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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Headstock chat detected End of thread
  2. Well I'll get the stock stupid answer out of the way (because I have no idea what this bass is worth). It's worth a fiver, which I am more than happy to give you in exchange for the bass
  3. It's everywhere online, less prevalent in person (where it actually takes some bravery/bravado to be mean to someone). Do I do it? No. Let the playing to do the talking. I know fantastic players who play Squiers. I would also say that the quality gap between the bottom and the top has been shrinking for some time now. I would happily gig a Squier - if I found one that tickled my fancy. F'n hate whisky snobs too. "How dare you put ice in that Glenwhatsitsface!" - p!$$ off.
  4. LOL what? I don't think that's the reason I'm unprofessional!
  5. Ahh, but if you spread the notion that bolt on is best... I am, of course, semi-joking around - just taking the paranoid side of life as per usual...
  6. Sounds more like less opportunities for the luthier/guitar tech to extract money from people to me I don't care either way. I've owned all three of the main neck join types. All my set necks and through necks have been made properly in the first place, so no shimming needed, or wanted. In all the dozens of basses that have passed through my hands, I've only ever had to shim one and that was a bitsa cobbled together from disparate parts which weren't supposed to work together in the first place anyway. A bass in its original configuration which needs shimming is defective IMO, and should never have left the factory.
  7. Reiterating what has been said, sounds like a bullet dodged - especially with the attempted pot stirring afterwards. I've never had to sack someone from a band. Can't imagine it's fun.
  8. Busy weekend... Friday - Cafe Drummond in Aberdeen with The Inevitable Teaspoons. A bit of a last minute gig (maybe someone dropped out, I don't know, I didn't organise this one) and very glad to get the 'Spoons off the mark in 2022 after COVID disrupted our previous plans in March. It wasn't super busy (Drummonds is quite a big room) but the folk that were there seemed into what we were doing with plenty dancing going on. Considering how long it had been since we played live last, I think we all played really well. Played the Epi JC Sig that night, and it sounded great. Saturday - The White Horse in Strichen with Nine Lives. After a barren May, we're back to a gig every weekend this month - feast or a famine! Was really worried at the start of the gig - no-one there apart from our entourage! Thankfully it did pick up and was pretty lively for the second set. Played a bit later than expected as some folk came in as we were finishing and expressed disappointment at this fact so we played a couple of extra tunes on the condition that they danced. I still don't get why people are surprised the band is finishing at midnight - I'm pretty sure the rules are there so that nearby homes get some sleep, but drunk folk probably aren't great at seeing the bigger picture. Played the G&L Tribute LB-100 and it was also excellent. Was going to take the G&L L-1000 but it needs some seasonal adjustment and I didn't have time/CBA to do it before the gig. Sunday - The Mormond Inn in Strichen with Nine Lives. Yes, a world tour of Strichen (a small village in rural NE Scotland). Outdoor gig, and we had a beautiful day for it. Unfortunately I think this was an attempt to eke the Jubilee weekend out to the end and it was all a bit too much for the hungover residents of Strichen. It wasn't very busy, played to maybe 20 folk on and off. We were also pretty tired (this being the drummer and I's third gig of the weekend) but we made a good go of it. Even though it was not very busy, one good thing came of it - a guy came across from one of the nearby houses, told us that he'd been listening to most of our set and thought we sounded tight (I'll take that, coming from a sober person), liked what we were playing and asked for a card as his daughter's 21st birthday was being arranged for later in the year and they were looking to hire a band for it. Hope that comes to something. Back to the Jack Casady for this one. It's Monday morning and I'm leaning heavily on the coffee this morning, but I'll drag myself through it This Saturday, back on it with Nine Lives and a new venue (for me, at least) - the Black Dog in Bridge of Don, Aberdeen.
  9. No. Friday happens, and people are fallible regardless of how much you spend
  10. Don't have one. I'm confident that any of my basses will handle any situation I currently find myself in. Sorry for the super boring answer.
  11. I'm ashamed to admit that when I saw the title of this thread I got excited that someone might be writing about my originals band. Doh! What an egomaniac. Carry on...
  12. Is this why I'm such a mediocre player, because I have all this superfluous stuff swimming around in my head instead of important things like "what comes next in this song I'm playing?"
  13. There's plenty of those on here
  14. Disagree - Drag Racer by Doug Wood Band means snooker. Soul Limbo by Booker T and the M.G.'s [sic] means cricket etc. EDIT - [sic] added before I get the apostrophe police come after me, it's a quote.
  15. Only a month to go to the half way point
  16. I find I generally know more about the products I'm interested in than the folk in the shop do. EDIT: I am not dissing them, they necessarily have to have a general, broad knowledge of lots of different things.
  17. Crucial small word got missed in the explaining - "as". When a noun is described as adjective AF, AF = "as f**k" which indeed means "very much so, in the strongest terms"
  18. In that case, I shall pass on these rocks and look elsewhere - they don't seem as solid as I first thought, thanks anyway Please excuse my sense of humour, sometimes I just can't help myself. One person's droll is another person's "who is this gobs#!te"?
  19. I miss my old school BBs. If I was to dabble again, it would have to be old school, passive reverse P, no bridge pickup so BB300, BB400, BroadBass VI, BB800 - BB1200 if I was feeling fancy... I had a BB434 a while back but it didn't feel right to me like the old ones did.
  20. You've never heard of U2? I'm looking to build a nuclear bunker, are you finished with the rocks you've been hiding under? They seem to be impenetrable!
  21. Pah, just something else to go wrong! More tat to bring with me, ooh me back. When I were a lad...
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