, regardless of whether or not the preamp is doing anything. The passive/active switch only switches between the passive output from the pickups or the output from the preamp going to the output jack, it doesn't control the power to the preamp. On the plus side, this means that the bass will still work in passive if the batteries die (it even works if you pull the battery out entirely - I've done this on an L-2000 and then the preamp switch effectively becomes a kill switch.
  23. That's exactly what I think. Yay, I'm not being crazy. Or maybe there are two crazy people in the world regarding this topic 🤪
  24. I'm going to shut the hell up now, I'm clearly taking the phrase far too literally and it's annoying me (and probably annoying you too).
  25. That is sad, but in all seriousness I just do not get this "guilty pleasure" concept when applied to basses. Why are you feeling guilty for enjoying a bass? Did someone decree that playing bass was illegal and I missed the memo? Did you buy it instead of paying your mortgage/rent and are now playing it in/on your car/cardboard box/park bench? Did you steal it? Are some people telling you that you shouldn't be playing that bass and if so why does that opinion matter so much? Is it just a extension of the general purpose guilt I sometimes feel simply for breathing air? I feel not one shred of guilt when I play any of my basses, I earned the money to buy them fair and square (or a certain lovely wife bought me one recently) and I couldn't give even a single hoot what anyone else thinks of them. You like 'em because you like 'em, that ought to be good enough of a reason for any nosey parker.
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