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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. The RedSub BT5110 500W combo amp (and by extension the Harley Benton badged equivalent). In March I will have had mine for 10 years and the only trouble I've ever had with it was a failed headphone socket which I replaced myself. Just last night it survived another night of neglectful abuse - left it in the car boot for two days then brought it out into a warm and not particularly well ventilated venue with condensation coming down the walls and my amp looking like the cover of Bon Jovi's "Slippery When Wet". Oops! With only around an hour to acclimatise it not only didn't go bang, it helped me play a blinder of a gig with not much room (had to Bill Wyman it a few times - why do I always end up on the route to the bog?) This little amp continues to surprise and delight me and I feel lucky to have it. People may scoff at it, the RedSub badge and its chunky and boxy appearance but it has only cost me around £35 a year to own when you divide its purchase price by its age and it has consistently punched well above what anyone could have realistically hoped to achieve with it. I will be very sad if it dies. Maybe I should stop being lazy/forgetful and get it out of the back of the car then!
  2. Some pics of Babicz/Hipshot mounted on page 8...
  3. I do enjoy my Epiphone Les Paul Standard bass - the body's the same size as the guitar with a big long neck glued into it. When Gibson released the Oversized Les Paul bass, a little sick went in my mouth. Then again, I have an Epiphone JC Signature. I'm so contrary
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-59665134
  5. Looking good. If it were mine, I'd be ever so subtly rounding off that bottom left corner - it seems too jaggy and out of place. The only sharp one I'd leave would be the shallower one on the bottom edge near the end.
  6. Yes, they've had some stonking bargains on G&L Tributes of late. Anyone who's on the fence about them should jump off and jump in!
  7. This thread is not for me - I would turn up to a country or acoustic gig with a BC Rich Mockingbird or something because I'm a stirrer I'm an industry standard stirrer, if that helps?
  8. Your post made me realise how little I got away with on the amp front. I've only ever had 2 amps (not counting the diddy 30W Laney practice amp I started on) and 3 cabs. As far as amps are concerned, changes were purely ergonomic/weight driven. Very happy with my current setup of 1x10 combo with removable head and a supplemental 1x10. 500W into all that is bloody plenty for my purposes. Wouldn't like to say how many basses have passed through Neepheid Manor but I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than 50, with a high watermark of around 12 in the house at any time. This wasn't a quest to find a particular sound, just an overactive interest in bass and wanting to try anything I liked the look of. Then, much like yourself I got squeezed and had to do some growing up - including selling off all my Gibsons Can't quite give it up though, I've currently got 4, with eyes on a fifth. The average cost per bass has gone down quite a chunk.
  9. Half the time I like it, the other half the time I see a mutated, Cronenberg-esque school satchel, then that half catches up and quite likes it too
  10. Been using right angle jack plugs for years without issue. That may have something to do with them being a) Neutrik and b) put together by obbm and not me. Definitely prefer how they protrude less from the instrument and I'd only use a straight jack for a Strat style recessed jack socket as previously mentioned.
  11. Additional - I guess it depends upon how front facing the bass is and ergo how confident the bass player is to be heard. Some bands have a distinctive and recognisable bass sound - say The Stranglers, and some don't - could you really say there was a particular Oasis bass sound? I couldn't - could it be because Oasis was 2 non-bass playing egomaniacs and some other guys? I'm still pretty new to recording so when I do, I'm just happy to get it right - because boy do you hear those mistakes for the rest of your days, even if no-one else knows they're mistakes in the first place. As a result, I think I sound tamer on record than I do when I'm playing live. So I'm not even being "me" when I record - whatever "me" is.
  12. I have played almost exclusively in originals bands since I started and I can tell you that no, in my experience it has not been a big deal for me to use whatever bass I like, whenever I like. When you record I guess you commit to a certain sound, but what's the point in being slavish to it? Listen to any live album by any band - do the performances sound like carbon copies of the recorded originals? Nah, it's probably not even physically possible with all the studio embellishments like double tracking so don't worry about it. As long as the correct playing technique or correct effect applied at the right time (a cheeky pop here, some palm muted thumbing there, overdrive, whatever) then it'll be ok.
  13. G&L eye gouger. Nah, only kidding, no-one seems to like 'em apart from me
  14. Seems far too devastating damage to have been done by accident by human hands. Therefore short of being shipped in concrete sarcophagi I don't know what else they could have done.
  15. There was a reboot in 2016, you bloody millenials His name is a verb! In my last house we had one of those old fashioned skylights above the stairs and the glass broke in it. I solved the problem with the lid of an ice cream tub and some silicone sealant I had lying around. Now that's MacGyvering.
  16. Sounds about right. I'm pretty sure any commonly found non "stubby" allen key will work in both basses. The curve on the outside edge of the allen key should be able to get you into the BB truss rod recess. In a pinch you might be able to gain a mm or two by removing the plastic trim inside the truss rod access cutout - just a single screw in the bottom of it if memory serves. Failing that - take the neck off like on old Fenders, pain in the butt then you can attack the truss rod with any hex tool you like with utter impunity
  17. Pretty sure your commonplace, pound shop allen keys should work (although if you have fancier ones with longer long ends you'll have more mechanical advantage when turning). I have a set similar to this: As long as the short end of the allen key is in the ballpark of an inch long you should be fine. Just make sure you don't get "stubby" allen keys - on those the short part is very short for getting into tight spaces and will not reach far enough in and the stubby part won't give you enough mechanical advantage if you try to use the long end and probably just end up hurting your hand/fingers. Actually, come to think of it, the stubby might be perfect for the Yamaha if the nut is not too far inset into the heel of the neck, but a regular one should be able to fit into the recess.
  18. Brilliant gig last night with the 'Spoons at Krakatoa in Aberdeen - our first post lockdown public gig. Was supposed to be starting at 10 but things were running late so we didn't get started until nearly 11. Grateful for folk sticking around. I was getting a bit grumpy at the sliding schedule and I think I managed to channel it into my playing. Blew the place to bits, lots of people up dancing until the end. Was decidedly ungrumpy at the end
  19. I'm gearing up for a gig with the 'Spoons just now but I just wanted to let you know that I read your comments out to the band and they were very grateful for your kind comments. Only one of the guys in the band is a proper ska fiend and as you can imagine he's bloody delighted
  20. I'm pretty sure EMGs would sound like EMGs if you installed them in a breeze block
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