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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Pictures would help. Also - what are you doing to them that they "keep falling apart" on you? Even the cheapest tuners tend to stay in one piece, even if they're not very good at tuning.
  2. Ripper, not Grabber. Definitely was available as a factory fretless back in the day.
  3. Isn't that just how genres work? I found your generalisation to be a bit too dismissive - seemed to me like you were dismissing songwriting as an exercise in putting musical lego bricks together which I'm sure you can appreciate is like a red rag to someone who puts a lot of time and effort into writing songs because they aren't a genius at it. Having said that, sorry for the rather bombastic approach of addressing an exaggerated generalisation with an exaggerated response.
  4. Go and listen to my band's stuff and tell me who I've copied, I'd be really interested to know.
  5. Looks more like Capri-Sun Orange to me!
  6. Since I got all the modding for modding's sake out of my system, I've only changed tuners twice. One was a direct replacement of a broken one and the other was the tuners on an Epiphone Embassy. They were cheap and nasty with a lot of play in the rotation of them. They held tune ok but I didn't like how they felt at all so replaced them with some second hand Hipshot Licensed Ultralites I managed to score, but would have happily dropped in Gotoh GB707 or any other quality equivalent. "More tone" by replacing tuners? No.
  7. It's harder to make money with originals. I do both, FWIW.
  8. You can either have it cheap or in a myriad of colours. Not both. Economies of scale, even when buying lacquer.
  9. Even if it was free, sure, just bolt on a sales portal. 5 minute job with zero potential consequences and no ongoing maintenance. I've had more trouble falling off of logs before. No worries!
  10. Honestly, I'd say get an old pot and get practicing so that you get better at doing it properly instead of trying to find workarounds. The fact that you yourself referred to them as "cheat methods" implies that you know you should be doing it the correct way. +1 for roughing up the casing at the solder point before starting. Also, lead free solder is (in my experience) awful. I still have a stash of old skool leaded solder and it works great.
  11. +1 for the Yamaha Sessioncake. My only gripe about it is that it's battery only - yes, one can use rechargables but I would have liked a DC in option, especially seeing as it's so low voltage they could have used USB in and dialled it down internally from 5V to 3V.
  12. "Frothing"? Charming. Unless in this context it means "people not saying what I want to hear".
  13. Agreed. Separate Lefty section I can understand, I can imagine being a lefty is a pain and it's not like one chooses ones handedness. Beyond that one binary choice which is fairly easy to make I'd have to vote no. Besides, most manufacturers make lefties feel like lepers already, so shoving them off into their own little sub forum shouldn't feel like too much of an imposition Making more subfora would quickly become messy and increase the possibility of misposts, increase the amount of moderation/adminstration required. If you want a better marketplace with the granularity which could quickly develop then it would need to be an actual marketplace, using items with attributes which can be searched against/filtered. Trying to replicate this with simple subfora is like trying to build a house with a fork, knife and spoon.
  14. I see the problem - it's that Fender branded grolschlock sitting on a Gibson product. Matter and antimatter, there's clearly been an adverse reaction of some sort that's arced from strap button to strap button
  15. My effort was an attempt at humour, sorry it didn't land
  16. Let us know how your tuner-less US tour goes
  17. FWIW I still use mine as my practice setup. CBA with using the amp for practice. CBA with practice so the Sessioncake means it at least happens sometimes
  18. No, turns out you need friends as well as a cable to make that happen
  19. Force fed an L-1000 10 tonnes of butter?
  20. Did you get it? I gigged mine on Saturday night and it did a grand job. Can't say the bassist attached to it did though!
  21. Speaking personally, because I don't like to or want to, nor is it applicable to what I am playing or what I would want to play. Principally because I don't like how basses sound the higher they go. Everyone else is, of course, free to play their basses in whichever way they choose.
  22. Leaning towards option 2 here. Buy a replacement neck - second hand shouldn't be too much outlay. Your time has value - what do you get out of this by trying to do it yourself? Even if you did manage to sort it out, wouldn't the amount of time and effort involved make it a pyrrhic victory at best?
  23. Putin dies of a massive heart attack through overconsumption of pies, I'd be ok with that
  24. I think pie is a satisfactory answer to most problems. Let's say you have two people kicking lumps out of each other in the street. Are you seriously telling me that if I had two hot pies on me and I said "if you two stop fighting now, you can each have a pie" that they wouldn't at least consider stopping? @jd56hawk - if you stop putting the same effing picture of your basses up in almost every thread you participate in, I'll give you a pie? Worth a shot...
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