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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Well, I'm still active in the Gear abstinence thread and if all goes to plan I won't be acting upon this until 2023, so there's plenty of time for you to use those Drivetrains for something and let me know how you get on Firebuckers are mini humbuckers - too small (and probably 6 distinct poles rather than rails). The Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass takes regular sized guitar humbucker shaped pickups, mounted into rings just like the skinny stringed guitars. If I was going to choose Warman it would have to be the Drivetrain or perhaps the Warblades.
  2. Could probably flog it for a tenner if you don't like it? Net cost of £7? Have I negotiated that below your cost floor of experimentation, or do you have any Scottish blood in you?
  3. We are talking about a £16.99 pickup - just buy it and write it off if it's no good? I'm sure good bunch of folk on here have spent more than that on a few pints during a not too boisterous night out and had absolutely nothing to show for it except the experience. If you share your experience of this pickup with folk here then you'll have done the community a service, regardless of whether or not you liked the pickup. And it might be amazing!
  4. I have no experience with these pickups so I can't comment on their quality, relative to anything. I would say that no pickup change is automatically an "improvement" or a "downgrade". It's completely subjective and it's got nothing to do with how much the pickup costs. To my mind though, I wouldn't be maybe-ing around on a US Fender. If someone really wants to experiment it might be a wiser idea to obtain a beater Squier P and muck around with that. Thanks for the link BTW - I'm hatching a plan to (re)passify my Epiphone Les Paul bass next year - it has guitar humbucker sized pickups and that Warman Drivetrain quad coil monster will definitely be added to the list for consideration
  5. The OP got the money, you can all stand down now
  6. It makes me sad that this conversation even needs to take place. From my own point of view, if I come a cropper due to my own actions (getting plastered) and I cause something bad to happen because of that, that's on me. Sad state of affairs that there's so much abdication of personal responsibility these days that necessitates this kind of insurance.
  7. I refer to my obbm speakon cable as "the anaconda" I think it will outlast me.
  8. F'n condescending narcissist. Because you're the bad guy in all this, aren't you? Glad you got it sorted.
  9. You haven't really explained why you want to do this. Is there a better reason other than "I never use them"? I am also a tone all the way up kind of player, but I'm not modding all my basses to get rid of the tone pots...
  10. I doubt any discount offered would make up for the "just left the forecourt" depreciation...
  11. neepheid


    I think it's fine. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/jaffa
  12. Just to confirm what everyone said, always unplug active basses. Apart from the undoubted few oddbods which have a separate on/off mechanism, it is the insertion of the plug that completes the circuit and switches on the preamp. The battery drains regardless of whether or not you're playing - it'll happily sit there and amplify nothing and churn through your battery.
  13. Apologies to Sweetwater for nicking their picture. So close to perfect! I wish it had a matching black headstock and then either a blocks/bound maple board or something darker than the one it has (ebony - I know, never going to happen on a Squier) to complete that John Player Special look it has about it. It's pretty close though. I would be stoked if this was my first bass. It would be daft of me to get this one though when I bought a G&L Tribute LB-100 at the end of last year.
  14. It is well known that I don't like Jazz basses but that one looks like it's made of the various types of chocolate (and Caramac). Probably best I don't get one - I might eat it by mistake Enjoy!
  15. Not music gear but with a musical angle - selling my flat to a local musician/gig promoter I know was quite surreal. When he turned up at the door for a viewing my response was of a "what are you doing here?" type. He still bought it though
  16. Random course correction image.
  17. How did you never know about this? I'm guessing in the same way that it's news to me also!
  18. Not the right guitar? Says who? There is no right guitar unless you're in a strict tribute band. Crack on, I say.
  19. Additional - the G&L preamp on its own doesn't do very much - it's just a line boost with an optional treble boost. It relies on the passive, cut only treble and bass controls separate to it for tone shaping.
  20. Another potential fly in your ointment is that the control cavity in the Kiloton might not be large enough to accommodate three pots and the preamp board even if you make a separate battery compartment. That's a maybe - I haven't seen a Kiloton up close and personal but I just thought it might be an issue.
  21. I think you're correct from an electronic point of view - pretty sure it's the same good old regular MFD in there. You'll be short of a few holes in the bass though. You'll have to enlarge the middle hole to accommodate the second of three pots and make two new holes for the switches (series/parallel and passive/active/active with treble boost). So, a bit more work than you're suggesting...
  22. Fair enough, then I'll clarify - in the context of describing basses, the word "vintage" has been so misused (as in, thrown around like confetti) that I basically ignore it. That doesn't negate my ability to determine what a fair price for an instrument is. This phenomenon is not restricted to basses and guitars. I've seen 5 year old Lego sets with the word "vintage" in their description. Cue much eye rolling and "what-e-ver" from me.* It is possible that the word has evolved to mean "no longer available to buy new"? * - more like yelling "EFFING VINTAGE, ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME? THAT SET HAS GOT STUDLESS PARTS FFS!" at the screen...
  23. Why on Earth would you infer that from what I said?
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