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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Bolt on neck joints - they really don't bother me. I'm sorry they bother you to the degree where you advocate their banning. Please don't ban half my basses! They've got a stupid name, I'll give you that. No bolts involved, even if you do one of those mods with threaded inserts and machine screws, because although a machine screw can function as a bolt it's not being used that way in this context (no nut - tightened against opposing thread). Whether or not they're responsible for a directly attributable change in the tone of a bass, I'm not touching that one. Over such things holy wars are fought and never really won.
  2. The pie IS the compelling reason to eat it. It is its own self contained reason to be eaten. It's just as well they're easy to make - if they were a creature they'd have gone the way of the dodo long ago! Gratuitous pie porn In Scotland we've got you vegetarians covered. Sometimes I prefer a macaroni pie to a steak pie, they're that good anyway. Finally, have a picture of a good old pork pie. All at least 30 mins before lunch, I am so cruel
  3. Ahh, thanks for reminding me, I forgot to mention the urine sponge
  4. Can confirm that this stuff works.
  5. No help for the OP but I had a left pinky problem on Wednesday - spilled lava hot soup on it straight from the microwave. There might have been an MF or two uttered. 20 mins under the cold tap and lukewarm soup - this endeavour was totally not worth it. Thankfully the scald was not on the fingertip so although it's still sensitive I am still able to play.
  6. While I play fast and loose what with not taking a spare bass to the gig (I know, my place in hell was reserved long before I started playing bass), my bag o stuff is probably overcompensating for something... Cables (instrument, XLR, speakon, power, misc small ones like pedal interconnects, DC power daisychain, USB power, 3.5mm aux audio in/out) Stand (foldy Hercules thing) Spare strings Tool kit Notepad Wee towel Spare T-shirt Duct tape Behringer DI/preamp thing (for amp emergencies) Pedal PSU Earplugs Clip on tuner (for pedal tuner fail) String winder Pedal tuner OD pedal 9V batteries Zoom audio recorder Phone charger (doubles as PSU for Zoom) That's all I can remember without having the bag to hand. Do I need all this stuff? Probably not. Perhaps I should consider a bag o stuff lite edition.
  7. I appreciate the nebulous nature of "you" to mean "one". Maybe it's just me but when I quote someone and use "you" in the text directly below it, I'm directing my response at the person I'm quoting. If I want to make a generic point, I'll word it in such a way as to make it clear that it's a generic, non-specific point. I wasn't asking for a lesson and I really didn't think I sounded like a total n00b when I wrote my initial post. That's my point and that's why my nose is a wee bit out of joint.
  8. I know what note is at which fret on which string already. I've already made that decision based upon my style and how I play the bass. I don't need to see the music behind the tab to make that call. I feel really talked down to right now. You NEED to do this, you NEED to do that. Was that your intention? You have no idea to what degree I suck at playing bass, and the degree to which I suck at playing bass has no bearing whatsoever on how utterly amazing you are so thanks for the pep talk, but I'm happy to wallow, roll around and generally indulge in the mud of my mediocrity and just have some fun.
  9. I find the "official" tabs on Ultimate Guitar to be pretty good on the whole (I think you have to subscribe to get them) - but that doesn't mean I have to agree with them all the time. There have been times when I've disagreed with the suggested fingering (thinks to myself - why did you play that there?) so I've done it the way that makes sense to me - it's just an interpretation after all.
  10. Took GG a while to get them up on the site, I've had mine (from GG!) for almost 2 months now because I ninja'd in and bought it via email Enjoy, let us know how you get on with it.
  11. I just got it out of the bag seeing as you mentioned it. Blocks on a P bass. I can forgive a lot for those looks. And for £350, absolute steal, even with the dodgy shielding. Fixed that with a fiver's worth of slug tape and a couple of hours work.
  12. On the whole, pretty pleased with it. Looks great, sounds like a P bass (thanks, Captain Obvious!), the hardware is excellent considering the price point as always. My only gripe - the shielding was shockingly bad. I ended up copper shielding the cavities myself because it was buzz city in our rehearsal room - fluorescent lighting and probably dubious electrics. See before pictures here - https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/460940-gl-shielding-grumble/ - forgot to take after pics but let me spare you the surprise, it's shiny and copper coloured now. As shown later in the thread, my USA G&L CLF L-1000 wasn't shielded at all, which surprised me. So depending on where you play yours, you might need to repel slugs and RF interference from yours too Grumbling aside, I actually really like it. When I got it I had 90% made up my mind to get a split MFD for it and make it into a quasi SB-1, but having played it post shielding job I'm actually quite enjoying it now as it is. So much so that I think I'll play it at my next gig on Saturday. Did you go Emerald blue or white?
  13. https://www.diy.com/departments/verve-slug-copper-tape/3663602556602_BQ.prd Used this recently and can confirm good conductivity when overlapped - tested with multimeter at various locations.
  14. I'm all about getting more or less the same for less. That's why you'll never see me with a USA G&L LB-100 over the Tribute model when A) it's basically a bloody P bass, how wrong can anyone get that these days and B) the quality improvements of a USA G&L don't justify the cost for such a garden variety instrument - in my opinion. Now I have a USA G&L CLF L-1000 and it's very nice - you do notice the little touches like a nicer roll on the fretboard edges and the fact that the side dots are half way between the edge of the fingerboard wood and the neck wood (which could only have been done after the neck was put together ergo more labour intensive versus putting the side dots into the fingerboard blank first and doing that en masse), pots feel a bit more substantial (hard to describe but because they turn a little less easily they feel more solid?). But if they did a Tribute L-1000 you can bet your life I'd have one of those because the extra £1000 isn't worth it (to me) for little touches like that. I think the sweet spot for receiving a (new) bass and not feeling like you need to change anything is around the £400-500 mark right now. Below that and something's going to have been compromised beyond some people's tolerance levels. I had an Epiphone Embassy last year - really liked the bass but the tuners were godawful - not flimsy per se but imprecise in use with a lot of play. They got replaced. The aforementioned G&L Tribute LB-100 had a comically bad attempt at shielding and couldn't cope with our fluorescent lit rehearsal room so I had to copper shield it myself. But as I am capable of doing these things (as well as doing my own setups, minor electronics work etc.) it only costs me parts and my time to do such necessary improvements to get a cheaper instrument up to an acceptable (to me) state and although I have been known to have a right good moan about the imposition of having to do such work/point and laugh at the comedy shielding, deep down I quite enjoy doing the work and really enjoy the satisfying feeling of having made something better.
  15. FYI, I just got a notification for a thread reply (not a quote or a reaction).
  16. Agreed, or it can make an expensive bass become the expensive bass it was supposed to be in the first place... A successful tactic to stave off the GAS for me this month has been to perform some maintenance to my basses. Solving little irritations like naff/non-existent shielding or things that rattle when you play certain notes is a very satisfying way to spend an afternoon and gives the instrument in question a new lease of life. I'm certainly much happier to be playing my G&L Tribute LB-100 knowing now that it won't buzz like a nest of angry wasps if I dare use it near fluorescent lighting
  17. Varies - I've had bitsas made of junk, and I've had basses which cost four figure sums. First digit always a 1 though - I'm not loaded! Why? Always been a bass butterfly, if I like it, and I can afford it, I want it Right now I guess my "cheapest" bass is my Epiphone Les Paul Standard - fourth hand now (that I know of, and I was owners 2 and 4), been modded, the fact that it's tricked out with EMG guts will mean hee haw. Can't imagine it would fetch more than £250 if sold, can't remember what I paid for it (either time). Next up it's a G&L Tribute LB-100 - these are around the £400 mark new. Then it's an Epiphone Jack Casady 20th Anniversary - new JCs are around £700 Finally I've got a G&L CLF L-1000 - you're looking at around £1500 for these new depending on finish
  18. I'm using dark theme and I'm only getting sporadic notifications - only about reactions or quotes but never about simple replies to watched threads. As mentioned by @Velarian I dunno if I got notified of every reaction/quote so I don't know how much of a pattern it is.
  19. I guess in the spirit of this thread I'd have to say... k-kitchen? That was difficult to type
  20. If it's for no good reason other than "yuck, no gurls allowed in our man space/club house" then I find that pretty short sighted and closed minded. My question would be does the legislation even apply, as in, is it a real "job" in the strict sense of the word? Pretty sure the legislation doesn't apply to hobbies.
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