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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Is that going to be released as a retail product, or is it a custom shop, one-off special?
  2. If you like the feel of wenge and the aesthetics of maple then go for it. Surely it's been done the other way around in the past - wenge board on maple so there shouldn't be any technical reasons why not (say maple and wenge not glueing together well or something)? Sound? I'm not diving into that can of worms. Someone will be along shortly to give their unscientific opinion on that
  3. In this case, isn't the monitor effectively a funny shaped cab with a more complicated signal path?
  4. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. The smiley at the end was insufficient to communicate my lack of malice and that's on me. I suspect that I'm more cynical than you.
  5. Of course it will be. They'll be buying sets of strings in the thousands each year. G&L are probably dealing with D'addario direct so they're cutting out at least 2 levels of BS/intermediaries compared to you and I buying them from a retailer. Also business to business direct trade probably sidesteps some taxes. D'addario will still make money on the strings they sell in bulk to G&L, they're not a charity
  6. No silks, colour coded ball ends, definitely D'addario XL. Makes sense for G&L to use them across the board - maximise economy of scale. Also shows a degree of care put into their Tribute range - they're not prepared to cheap out on strings in order to shave a bob or two off the production costs at a cost to the user experience. I appreciate that. Good on you, G&L.
  7. I don't think it counts - direct replacement of missing/defective item. Followed by replacement of whoever neglected to return your volume pedal. Hopefully when you communicate to them the pressing need for its return they'll do the right thing.
  8. So glad to get in before the lock. I might actually be tempted to sell something. Not that I'm trying to knock any of you out of the running, your willpower is your own concern
  9. It's want, not need you have to concern yourself with in this game
  10. What an unusual finish - in natural light it's a lot closer to the stock images - less green, more blue:
  11. More of a hope than a prediction but a continued improvement in quality and value at the cheaper end of the scale resulting in manufacturers making more expensive instruments to up their game and go the extra mile to demonstrate why their more expensive instruments are worth it. As the lower tiers improve, they can't afford to rely on trading on their name or the eroding presence of odious geographical prejudices to see them through.
  12. If you're going to leave, just leave. I bogged off for a while, no announcement, no dummy spitting and commensurate with the quality of my contributions, not missed in the slightest until someone PMed me to ask if I could advise someone with something Gibson-y. I knew I'd prove useful eventually!
  13. I'd say 42mm at the nut with the tape under the strings and 55mm at the 12th fret. I don't know what any of these named neck profiles mean and never could be bothered to find out so I can't help you there, sorry. FWIW it seems a bit shallower than the Tribute L-2000 - my benchmark and high water mark for chonkiest 4 string necks, but it feels good to me. Yeah, I'll probably keep the tort - combination of laziness and slight fascination as despite the -ahem- above average number of basses I have owned this may be the first one ever with a tort guard.
  14. Quick and dirty first impressions with quick and dirty phone pics of dubious quality then. Bonny! The body finish is a bit greener than the stock photo would suggest, but I don't know why this would be surprising - it is "Emerald" Blue after all. Body finish is flawless as far as I can see. The neck is mostly good - decent fret work with no sharp fret ends, feels nice to play with a satin finish on the back (gloss haters of the world rejoice!) BUT the finish was a little rough on the back of the neck between the nut and first fret. Nothing a quick going over with steel wool or a flexible sanding pad won't sort so I'm not overly concerned. What I presume to be a vintage tint has gone a little wrong and in some lights the neck looks almost yellow. What you see above is the colour balance of the phone camera doing it a favour. When I concentrated on the headstock I got this: In reality it's somewhere between the two depending on the light. Kinda like someone went a bit mad with the fake tan, whoops! Maybe in time it'll mellow, or maybe it just doesn't like the light from energy saving bulbs. Must take it outside tomorrow and see if natural light helps. Loving the blocks. The rosewood board looks a little dry and would probably benefit from being nourished a touch. Soundwise I've only had a quick play but it sounds good through headphones to me. A decent amount of top end for a single pickup P bass. I don't have an immediate urge to replace it with a split MFD. The electronics, while quiet aren't the best quality (well something's got to give to get the price down) - the taper on the volume pot is a bit abrupt and the tone control doesn't do a lot over its full sweep (not that I ever use the blasted thing). Yes, yes, BC, Kiogon loom, I know Bass comes strung with D'addario XL nickels which suits me just fine. Tuners are adequate and are pretty smooth for a bass at this price point - I don't feel an instant need to replace them (unlike the ones on my Epiphone Embassy). The bridge is the usual high quality G&L unit. Setup was mixed out of the box - action OK but the intonation was quite a bit off, all strings sharp when fretted at the 12th. Bridge has plenty of adjustment room though, had it sorted in about 10 mins. So, neepheid finally has a P bass. Kinda, because he can't do anything quite right. Looking forward to giving this a proper blast at the next band rehearsal.
  15. My Tribute LB-100 arrived yesterday. Too many whiskies to give it a proper go yet, but I did pop it on the bathroom scales as promised @bigthumb 3.9kg = 8lb 10oz Bathroom scales mind, so probably not the most accurate measure, but that's what I have for you.
  16. Your cables continue to speak for you!
  17. I know some people love these basses but clearly not enough. I always thought this one was a bit of an odd duck - not "Gibson-y" enough for me and not proven enough to prise people away from more established short scale options at the price. So this fire sale doesn't surprise me, unfortunately.
  18. It's easily done. I disappeared for a while - sold a lot of my basses because things were tight and just went off bass a bit, not enough to stop playing but enough to stop spouting crap on here about it
  19. Guitarguitar. Pre-ordered with a deposit though so I don't think they've put the new intake up on their site yet.
  20. Yup, it's the Tribute. I'll do a crappy bathroom scales weigh-in for your info
  21. I got a nice email yesterday - the bass is ready to ship. As it's my birthday in 2 days time this couldn't have worked out better. Paid the balance last night so hopefully it'll get dispatched today and arrive in time for it to be an unexpected birthday present
  22. I think I was a bit curt in my initial reply. The reason I replied "getting older" is because Hogmanay (NYE) is my birthday. A plan of sorts has formed - we managed to snag a table at my wife and I's favourite restaurant (weird time though - 4.45pm - but having said that my body clock's all out of whack anyway with the holidays so it could be any meal really) and I will not be taking the car. Later on, probably Jools on the telly with a few drams for the run up to the bells. Hopefully get blasted by horns from the ships in the harbour at midnight Second Hogmanay in a row not playing live - that sucks but so does loading in/out on your birthday so pros and cons...
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