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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Yeah, false dawn. I got a notification about a reaction to a post, but have had none about thread updates/replies
  2. I just got a notification 15 mins ago, maybe it's working again
  3. I haven't had any notifications for a few hours but there have been updates in some threads I'm subscribed to. Is something wrong?
  4. It's a hard no from me. I have come to the conclusion over many years and far too many basses that bridge pickups suck, both by themselves and suck all that I enjoy about the sound of neck pickups when blended. Doesn't matter if they're single coils or humbuckers. Edit: of course I'm talking about my personal preference, not meaning to sound like I'm spouting some kind of universal truth, apologies if it came across otherwise
  5. Agreed, I have found that songs coalesce better when you're all playing together, all making mistakes together and sharing ideas together.
  6. Translucent cherry red on a non Gibson instrument always gives me cause for a double take followed by an approving nod. Bit like seeing someone wearing something untypical for them but it really suits them. Please accept this approving nod.
  7. Sounds about right, and that's on the songs I start writing
  8. You don't know anything about me. Happy to rectify that for you. I do not want your bass bridge, for free or otherwise. I'm fully vaccinated and have never knowingly had COVID. I'm not a major fan of other people in general so unlike many, I've quite enjoyed the lockdowns. Some might say I had been rehearsing for them my entire life I've had my normal full time employment throughout the pandemic. The bills have remained largely the same. I don't have kids. Did I mention that I don't want your bass bridge? Just checking because I thought I was clear enough on that point in my previous post.
  9. What a dumpster fire this thread has become. You have killed any chance of me ever being interested in your product because it would necessitate dealing with you. You have been crass, unprofessional, shown a complete lack of ability to take criticism well, called people names, deflected when asked probing questions and been condescending. The only positive thing I can take from this is a lesson in how not to convince people to invest in your product. For all that I bear you no ill will and hope you turn this around and become successful in your endeavours, but it will be without my business.
  10. Happy to watch it from the sidelines with a smile on my face. Records were my Dad's thing, when I was a kid I had cassettes and moved to CDs from tapes so I never had my own vinyl (save for a couple of singles). The smile on my face is being happy to see a supposedly dead format enjoying quite the resurgence. Has it ever happened before in such a big way? Can't see it happening for VHS, or 5 1/4" floppy discs...
  11. Getting back on topic, it's an interesting design. I don't think it should be shot out of the water just because it's different. I'm not that interested in it per se, but at the risk of damning your innovation with faint praise, it looks like a better bridge than the Gibson 3 point
  12. Believe me, big manufacturers get it in the neck here too. The collective naysayers here are a fairly equal opportunities bunch.
  13. You might be able to cut a slot in the top of the remaining screw with a Dremel or similar rotary tool if it's sitting proud of the surface and try screwing it out with a flat bladed screwdriver? Also try heating the screw with a soldering iron then letting it cool - that might free it up a bit before attempting the above. Other than that, I guess drill, fill and redrill as you mentioned above.
  14. Well, that's +1 for authenticity for the CLF L-1000 then, yay!
  15. OHM, you're Pokemon-ing the crap out of G&L worldwide stocks right now
  16. Show us some pics of the current bridge and that might help us help you...
  17. Yup, definitely D'addario by the ball end colour coding
  18. See, G&L? If an amateur duffer like me can do it, surely you can too! I haven't done around the pickup yet - couldn't be bothered with the ballache of taking off the strings and removing the pickup so I'll try it this week in the offending room and see how it goes.
  19. Some routine maintenance a day keeps the GAS monster away. Last night I shielded my G&L CLF L-1000 (see rant in Tech forum). Tonight I took care of some annoyances on my Epiphone Jack Casady - namely that the Epiphone E on the pickguard was only stuck down in one place and the pickguard had developed an annoying sympathetic rattle when certain notes were played. So some careful use of double sided tape for the E and a general tightening up/adjustment of the pickguard later and it's all solid again, no rattles and the E is stuck down flush on the pickguard again. Feels better knowing that's taken care of. Then I played some tunes. Hang in there, bassfolk. Abstainence isn't easy, finding little ways to amuse oneself within the confines of the gear you have is key to lasting the course...
  20. I actually got a very keen price on the Tribute LB-100 so at least I feel like I got the incompetent shielding paint application thrown in for free
  21. The 1980s called, they want their gender/sexuality/occupation specific colours back.
  22. Warwick (Rockbag) do suitable ones - look for semi-hollow bass bags of theirs. I think they're intended to be used with their Starbass models, but I can confirm from experience that they also fit the Jack Casady. https://www.thomann.de/gb/rockbag_starline_hollowbody_e_bass_bag.htm - that's the one I had. There is a cheaper one but with commensurately less protection. My 20th Anniversary edition came with a gigbag. Frankly speaking I think all Jack Casady basses should be supplied with a gigbag - this is a £6-700 bass, not cheap by any stretch of the imagination and by providing the bag with the 20th Anniversary it just proves that they can do it when they can be bothered!
  23. Correct - G&L Tributes get the same pickups as USA. MFD pickups are the hotness. The series part of OMG mode explains the output boost but the rest is crazy "less is more" relativistic tone witchcraft.
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