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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Divisive. Maybe it's just the angle of the photograph but without the pickguard to guide the shape, the top "horn" looks out of proportion to me - in the too big kind of way. Can't put my finger on it, it's just tugging at a thread in my brain. The proportions of the Lull face on to the camera look right. I think it might be my mind playing tricks on me, or doing anything except the work it's supposed to be doing
  2. That's disappointing to hear - I figured the factory/ies that Fender use for Squiers would have it down pat by now. Having said that, any factory in any country can issue a Friday afternoon special.
  3. This what you mean? https://guitarelectronics.com/north-coil-humbucker-south-coil/
  4. Also, one of the nylon bushes looks discoloured and broken:
  5. These aren't one thing or another - they're closest to Schaller M4 but the mounting screw is below the tuner and offset to the left - this is neither like the Gotoh GB707 or Schaller M4 (where the mounting screw is below the tuner in line with the centre of the capstan) nor the Schaller M4 180 (where the mounting screw is at the bottom to the left of the tuner and aligned with the bottom of the tuner to all intents and purposes). I'd avoid them - I can't think of any other tuners in this form factor which has the mounting screw there. Fine if you never need to replace/upgrade them but if you do, you'll have holes to fill. Also no idea who made them so I've no idea how good (mechanically speaking) they are.
  6. It's your signature bass - if your EB-2/Rivoli was refinished in hot pink with green glow in the dark binding and that's what you're famous for, that's what the signature model would be also. Forget the general market +1 on supplying suitable containment, especially for hollow/semi-hollow basses. I think it's bloody shocking that Epiphone don't at the very least provide a gig bag with the JC Signature when bought new - it's not a cheap instrument! They proved they can do it because they included a gigbag with the 20th Anniversary JC Signature, so also proving that all the other times they just CBA. Even roll it into the cost - I'd pay a bit extra to not have to go to the hassle of sourcing a suitable bag separately.
  7. Dinna worry, I've had a Squier P and a Fender Cabronita P in the past. Also got a G&L L-1000 (the ultimate evolution of the P bass by the man himself, you could say) so I think I'm good. I'd be getting this just to see for myself how good (or not) a sub <£100 bass is these days.
  8. Smiley noted, but apologies all the same - my barbed comment was meant for people who reacted with a surprising (or should that be unsurprising) amount of scepticism to your review. I wonder how many people have actually tried the instrument in question before dismissing it simply based on its price.
  9. I'm considering buying one of these just to stir the pot or at least give a proper, objective reply. They're £86 now so they'd better be amazing! As I'm sure you all know I have no deep care or desire for P basses, so if I end up liking one, you know it's good
  10. Also, there seems to be a limited edition 60s Classic Vibe in Sonic Blue with matching headstock. Now that's also nice.
  11. If it is Schaller, I found them super helpful and sent me spare parts for a broken M4S tuner FOC when I was restoring a Gibson Victory bass.
  12. Yer ma's house. Who cares? This is not an attack on you, you were just the launchpad. I'm on Guinness number 4.
  13. Cheap shot it may have been, but it made me laugh so I guess I'm going straight to hell. I don't know how helpful your contribution was though, regardless of your intention. How helped would you feel if you went into a car dealership and you said from the off "I don't want brand X" and the salesperson goes "sure, take a look at this wonderful, low mileage brand X"? I can only speak for myself but I would find that really unhelpful at best.
  14. But it wouldn't have been funny then
  15. Any time I'm in for something on eBay, you bet I'm there in person during the last 5 mins and my bid will be going in with circa 5 secs to go. You're just lucky that our paths haven't crossed yet Also, in my experience for most things I'm trying to buy on eBay, the last few seconds are sniper alley. So believe what you will, I have experienced the rush of bids in the last few seconds many times, it's not a fairy story.
  16. I'm happy to accept other people's take on the value or otherwise of rehearsals/practice as long as I'm not looked down upon for having an alternative opinion on the subject. I like rehearsals and I find them beneficial. I speak only for myself. Don't like them, or don't see the need for them, absolutely fine also.
  17. That just makes it even worse, plaster cast indeed
  18. In my experience, weekly rehearsals are vital for staying sharp and tight. No amount of solo swotting can make up for the feel of how things hang together when we all play together. But then again I'm not gigging every week, so maybe that's why I feel the benefit of it. I find a lot of these types of conversations gravitate towards cover bands, where it is wholly feasible to simply learn your parts on your own and rock up to the gig and hope that everyone has been as diligent as you. Speaking for originals bands, I say that time spent playing together outside of gigs, either playing the songs we already do to keep them fresh or jamming out new ideas is necessary - I don't think I could come up with new songs if the only time we got together was gigs. Yes, some people might say that jamming out new songs is not the same thing as a rehearsal. But it's all just words - and I reserve the right to interpret the word "rehearsal" as "time spent playing as a band which isn't a gig", especially when it comes to the originals band.
  19. This will end up like a plaster cast at this rate
  20. The Epiphone neepheid Signature Jack Casady Signature bass? Wait, that doesn't work
  21. He does moan about keys a lot... Nah, he's a great player and I'm looking forward to hearing what he comes up with for this new song, lots of room for a nice solo in there.
  22. Last week our sax player couldn't make rehearsal. This band's next gig isn't until December so I wasn't super bothered about going but the rest of the band were keen so I went along, thinking it would be more social than musical. But no! Someone casually mentioned that we had some pending song ideas that had been rattling around for a few months so we dug one out and had a jam. One session later, one fully formed song structure, words, chords, reasonable idea for how the drums go, main bass riffs for verses and chorus done. It's the most productive we've been since being allowed to resume rehearsals. I love it when this happens, and I guess my point is that you never know when it's going to happen. Chances are good we'll have a new song ready for December's gig. It'll be this band's second post lockdown gig and first post lockdown public performance (last one was a wedding, thus private) so it'll be nice to have something new to present.
  23. It's not something I pay a great deal of attention to. I'm all about the item itself, not where it came from. Basses - China, South Korea, USA Amp - China Cab - would be UK, I guess, being home made (not by me) Effects - dunno, China probably. A home assembled Wooly Mammoth clone that I never use, so technically UK? It's all baloney anyway. UK "made" electronics means "assembled" to me - do we even make anything electronic from base materials here on Financial Services Island any more? If we do, I shudder to think of the cost and diminished returns - if indeed there are any.
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