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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Why do I feel like the luckiest guy in the world when I say that in our covers band everyone has a veto on songs but rarely uses it? We're up for most things and as long as we can all play it (or it doesn't sound too weedy in a single guitar setup) we usually do. We play songs we don't like for the good of the gig. I've got most of the suggestions I've put in on the books - I tend towards the 90s, indie side of things (think Song 2, Just a Day) and right now I'm just waiting on Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" to be added to the repertoire, that's been parked while we lay on the Christmas cheese songs that we play a couple of times a year then forget - The Darkness, Slade, Shaky, you know the ones I mean Also I would say that our set list is primarily driven by the audiences, rather than a couple of mad band dictators - what works, what gets folk dancing. Different venues have different crowds - some lean towards the more classic rock, some you need to have a mix of more modern songs and the older stuff has to be so well known (think Don't Stop Believin', Livin' on a Prayer, Summer of '69 etc.). A rocked up Waterloo seems to go down well wherever we play. Songs get ditched because they're not doing well at gigs, not because one of us doesn't like them. I dislike Don't Stop Believin' with a passion, but it's a sure fire winner at gigs so at the gig I just get on with it. At least we play it that often that it rarely gets played at rehearsal these days I don't think this thread was meant for me and my relatively idyllic band situation, sorry. TL:DR - Franz Ferdinand, "Take Me Out".
  2. Seeing as we're offering opinions here, In my opinion I think you're daft to "shave" the saddles instead of using a shim - non-destructive always trumps destructive as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Indeed, mine usually consume gold, but I do occasionally come out with a platinum post if I do say so myself
  4. I'd be more concerned about Greta Thunberg dismissing my bass playing as "blah blah blah". It probably is, but that doesn't mean I want to hear it
  5. It's cool, being accused of being a guitarist was the hoof up the backside I needed, got to disprove that nonsense
  6. Sorry I can't help. I know nothing about drums beyond their shape and size and the slightly glazed over, dreamy-eyedness my drummer gets when you mention "Vistalites", whatever they are...
  7. Two basses at least, chief, lest you have a bunch of people scold you for being unprofessional for only taking one bass to the gig...
  8. Yeah, hold it really carefully and with reverence, like this:
  9. I was going to say similar. The Inevitable Teaspoons are 5 lovely, humble, even tempered chaps (well, 4 and me ) and it's a pretty harmonious scene. The biggest "argument" we've had recently is about capitalisation of track names on the cover of our soon to be released album. Of course there's a downside to all this peace, love and harmony - things don't move very fast because everything happens by concensus and there's a lot of niceness inertia. That's the only problem with it - sometimes you need a bit of ego to get stuff done. We are TERRIBLE at self promotion because of all being doubtful of our own merits - we know we're good at what we do, we're just terrible at saying it out loud for fear of seeming gauche. As for Nine Lives, the covers band, it's a pretty relaxed scene - the guitarist is good at getting gigs so must have the front to tell people how good we (think we) are, but he's a good guy who I think needs to turn up sometimes (!). We all have veto rights on song choices but rarely use them, everyone mucks in for loading in/setting up/loading out, we have a laugh, drink only water during the gig (rock and roll! but also, driving - lot of rural gigs) so no people being too pished to perform. I really have landed on my feet. If I can manage this in the semi-rural rugged outpost of civilisation that is the NE of Scotland, then I'm sure you can find some good people too, Peter. You've just been unlucky.
  10. I don't. Out of those three I may get a P, the other two can do one.
  11. Wouldn't the very existence of the '57 Precision, the Jazz bass, Music Man and G&L be proof that even Leo thought that Leo didn't get it right first time?
  12. I'd go so far as to say it's the smallest piece of the tone to the point of being irrelevant. But that's for another holy war thread somewhere.
  13. Exclusively fingerstyle here. Having no real background in guitar beyond abortive attempts in youth I came to bass fresh and the bassists who inspired me to take the plunge (principally Steve Harris and Jack Bruce) play(ed) fingerstyle. Odd then, that the first bassline I ever played on a bass was Peaches by The Stranglers. I learned it on the lowest strings of a guitar I had lying around then headed to the music shop to try basses I've tried using a pick but it feels so alien and disconnected to me not to be directly addressing the strings that I don't enjoy it and see no musical benefit in the bands I'm in to make it worth persevering with. Come to think of it, that's maybe why I never stuck at the guitar... Not anti-pick though! Some great players use 'em and to great effect. With a pick I am neither great nor effective. With fingers I'm not bad and make the correct noises most of the time...
  14. I can't tell you anything about these basses. Speaking as someone who is geographically remote from guitar shops which carry a decent amount of basses, I have tended to gather as much info as I can - YouTube videos, any press reviews these instruments may have had, in addition to opinions here then gone for the one I like the look of best. Order online - with distance selling regs you can try it out in the comfort of your own home and don't feel bad about invoking those rights to return the bass if it's not for you. If your situation is anything like mine, it'll cost you about the same to courier it back to the vendor as it would to travel somewhere which has the instrument you're looking for, and a lot less time. Just remember not to rip things open in your excitement - you'll need that packaging to send it back if it doesn't work out, so take your time
  15. This makes me sad. You deserve better than this. I personally have no time for divas and disagreeable folk who fly off the handle and need intervention to calm down when they receive criticism. On the other hand, you've committed to a gig. I'd tend to agree with the opinion that you should see the gig out - if the gig turns out to be a s#itshow (as I fear it might be) then you've got all the justification you need to pull the plug because I know it won't have been you that bingoed the show. Come to think of it, I chose a time when there weren't any imminent gigs in the calendar to quit the one band I quit on purpose/principle.
  16. My backside being well and truly kicked, I'm off to play my Embassy
  17. It's starting to sound a bit koolaid-y in here...
  18. Guitarist? I'll show you! Get me a cup of tea, I've got practising to do!
  19. Let's try the loafer, if that doesn't work then at least we'll have a level higher to try
  20. Got a rehearsal in 3 days, a gig in 5, 6-odd songs to learn (Christmas ones, use twice then discard, yay), a dozen more that could use work and I can't be ar$ed doing any of it
  21. It does have a blend. That's why the middle knob hasn't got a V or a T on it. It's centre detented and everything. And on mine, it's permanently turned towards the neck pickup
  22. I went on a diet and I currently have 4. At one time it was probably up at 12. I would say that as long as they're all getting played then fair enough. Instruments != ornaments. Who do I think I am, issuing diktats? Own as many basses as you like as long as it isn't harming anyone. I guess the potential harm is chiefly financial, but I guess you could hurt someone if a bass fell on someone...
  23. Wouldn't that have happened the first time the headstock was breathed upon?
  24. How would we know? I'm just stirring, I know exactly what they look like
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