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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Makes purrfect sense - the cat bass is going to sit on you in the most uncomfortable way (for you) and not give a litter tray lump about it.
  2. The SB-2 is a fine bass. I had a Tribute a few years ago and the only reasons I moved it on were financial and preferring a wider neck
  3. It's definitely an Ovation of some sort Edit - Magnum?
  4. Thanks, Captain Obvious! Now get back in your time machine and try again. You suck at warning people about stuff!
  5. Another reformed serial tinkerer/upgrader here. In years past I couldn't leave a cheap bass alone. Out of all the basses I've "upgraded" I only kept one. I probably lost thousands of pounds in the process. I say probably because I don't want to think about it too much. These days I mostly accept basses for what they are and only change things which are genuinely poor quality (tuners on my Epiphone Embassy for a recent example). It's entirely up to you what you do with your bass. Just make sure you go in eyes open, learn from my mistakes by keeping the stock parts so you can return it to stock if selling and keep the upgraded parts back for another project (you will NEVER recoup the cost of the upgrades when selling on an upgraded, inexpensive bass).
  6. How bizarre! I think the guitars were photographed in person by someone who didn't know/care what a bass is and the Newport happened to be in shot when the collection on the wall was being photographed. It's guitar shaped, innit? There's no way you can randomly Google up a picture of a bass and the first results include an Epiphone Newport.
  7. You know how a jinx is usually a bad thing? Just got the email that the bass is in and ready to be paid for. Reverse jinx, it would seem. Payment will be done before the end of the year. I'm suddenly reminded of the scenes in Trainspotting when Renton gets ready to kick heroin with supplies (soup, buckets, lucozade, valium, a TV), barricades himself in the room, then realises he forgot something, breaks out of the room, procures opium suppositories, has a bathroom incident, then finally gets back and then proclaims "and now, I'm ready". TL:DR - I'm in.
  8. What are the rules regarding basses which are pending arrrival with a deposit down? Are we going by arrival date, or the date the purchase decision (and deposit payment) was made?
  9. No bass related acquisitions, but my wife got me this affa fine whisky (an exclusive bottling for the local whisky shop): Excuse the stock image, but I'm feeling lazy. Had a nip of it last night while watching Die Hard and it's lovely - she picked a belter of a dram. Yippee ki yay!
  10. Yippee ki yay, basschatters!

  11. If you're serious about it, you could ask them to weigh it for you. Failing that, is there a guitarguitar near you? You could ask for it to be sent to your nearest one and try it in person. If all else fails - order it online and if you don't like it, send it back. Cost of courier might be less than travelling to a guitarguitar location...
  12. That's very kind of you but I'm ok - I sorted out my issue by stealing a washer from one of the crappy tuners I replaced on my Epiphone Embassy. I wasn't going to use them for anything anyway because they're pretty poor - and I wouldn't inflict them on someone else if I ever sold the Embassy Keep it for the next time someone puts out an SOS - I have 3 remaining.
  13. One experience and you extrapolate that out to cover thousands of instruments? You're entitled to your opinion but this one seems statistically unsound to me.
  14. Weight update - Sweetwater have a couple in Blue one - 9lb 7oz White one - 8lb 15oz Like I said, wood be woody. Nice to see one fall below the 9lb mark for you @bigthumb
  15. I don't think about these things - what are these "guitars" you speak of? 6? I just thought it was an even number picked on a whim...
  16. Whoops, the axesrus ones are too small, for these Gotoh GB7-a-likes at least. Never mind
  17. One of these disappeared off one of my tuners. It is nearly 18 years old so c'est la vie. I found these: https://www.axesrus.co.uk/Machinehead-Nylon-Tension-Washers-p/nylongwashers.htm When they arrive I'll let you know if they are suitable.
  18. In: Epiphone Embassy G&L CLF Research L-1000 TC Electronics Mojomojo overdrive Behringer BDI21 preamp Out: Nothing!
  19. Make sure you keep all the stock parts. Cheap bass + cost of upgrades > resale value of modded bass.
  20. I know. The edit was adding the extra acronym - to clearly stunning humorous effect!
  21. It would, I was going for four letter acronym humour. Oh well, can't win 'em all - especially since you managed to quote me before the edit which added that in, ergo making me look even more stupid. Clearly one of us hasn't had 4 whiskies and a pint of Guinness.
  22. G&L Tribute, whatever your poison is (Precision-a-like, Jazz-a-like or one of G&L's own take on things)
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