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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. If you save up another £100 - G&L Tribute Fallout bass is a possibility. I think you need to try them if you can though - they're very different beasts in terms of layout, body proportions etc. But man, that MFD pickup is sweet sounding
  2. "I'm currently the lead guitarist and primary composer/songwriter for an indie pop/rock band based in Glasgow called "Stolen Years" Not any more you're not
  3. You got me - a couple of washers did the trick.
  4. All this did was make me miss the BB450 I rebuilt a few years ago from a body and a neck with no nut and a maxed out truss rod. Actually reunited it with some of its original guts and it ended up playing at a festival. Maybe I'll try and track it down...
  5. WOAH - £225! Sniper alley at the end. That's a crazy price for such a basket case. Good luck to 'em (unless we see it relisted soon because someone didn't read/look at the pictures)
  6. £167 with a few minutes to go - that's a mad price considering how much work needs done on it. I applaud someone's detemination to get a Yamaha BB but I hope they know what they've taken on. Once the bids went beyond £100 I was out.
  7. All the best! If you're feeling rusty then there's nothing like the lump hammer of pressure you've just put yourselves under to bash it away
  8. I don't see any point in doing anything other than directing this question at the creator of the video. I see that someone already asked that and got roundly ignored but maybe if you ask nicer than they did - or message them on insta, seeing as they left a link to that? Asking here will just end up with the bass equivalent of the verbal diarrhoea one might expect at a blind wine or whisky tasting. 100% subjective, 10% lucky guesses and in this case the labels have been ripped off the bottles so we'll never really know what we're drinking, and the host ain't telling.
  9. It sounds like I got off lightly, considering how lazy I was wrt bass. My hat is off to those who played frequently during the lockdown(s). I picked up the bass about three times in 18 months - just no motivation to do so - no gigs, no rehearsals, no pressure, no-one to play with, tried the online rehearsal thing and it was gash, just meh. I was debating with myself whether or not to give up the bass if truth be told. I'm glad I didn't.
  10. It's already at the top end of what I'd be prepared to pay - the delaminating fingerboard aside there's a lot of dismantling and cleaning up to do. No idea what state the pickups/electronics will be in. For the fingerboard, I'd try injecting wood glue into the crack in several places then clamping it. I've done that before for a couple of basses with good results. Has it been submerged in water all this time? Yuck, what a shame!
  11. Does the application of my boot to band members' backsides count?
  12. Trying to enlarge the hole in the knob will probably remove the ridges around the hole. That will make them less likely to mate with the ridges on the pot shaft and make the knobs slip when you turn them. I wouldn't try that. Also if they do turn out to be the wrong knobs, you won't be able to return them if you alter them.
  13. The pictures aren't clear enough for me to accurately count the splines but I think that you should be OK - pretty sure fine splines are the less common of the two types. If you're having difficulty fitting the new knobs, try taking a pair of pliers and /gently/ squeezing the pot shaft together so the gap is a little less. See if that allows you to press the knob down. If you go too far, use a small, flat bladed screwdriver to prise the split shaft apart a little. I've had to do that a few times in the past.
  14. You were right the first time - series equals more oomph vs. parallel
  15. Can you take some photos of the pot shaft from the top - use macro mode if your camera has it. Also take a picture of the inside of the new knob. Additionally, can you paste a link to the knobs you bought on Amazon?
  16. I had a look at the completed listings - they're dreaming at that price. Slim pickings but the ones that sold seem to have gone for around the £300 mark
  17. Is that the completed/sold price on eBay?
  18. It wasn't as painful a time as it sounds like you had. Yes, I was rusty, but on the other hand I didn't have to break in a new drummer. Originals band was easier to get back into the swing of than the covers band. I guess it's just easier to remember/play songs you (co)wrote. No major physical ill-effects. Had a bit of a sore shoulder after the first two gigs back but it was gone the next morning.
  19. I guess I've always been a sucker for trans cherry red. Metallics also work great for me. Gloss black offset with cream binding is a strong look too. Oh whoops, I've just described my current basses, my first bass and probably about half the basses I've ever owned
  20. Last gig, pub gig, 500W into 2x1x10" - master at just over half. With the amp sitting right next to the drums and no other monitoring, I could hear myself no bother. DI from the amp into the desk for a bit of reinforcement through the PA. I'm also of the suspicion that you've got a cab mismatch, which takes the impedance below what the amp is designed for.
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