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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Could you maybe source one of these single bass bridges then butcher it for the insert? https://www.northwestguitars.co.uk/individual-bridge-saddle-for-bass-guitar/?sku=BB114-CR
  2. Jack Casady and his Epiphone signature bass. But you knew I'd say that
  3. If I reserve a space in my memory for Airdrie's location, I'll probably forget part of a song I'm trying to play during a gig. Can't take that risk, sorry, Airdrie
  4. No, there was a regular scale version of the Embassy with alleged bridge issues.
  5. Tort pickguard is correct for an early Gibson Ripper. Corroded, unpotted pickup windings are also common in early Rippers when the pickguard decomposes. Noice. This is/was a pretty competent copy, I'm especially impressed with the pickups - that is how earlier Ripper pickups mount with the two screws through the pickup into the body. Later ones had a three screw arrangement which were on lugs sticking out from the pickup body and attached to the pickguard instead.
  6. One day I'll have a picture like that but with Epiphone Jack Casady Signature basses instead of Performers
  7. I wouldn't be able to accurately pinpoint Airdrie on a map, and I've lived in Scotland my entire life...
  8. I would have heartily supported a reissue more faithful to the original, or at least with a pickguard which doesn't look like "that'll do".
  9. I know there's a whole thread started up about these but I think it's worthy of discussion in the context of this thread too... I'm all for reissues, but that pickguard is a mistake imo. Looks ill-thought out and home made and especially out of place seeing as the originals had no guard and rear routed controls. Don't worry though, it's currently only available in Japan.
  10. Yeah, why is the pickguard rounded when everything else about this bass isn't? Doesn't really work for me. EDIT: I know why I'm finding it so weird - the originals didn't have pickguards and controls were rear routed. Cost saving to front rout it, done in a really clumsy way?
  11. The BC Rich Eagle is positively mundane compared to some of their output though. I think it would fit in anywhere in the sense of someone who's dressed a little out of the ordinary but you have a pint and a yap with them and they turn out to be sound as a pound.
  12. You're a bit too late, BRX has been and gone - couldn't even be bothered posting pics (mic drop)
  13. No, a production model from the mid 80s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Performer_Bass
  14. I don't want to see anyone complain about the titchy little pointy bit on G&L headstocks now that we've seen that, thanks
  15. For someone who finds aesthetics "kind of irrelevant" to them, you sure kick up a big stink about it in a thread that's purely about aesthetics. You like Fenders, and people slagging them off irks you, I get it and it's OK.
  16. I never said there wouldn't be an impact. I'm saying that if it had gone down this way or that way, we'd know no different. Also, who apart from you mentioned removing Fender from history? A couple of us said we don't find them aesthetically pleasing and you take it to revisionist time travel? This got really deep for an "ugly bass" thread. Can we please just get back to good naturedly critiquing basses we find less than pleasing to the eye? Turn about is fair play - take aim and fire at a Gibson, or all of them. You're entitled to your opinion after all.
  17. There would be no such void. They would have used something else, it probably would have sounded bassy and we would be having this conversation about something else as we wouldn't have known anything different. A parallel universe where Gibson got there first? Sign me up, there might not have been a 9/11 or Covid either
  18. I have no beef with any Danos - I love their quirky looks and those lipstick pickups. I had a 3 pickup Hodad back in my bass butterfly days. The only reason I haven't had a Longhorn is the scale.
  19. Thank you for your restraint and brevity. While I am not quite as Fender averse as you, the Jazz bass can do one as far as I'm concerned. While the P bass may be uncharitably described as "agricultural", the Jazz is way worse to my eyes - big, fat, melty lump of a body with a skinny neck, so ungainly looking - I get nothing of the "upscale" model that Fender was going for even back in 1960. I don't get why they're so revered, I've owned one (when I was figuring out what I wanted from a bass), I've played several and I just don't get it. I have never seen a Jazz which makes me think "I must have that". Hard no from me. True boring = everyone liking the same things.
  20. I have a lot of love for G&L basses but the Interceptor? Hmm, an acquired taste that not many people acquired, I suspect.
  21. EB-3 is out of budget (in that you'd need to buy a Gibson SG or a very hard to find Epiphone Elitist EB-3) and despite the modern "mudbucker" in an SG being a TB+ in disguise it doesn't sound much like a Thunderbird with that neck pickup jammed up at the neck heel. Epiphone EB-0 I wouldn't recommend because all you have is a very neck focused humbucker and that's it. In my experience, it's a very limited tone pallette.
  22. For written works, copyright expires 70 years after the author's death.
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