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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Where is all this guilt coming from?
  2. I need help, I saw the block inlays first.
  3. That looks pretty f'd to me. Even if it wasn't the issue, I'd probably replace it anyway. At least if you replace it and things still don't work then you can turn your attention to something else, like the crossover.
  4. I suppose I took a break during the pandemic. I was worried during the lockdowns that I had fallen out of love with playing bass - I think I picked up and played a bass twice in as many years. I was giving some serious thought to jacking in the bands. However, I decided to go back to rehearsals once they were allowed to see how I felt and I'm glad I did. So yes, I took a break (albeit enforced) and came back. What I realise now is that I have no love for playing bass by itself (unless I'm learning new songs) - I derive my pleasure in it by playing with others in bands. If you want to take a break, by all means do so. Usual stuff applies - don't have a fire sale of all your gear right away etc.
  5. Your bass, you do you. I have nothing useful to add as I'm not a Stingray guy. At least if you don't do the neatest job of the neck pickup route it can be hidden with the pickguard. Best of luck.
  6. What happens to damaged Fender basses? They just get played don't they? They're broken as designed! Sorry, I'm here all week, try the veal etc.
  7. Guilty pleasure? No such thing. You like 'em, good for you. Take one of them to your next blues/roots gig, take extra pleasure in any tuts you may receive and have fun! There are no rules! Take a Hofner Club to a death metal gig! Play a BC Rich Warlock in church! Just try to remember to wear clothes - there are rules about that
  8. I may have got the wrong end of the stick when talking to the guys in Merchant City Music in Glasgow but what I came away with was that they're basically the importers for Reverend for the entire UK, so not only do they sell Reverend, but they distribute them also. It seems like they keep most of the basses to themselves - only ever seen Reverend skinny stringed guitars in other vendors - whether that's a deliberate act or the other vendors simply don't want to sell the Reverend basses I do not know. Or like I said, I may have got the wrong end of the stick entirely here - someone please correct me if you know better. This Triad, using bathroom scales, weighs in at 3.9kg (8lb 9.5oz). It does not feel objectionably heavy to me, and I should know having owned and played a few 12lb+ maple bodied Gibson beasts!
  9. Finally got off my lazy butt and changed the strings for my preferred D'Addario EXL165 (45-105). I think the stock strings are a bit thinner than 45-105, the truss rod needed a 1/4 turn tighter and the intonation needed adjusting (saddles moved back). What a thrilling Friday night this has been That feels much better. I think we might have a gig next Saturday and if so it'll get its first live outing then.
  10. It's getting closer to the negative values it would have to be for me to have a Jazz, to be fair Seriously though, that's a stonking deal for those who enjoy the spindly neck.
  11. Since 2009 Panda Eyes - originals The Oxbow Lake Band - originals The Inevitable Teaspoons - current originals band Nine Lives - rock covers, current I'll take any questions now...
  12. Why are any jack sockets (except recessed ones) an issue when you use a right angled jack plug? I've always used a right angled jack plug and I've not noticed any issue with side or front mounted jack sockets, standing or seated. Am I weird? Am I missing out on some additional annoyance in my life?
  13. God, not another P bass, you've already got that covered. Lots of good ideas in here already so here's a left of field suggestion - just to be completely different - Epiphone Jack Casady. I don't subscribe to the notion that any particular bass should be preferred for any particular genre of music. If you want to play rock with it, go ahead and play rock with it - I play in a rock covers band with my JC and I haven't spontaneously combusted.
  14. I know - really hard to pull the "but I've always had this one" trick with settees and they're really difficult to hide.
  15. You're gonna need a bigger settee.
  16. Dunno, I'm pretty happy with everything. At some point I'll get around to investigating why the tweets in my cab don't work but there's a tweeter in the main combo so I'm in no rush.
  17. Thanks for the info. Me no likey.
  18. Here are my thoughts having played it at a band rehearsal. It feels lovely to play, very "premium", neck is smooth and not in any way grabby, there are no sharp fret ends, and those pickups may look narrow but they're damn pokey! Tried a bunch of settings while doing different songs. I think position 2 (neck+middle) is the best for more old school sounds. The bridge pickup soloed (position 5) was playing very nicely with my overdrive pedal (TC Electronics Mojomojo). Least favourite setting - 3 (middle on its own). It just seemed to have less character than the others and got a bit lost in the mix. Some of the eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted that I did not take my new toy to my gigs last weekend. That's because the stock strings feel much rougher than my usual and I didn't really care for them. Didn't notice while I was enjoying myself but my fingertips were a little cross with me after the rehearsal was over. So before it goes out to play properly, I'll be changing the strings for some D'addario XL nickels 45-105. Didn't have enough time to do it before the gigs, plus there's all the stretching and tuning (and possible setup tweaking as I've got no idea what the stock strings are). Next time...
  19. Option 2 all the way. Except in my reality it's the frequency of option 2 with occasional forays into the quality aspect of option 1. As it's a side hussle/hobby that pays for itself, I'm maybe a bit more tolerant of the occasional stinker of a gig.
  20. Last night was great fun! Played at Wilsons in Aberdeen to a great crowd who were really into the gig. Highlight of the evening was this old guy who was sitting at a table near us. He seemed to be digging the songs and was singing along to some of them. Then we played Enter Sandman. Well! This guy goes to a carrier bag and gets out a Guitar Hero "guitar" controller and proceeds to mime playing it in front of us. He had all the moves - playing it above his head and all sorts! The crowd thought this was amazing and it made for a memorable moment for sure. Such was the energy in the room that I threw a lot more shapes when playing than I normally do to the point where the other guys in the band were wondering if I had been substituted for someone else. I did a daft bit during Highway to Hell - because there's no bass for a long time at the start (and also the second verse), I just got a chair out and sat down, looked at the audience, shrugged a few times. It nearly went wrong though because when I stood up, my strap came off its button at the bottom. Somehow managed to get through the first chorus by pushing the bass against my thigh until I could sit down in verse 2 and sort it out. Was more careful when I stood up the second time! What a laugh all in all. We played really well and had a bloody good time as well. Got asked to play an encore. Had lots of people come up after we were done and say nice things to/about us. Landlord asked about our availability for next year (we're going back to Wilsons next month too). Can't really ask for more than that. Compact and bijou
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