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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. You're correct that I had to put something and I wimped out and just left it as rock. A wholly unsatisfying cop out, hence the seeking outside opinion - as the band can't agree what we are either. Up here we have a humorous local music "awards" and when nominated we get put in "Best of the rest" because we don't fit neatly into any of their other awards.
  2. Having played mostly live for all my bass playing career, I've come to the conclusion that (most) basses sounds bassy. I pick the bass I'm playing on a whim. My cheapest (current) bass cost £350, my most expensive cost £1600. I've owned and played cheaper and more expensive. Is the £1600 bass better? Not really - I just bought it because I liked and continue to like it and there was no cheaper option. My choices in bass are almost entirely aesthetic and ergonomic, with a side order of disliking Jazz basses - I've tried them and they just don't work for me on any level. I'm not saying anyone is wrong to deep dive into the minutae of what makes their sound theirs, I'm just happy existing in a place and point in my life where I just don't care about that level of frankly distracting and exhausting (to me) detail any more and simply enjoy playing bass for bass's sake.
  3. Added links anyway - forgot that if people want to help, they might want easy acces to what I'm talking about, doh.
  4. I'm sorry if this comes across like finding a way to finagle The Inevitable Teaspoons new album onto one of the more visited parts of the site, but I don't know how else to do this without mentioning it. Basically I'm having a hard time tacking a genre onto what we do. I'm not in any way saying that we've created an entirely new genre of music, but do I have a hard time coming up with a quick, pithy response to the eternal question "what kind of music do you play?". Now that we've released an album, I need to put this to bed. That's where you, the collective hive mind of BC come in. If you don't mind, could you please have a listen to our new album "Money For Old Rope" and tell me your best guess as to what the hell kind of band we are, plus some reasoning behind your decision if I can impinge on your time a little further? No doubt some of you may have the opinion that we're a bunch of tossers and be quite happy to provide reasons why - but if you could stick to musical genres, that would be much appreciated Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/4uG1eJe8yTfgICVIYc1JWP?si=UhewQYHqTTaiRk_f8Aa8og Bandcamp - https://theinevitableteaspoons.bandcamp.com/album/money-for-old-rope
  5. I don't have that experience, I've been in the same easy going, democratic band for the past 7 or so years. What I will say is that it's a serious impediment to getting stuff done, everyone being so nicey nice and everything being approved by everyone ends up with things like taking 6 years to follow up a debut EP...
  6. I've never been fired by a band and I don't have any juicy stories, sorry. My first band was disbanded by the guitarist - it was his and the singer's band to be fair but it was a rather jarring experience. Band get together in the pub - oh good, this is nice. Guitarist gets there last, not sure if he even sat down (memory blur) and just told us he didn't want to do it any more (I can't even remember how he said it - I want to say "band had run its course" or something), cashed us out of the band kitty (or did he do that later?) then left, leaving a table of a bass player, drummer and singer just kinda looking at each other thinking "what now?". We tried to form something out of the ashes but it didn't go anywhere. See how hazy it gets when the dust settles and you've done a bit more living? I left another band in solidarity with my drummer who got sacked. I didn't like how the sacking was done (when I was on holiday in Spain, no band meeting, no discussion), I wasn't that keen on where the music was going either and there were no upcoming gigs in the calendar so it was a clean getaway. They're still going.
  7. The Inevitable Teaspoons new album Money For Old Rope is out now on all your usual streaming suspects.

    1. eude


      In, like Flynn.


    2. neepheid


      What service is that?  Aw man, it's only one track that's marked as explicit - and that's because the sax player made a squeak at the end of one of the tracks then dropped the F-bomb and we left it in because we thought it was funny :)

    3. eude


      Ha Ha, explicit is the way to go!
      I'd be shocked if it wasn't!

  8. Just had a listen to your track - I enjoyed it. The vocal stuck out to me - you sound a bit like Ozzy if he had done less drugs, and I mean that as a compliment. The bongos were a nice touch at the end. It's a good mix, you've made a balanced track where everything can be heard. At times I was hoping that the bass and the guitar didn't seem so rigidly stuck to one another melodically - that's OK for some of the time when you're driving a portion of the song home but I would have liked the bass and the guitar to decouple at times and do something a bit different from each other - still complementing each other of course. Or maybe I don't get it, it's just my opinion. This is the first time in a while I've listened critically to a piece of music so I'm a bit rusty in the whole delivering feedback thing. Overall though, I enjoyed your track, and thanks for sharing it.
  9. Hi folks We released some music. We think it's good. What do you think? Woo, check you Basschat with your fancy Spotify embedded player Here's a bandcamp link for the non-Spotify users - https://theinevitableteaspoons.bandcamp.com/album/money-for-old-rope and it's on all the other usual electronic music platforms too.
  10. It's the room. So happy that my gig this weekend is in an established music venue with the house backline and a sound engineer, just turn up with the bass and play - FOH sound isn't my problem
  11. I used to tinker quite a lot. That's when I wasn't restoring basses from neglected, abused husks. It was for the sake of it. Because I could. I've lost the patience for it nowadays. Upgrades/mods are a mug's game in the financial sense but I didn't do it to make money. At the time it was fascinating and interesting to me. Nowadays it's necessity only. That's probably just a consequence of me easing into middle age. Also as a consequence of all the tinkering and bass butterfly routine over the last dozen or so years I've narrowed down what I like, so I just buy that now. In my opinion there is no mythical holy grail bass tone to chase - just a subset of preferences to narrow down to. Modding was fun, now it's a chore.
  12. That's not true, they burn pretty good too.
  13. If it wasn't for the fact that I like neither Jazz profile necks or the sound of Jazz style pickups, I'd be all over a G&L Tribute for £250, even if I didn't really need it. Unfortunately the only good thing about the JB-2 for me is the lack of a wonky Jazz style body. For those who like that sort of thing, it's a no brainer at £250.
  14. It was the Grabber, correct the first time
  15. Jeez, I said "somewhat" - I wasn't awarding him the Booker Prize.
  16. I think that's a somewhat more interesting way of asking for a shag other than route one, and at least he's asking.
  17. If what's hanging down between your legs is heavy, it's either time to visit the doc or become a pron star.
  18. That tickled me - not enough to buy one but it gave me a chuckle If we're talking 3 pickup basses then apart from still missing my Gibson G-3 (original, not modern "tribute" - that one can get in the bin) - I do quite like the look of the Reverend Triad...
  19. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=nme+adam+clayton
  20. The pickups are cancelling each other out. Swap the hot/ground wires of one of the pickups.
  21. OP, did you write the article? Are you John Taylor? 🤔
  22. I'm claiming regional differences. Nothing to do with bass parts crowding out kid song lyrics from that part of my brain...
  23. ./~ nobody loves me, everybody hates me, just because I eat worms ./~
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