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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Gibson Victory Gibson Q80/Q90 Gibson 20/20 Gibson IV/V Each less successful than the one before. I'm on my phone, so if you want pics, look 'em up.
  2. No-one said these were inherently bad because they're not MIA. Seems like defending them before they needed to be defended. I think they look good. My beef with the price is that it'll drop off a cliff in the second hand market, because it's not a Fender. It doesn't matter where it's from. It could be the best P bass Fender never made - that won't matter a jot to a predimonantly ill-informed marketplace. Because of this, and because I can't be trusted not to get bored/distracted and sell basses on, I would never consider buying this bass. But I hope that they work out for you, that you never sell them and enjoy playing them for a long time.
  3. It seems you are not alone (just search the forum for DV247):
  4. Got a link to this article you refer to? Can't really comment on it if I haven't read it...
  5. I'd snap one up if I saw it for £50, that's for damn sure!
  6. I'd estimate somewhere between negligible and non-existent.
  7. It's Gibson, who knows when they'll appear? Who knows if they'll appear. I note the chrome pickup covers though - looks identical to the Epiphone ones, even down to the chrome ring on the bridge pickup. If they're the same pickups then what's the appeal of this NR? If you want something with these pickups and a better bridge but not a reverse Thunderbird shape then just get an Epiphone Embassy? Unless you simply must have an NR Thunderbird shaped bass I guess. I had one of the NRs from last time around (circa 2014) and I remember it being a big bass, but with the usual TB+ pickups it wasn't exciting enough for me to keep it. It wasn't a bad bass, it just felt a bit too ordinary considering the price tag.
  8. Yeah, I had a look back, I lost a bunch of old email when Hotmail was transitioned to Outlook - earliest stuff in my hotmail (inbox) is 2014 - thanks Microsoft. The sent items remain but nothing relevant found there.
  9. Just replied to a thread about a bitsa and it made me recall a bitsa I put together a dozen or so years ago. Wasn't super fancy, a Squier P with a comedy logo, better tuners, an SD QP and a Badass. I sold it in August 2009 as per this thread: But can't find any PMs from back then and nothing in my feedback thread about it. So I'm curious - anyone here got it now, and is it still a thing or was it harvested for the bridge and pickup long ago?
  10. In my experience, you'll never recoup your investment on a bitsa. Lack of provenance as a package kills the value proposition and you just end up looking like you're over-justifying the value when you list all the great components it's made of. Further compounding things - the weakest/cheapest component appears to me becomes the benchmark which drags the whole thing down. You'll lose less by breaking it up again and selling the parts individually. Also, pretty sure you can get humbuckers in a J pickup shape. Or get the router/chisels out. Unless you're thinking of ending this project because you think you've taken it as far as you can/want to.
  11. G&L USA have neck options. G&L Tribute is a case of you'll take what they give you. Tribute L-2000s have wide, super chunky necks. Tribute M-2000s have a nice in-betweeny neck - shame it's disappeared off the G&L website. Tribute SB-2 has a Jazz nut width but reasonable back to front thickness.
  12. I'm not going to put up with fees being reduced - if venues are permitted to operate at capacity. If there are still capacity issues then I would expect to take a hit in proportion with that.
  13. I ignore the word completely in ads, it's almost never true.
  14. Yes. Are there any other units of resistance?
  15. Godspeed - I hope you're well strapped onto that tall horse you're sitting on...
  16. I'm tired of this; you think you're right and I think you're wrong so I fear this is going to go round in circles until one of us hurls.
  17. So you're going to completely skip over the part where the "beginners/amateurs" in your analogy still get paid then? Why should "amateur network engineers" get paid but amateur musicians not?
  18. Yes, but even help desk workers get paid (and yes, I have sometimes wondered why/what for). This analogy doesn't work.
  19. I think that the covers band market and the originals band markets are distinct and separate. I am not the right person to be in either kind of band because I do not possess the brass neck required to make things happen. I think we make good music. You may disagree with that and that's fine. See? I've lost you already.
  20. Yup, got same ones on my Epi Les Paul bass. Nice.
  21. I love a bit of Maiden - nailing something long like Hallowed is very satisfying. Also partial to covering some Queen.
  22. I would say that I would hold off buying a replacement until you've tried cleaning the existing pot out with some switch cleaner - spray some in then give the pot a good twirl back and forth through its travel and see if that brings it back to life. However, the description of all or nothing does possibly suggest a broken track, and no amount of magic spray will help you there.
  23. Can't help you with pot tapers, but if you look at page 157 of this amazing bass wiring cookbook then you'll find a great wiring diagram which might help you in your quest: http://www.ak-line.com/medium/Bassschaltungen.pdf It's in German, but even if you don't know the language the pictures are still useful.
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