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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. D'oh, I've just realised what I should have said when asked what I want manufacturers to do... GIVE ME FREE STUFF!
  2. G&L USA do that for you on your wee certificate.
  3. In a stepping slowly back, nodding and feigning agreeing with it kind of way maybe...
  4. Look at the state of this strap button on one of the ones I bought (and sent back) The second attempt went back because of terrible buzzing from the electrics. Bang up job, Gibson. Home run.
  5. What do you expect when their parent company can't even do reissues/tributes properly? Left - original 70s G-3 Right - Grabber 3 70s "Tribute"
  6. Easy, tiger. Your reply did seem out of sync and it had me scratching my head too as to its relevance. I guess I'm a bad guy now too, yeah?
  7. Do Not Feed The Trolls, a moot point now, unfortunately
  8. That's a point, I don't know/want to know how many have passed through the revolving doors here. Probably well on my way to 50.
  9. 5 basses Epiphone Les Paul (not so) Standard Epiphone Jack Casady Signature 20th Anniversary G&L CLF L-1000 G&L Tribute LB-100 Reverend Triad 1 amp RedSub BT5110 1x10 combo with removable head 1 cab BFM Omni 10
  10. What do you think of bass X? They're great! They're crap! Meh. Obliquely racist stuff about how the ones from a certain country are better than the current stuff made in a different country. SUPERFANBOI SAYS BUY ONE NOW Lather, rinse, repeat
  11. I'm on my third. I've learned my lesson and stopped selling them. The Epiphone Jack Casady is probably my favourite bass of all time. It has attributes which technically should annoy me (brain dead bridge, only 20 frets), so for it to push itself to the front in spite of them should say something about how intangibly good I find them. Sounds great, nice neck, light, fun with feedback if you want to explore that. I play mine at any gig. I don't pigeonhole basses into genres. It gets played at rock gigs, or with my originals band which is kinda ska-ish. They're not for everyone. But you'll have to kill me to get my 20th Anniversary JC off me. If I won the lottery, I'd collect for fins. All the finishes. I'd have a JC room.
  12. Judge for yourself - these were done with the forstner bit into "thin air"
  13. Got my threads mixed up - the info is already above...
  14. Is that a general question to all? If so, yes, when I did it I drilled new pilot holes with a dremel and an appropriately sized bit for the screws when they were in different places. Generally I was too lazy to fill the old ones - I would have done if I was doing the job for someone else.
  15. Using a drill press with the drill off, address the piece with the bit, spin it by hand to check clamping location by eyeballing it in two axes, clamp it, drill on, drill for real. If that's too wooly for you, I get it, but I'm happy with the results I got.
  16. It's probably an OK price for a shop. Not much 1024 action on eBay recently - a white 1024X sold in October for £469 - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115566153584
  17. How rough are we talking? Would you not be better taking a 414 or a 424, if relative disposability is the goal?
  18. Thank you from a denizen of NE Scotland for qualifying which NE you're talking about, most don't bother
  19. That's pretty annoying (and I conceded that it was noteworthy if it was unplayable), but I appreciate your not extrapolating that out to cover the entire output of the whole factory.
  20. I can only speak with clarity about my one recent G&L Tribute (an LB-100, bought in Dec 2021), but nothing springs to mind about ones I've had in the past. The only flaws I found were as follows: Furry nut slots - yeah, a bit untidy, I picked away the swarf because it bugged me. Shielding - fscking awful, partially daubed shielding paint in the control cavity. I lined it with copper tape. Knobs - I don't recall them being askew - I replaced them with flat tops because I think the dome tops look cheap - just a personal preference. No fit, finish or fretting issues on mine. As far as setup goes, I really don't care - I do my own setups anyway. I don't expect a bass to arrive set up for me so I don't think it's fair to list any setup issues in a critique of a newly arrived bass unless it was so far out of whack as to be unplayable.
  21. A dangerous flirtation with failure (only within the context of this thread, of course!)
  22. Ooh, that sounds good, what have you got? Hey! Wait a minute! Ahh, you almost had me.
  23. F next year, a year off is more than enough! I will approach 2023 like I haven't learned a thing from this experience
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