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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I hope no-one was hurt in the tour bus crash
  2. Furthermore, it seems like you're trying to gauge interest in something you make/obtain and wish to sell? I'm guessing as it's still unclear. That only became (kinda) clear after you waved a "look what you could have won" picture in our faces. Again, I refer back to my "Basschat != YouTube" comment - just be straight up here and tell us what you're doing - we don't need to be teased and we don't need to be baited. Some, in fact don't take too kindly to that. If you'd come to us with a more straightforward "Here's this cool thing I make and put on all my basses, <show thing, explain what's so cool about it>, was thinking of making them available to others, <price>, who's interested?" type approach, I think you would have gained more traction. In a week. If I've got the wrong end of the stick on this, please feel free to grab the stick off me, orientate it the correct way then slap me silly with it
  3. You came to that conclusion in 8 hours? I see you're new. This is a forum, it isn't YouTube. You are talking to an potential audience of thousands, not millions. People take their time to reply - you're not going to get someone commenting "FIRST" 3 seconds after you submit something then a bunch of sycophantic "me too" comments interspersed with whatever variant of "your mom" is currency this week. Slow your roll, let your thread marinade in the slow cooker that is Basschat. If you get no replies in a week then sure, take the hump, but not after 8 hours!
  4. Seems wasteful, could end up throwing away batteries with useful life left in them if you replace them on arbitrarily decided days 6 months apart. If I was playing at any level that wouldn't tolerate waiting for me to sound crappy long enough for me to clock that the problem is the battery and waiting for me to change said battery then I would also like a low battery indicator in my active basses.
  5. Very nice, I had a white one a few years back, great sounding/playing basses these. I wish they would do an SB-1 Tribute. I really don't care about bridge pickups, I always had it turned down/off on my SB-2. There was/is a USA G&L SB-1 (it looks lovely in surf green), but if I'm going USA I'd rather get an L-1000 (in an equally fetching, if slightly bonkers purple metallic). Only downside is that both of them cost more than my car did
  6. I think that's my name been mentioned three times Unfortunately I've never wired a 6 position Ripper, only the original 4 position one. Also, the term "varitone" is a little misleading here - in a Ripper (4 or 6 position) it has nothing to do with tone - it is just a pickup switch. "Varitone" as I understand it is a way of switching in different caps or whatnot to alter the tone of whatever is going through it, but happy to be corrected on that one. The only thing I've managed to find so far is Gibson's description of what the 6 positions do: The new six-position selector knob lets you dial in six very different tone selections. In position one you get the bridge pickup only. Position two gives you the second coil of the neck pickup and the first coil of the bridge pickup. Position three delivers the first coil of the bridge pickup. Position four dials in the second coil of the neck pickup. Position five gives you the first coil of the neck pickup and the second coil of the bridge pickup. And the sixth position gives you only the neck pickup. So, assuming we're talking (from the neck down) it's neck coil 1, neck coil 2, bridge coil 1, bridge coil 2, we can translate from Gibsonspeak as follows: Position 1 - bridge only (both coils) Position 2 - both pickups (single coils, inner) Position 3 - bridge only (coil 1 only) Position 4 - neck only (coil 2 only) Position 5 - both pickups (single coils, outer) Position 6 - neck only (both coils) I am assuming that all wiring is parallel. That's a lot of assume, sorry. You're going to need someone who knows a lot more about electronics and wiring than me, but a wizard should be able to translate the above into switch wiring. Sorry I can't be of more help. Matt
  7. Epiphone EB-3. Cherry red. I sold it. I don't miss it. I didn't really know what I wanted from a bass at the time, I got it because it was kinda what Jack Bruce played. Very kinda as it turns out. Would be interesting to go back and see how it feels now that I know what's going on On the plus side, it put me down the Gibson side of life rather than the Fender way and gave me a taste for crown inlays, flower pots and 2+2 headstock, so it wasn't all bad.
  8. Big mistake by Epiphone not using the bat wing when they reissued the Embassy bass. The simple 2+2 they used put me right off. Academic now, as I think they've binned it
  9. Neither. Unless I now live in a world where they're the only two government approved types of basses, then Precision. Until then, I'll enjoy one of the freedoms I still have at the moment and play my T-bird
  10. Epiphone Jack Casady. Don't even need an amp if you're in a quiet place and CBA plugging it in
  11. Yup, plenty of songs to learn, plenty of songs to learn how to play better too
  12. Aw well, that's the next gig I was planning to attend cancelled...
  13. Presumably the old holes will be coverered by the replacement pickguard? If so, I wouldn't use filler, I'd use hardwood dowel of the appropriate diameter for the screw holes, glue them in and trim flush. I wouldn't trust filler when drilling new holes if the new holes are close to the old ones, drill might wander into the filler.
  14. Currently, 3. Has been as high as a dozen before.
  15. Another potentially jammy solution is to try the equivalent sized torx driver in there. Worked for me one time with a stripped hex - the points of the torx reached parts the hex key couldn't reach and turned it.
  16. Yup, still used today on Epiphone Jack Casady Signature and Allen Woody Rumblekat, also Gibson Thunderbird and SG. Yup, still pretty awful
  17. The three point bridge was introduced in 1973. Before that there was a two point bridge (1967-73). Before that there was the simple bar bridge which was referred to earlier in the thread. All genuine. The separate tailpiece is aftermarket, but not an awful thing to have. Keeps those silks/windings off your saddles Pretty sure the tugbar isn't factory issue either, I don't think they fitted them beyond the sixties. In any case, if it was a Gibson one it would have been slightly curved and a bit more dainty than the chunky, straight one fitted here. Neck pickup position is correct for a post 1972 EB-0, should be slightly less muddy there instead of jammed up at the end of the neck... Best of luck.
  18. Keep your mitts off of mine. Other than that, best of luck finding a good 'un.
  19. Might explain why I like Marmite then
  20. I think people are jumping on your use of the word "can't" when perhaps "shouldn't" would have been more appropriate.
  21. I don't have anything rare at the moment, but here are some rarities I've owned in the past: 1. Guild B402-A - one of only 335 ever made. 2. G&L El Toro - don't see these very often 3. G&L Tribute M-2000 - wait, what? These aren't rare! Not normally, but the one I had was rare in a sneaky kind of way - it was part of a batch which was supposed to be the GTB model (white body with black binding, matching headstock) but the factory messed up the first batch and forgot about the binding - they flogged them off cheap. 1 of 24-36 ever made - in this particular esoteric finish combination
  22. If you don't want to/feel confident to fit straplocks then you could always buy a couple of bottles of beer with the flip top (do you still get Grolsch in those big glass bottles?). Consume beer then get the rubber/plastic washers off the tops. Fit strap then push washer on top. Not a straplock per se, but it will make the strap more difficult to get off the strap button.
  23. neepheid


    Stranger and stranger considering Epiphone did an actual EB-1 a while back (even with the stand to play it upright) which seems much more in keeping with things but that got binned a long time ago.
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