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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Does this lovely diagram from bassesbyleo.com help (click on the image for a pdf for easier reading)? [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/images/g&l_tech/l-2000/l2k_wiring_diagram.pdf"][/url] The only differences in the wiring Tribute vs. USA are the different pots, the physical orientation of the switches and the lack of little terminal brackets to wire earths to on the pots. The USA L-2000s since about 2006 do not have OMG mode capacitors, but that was a difference if you're comparing a pre 2006 USA with a Tribute. If you want to go even further then this document goes into some detail on the switch, as well as some cool mods (I got the 4PDT on-on-on switch and wired mine parallel, single coil (inner), series) [url="http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/GL_Wiring.doc"]http://www.ifb.co.uk...w/GL_Wiring.doc[/url] Hope that helps.
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1459519960' post='3017374'] Haha at vigorous dipping of your tip [/quote] Chafes a bit, but that's the point
  3. Stuart bought a bass from me. Everything went great, good comms, quick payment, can't ask for more. Thanks
  4. Don't like the wet sponge. Prefer to vigorously dip the tip into some of this stuff:
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459378711' post='3016083'] It's really tough for some bands especially those that won't accept how the game is played. It's a big deal here in Milwaukee to be booked for Summerfest. I hear bands saying we have to practice and practice so we can get in. They don't know that no matter how good they are if you don't know anyone your not going to play Summerfest. Blue [/quote] I didn't say I don't play the game, but I don't have to like it, nor find it anything less than artistically reprehensible - when (IMHO) mediocre bands get good gigs because they know someone at the venue/festival organising committee. I feel like I'm cheating people by asking for favours to get us on bills and in venues because it doesn't feel like we're there on our own merits, which in my opinion is how it should be.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459358128' post='3015803'] In terms of getting booked for the better fest or fair gigs do you find it's not how good your band is but who you know? Blue [/quote] It's who you know for getting [i]any[/i] gig, frankly speaking - and I'm bloody sick of it too.
  7. I have long suspected that the main appeal of the Badass bridge is having a component on one's bass with the word BADASS stamped in it
  8. [quote name='Clint' timestamp='1459338100' post='3015540'] I don't think you will be disappointed, they are great basses and very versatile. I prefer the sound of flats on them personally but each to their own! Gibson missed a trick by not re-issuing the original Les Paul Signature bass version [/quote] I don't think it would sell half as well as it has done if it was Gibson USA prices. It also would have been axed within 5 years of being introduced if it didn't sell as well as they had hoped - that's the Gibson way. I think they did everyone a favour by passing it across to Epiphone - Epi have made it their own thing with the input of Jack Casady, made it far more accessible to many more people and they're clearly able to build it competently. I miss mine sometimes, I will acquire one again some time. I had a gold one, think I'll look for a white one next time And of course, GLWTS!
  9. Not much, waiting to hear back from some things. Definitely doing a beer festival in June, that should be a good laugh. Won't say more until more details are finalised though. In true "it's not what you know" fashion which this industry seems to operate by, I know the guy who's organising the music for it because I played a gig for him before, and I got that gig because my wife knows him and namedropped us to him.
  10. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1459333869' post='3015485'] [color=#0000cd]I have tried the other way amp to cab to cab but will give it another go. Thank you. I am thinking of just one 4ohm cab as that will remove any confusion re ohms on my part![/color] [/quote] It shouldn't matter anyway to be honest - the amp's speaker outputs are wired in parallel and I imagine most cab's wiring is also in parallel. It sounds like you've got the head set right (in 1000W@4 ohm/500W@8 ohm mode), so that eliminates the possibility that you're only getting 600W @ 4 ohms as per the other mode. I take it if you change mode it's even quieter?
  11. There are no right and wrong answers here. The OP isn't happy with doing something which some people are delighted doing. That doesn't make any of it bad. OP - RE: playing in originals band/writing own songs - better to try and fail than not try at all IMO.
  12. Yes, long time happy customer of Axesrus. Never had a problem. One time something (fairly small) failed to arrive, they just sent another one with no questions asked. By some quirk of the postal system, the original appeared a few months (!) later. I asked them if they wanted it returned, they said I could just keep it. It's where I look first for spare bits to be honest.
  13. Try connecting the cabs you have the other way (one lead from the amp to cab 1, lead from cab 1 to cab 2) and see if that makes a difference. That should be parallel wiring and will present a 4 ohm impedance to the amp. Check the manual for your amp to see if there are any notes about how the speakon outputs are wired. I wouldn't get 2x 4 ohm cabs. In parallel they'll appear as 2 ohms (which I'm guessing your amp will be unhappy with). If by "daisy chain" you mean connect in series, I wouldn't. That will result in the impedances being added together to give you 16 ohms and you'll be even quieter.
  14. Thomann have black ones in stock now, and you can always send it back if it's no good. And it's only £150. And you allude to the fact that you might modify it anyway. http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_tmb30_bk_talman_short_scale.htm
  15. A bit late to the party, but another +1 for the Neotech Mega Bass strap, nice wide bit of grippy neoprene, really spreads the weight nicely. http://neotechstraps.com/mega-strap.html
  16. If the 34" scale TMB-100 is anything to go by, this will be an amazing chunk of bass for a ludicrously tiny amount of money
  17. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1459173993' post='3014088'] So why not a Fender Mex one? [/quote] First reply is a "why not Fender?", and I'm only half surprised.
  18. Looks like one of those bass versions of a tune-o-matic bridge. You adjust the string height by raising/lowering either side of the bridge and that's about it - no individual string height adjustment. Intonation screws are in the side of the bridge facing the bridge pickup. If you know about truss rods then you can set up a bass - the truss rod is the least well understood part of the set up procedure, the one most shrouded in doubt and fear!
  19. Seems like SBMM is OK to post here, so I recently dipped my toe in the MM world by acquiring this SB14. It's very blue and the white pickguard looks way better than the black stock one, to my eyes at least. War volume test tomorrow night at rehearsal, excited to hear what this can do.
  20. I have something like this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mercury-703-260UK-Switchable-Soldering-Stand/dp/B000L9A08M 20W normally, 130W if you hold down the boost button - great for getting some heat into pot casings for earth points etc.
  21. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1458818792' post='3011145'] We bassists obsess about tone [/quote] Speak for yourself I take whichever bass I like the look of that night. I'm not saying all basses sound alike, but all my basses sound "good" as far as my definition of "good" goes so it doesn't really matter which one I pick.
  22. I bought a bass from Carsten and it was an easy, smooth transaction. Good comms, prompt postage, can't ask for much more than that. Thanks Carsten
  23. I find that these days I can see past all that because there's not much I can't fix. If I don't like the strings which are on it, I change 'em. If the setup's not right, I set it up to my liking. The only things I'm looking for when checking out a bass are electrical, structural and (in the case of a new bass) finish issues. Only these are costly/time consuming to fix and will make me think twice. There's no point to my mind about complaining about other things - factories churn these instruments out and I'm guessing that a final setup isn't factored into the cost of the instrument and would impact negatively on the final price.
  24. The bass is now sold. Thanks for all the interest folks.
  25. Nothing changed in that respect, I'm bringing down most of my stuff, for the education and entertainment of others and I expect others will be doing likewise.
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