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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Of the three possibilites (and having at least tried them all), my vote would be for the Classic Pro IV (the passive, neck through one with Gibson USA TB+ pickups). But then again, I do like the sound of TB+ pickups, had them in three basses over the last few years, always found them to have a great "simply plug in and play" live sound.
  2. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' timestamp='1457002474' post='2994326'] Very nice ...but if I get another one it has to be red...fingers crossed or that [/quote] I can't make up my mind if this is an actual red one he got made up or if it's just a gold one in strange lighting, but it's fun to imagine whatever is convenient Photo from flyguitars.com
  3. Or perhaps a Rumblekat is more your thing? I'm not sure how I feel about this colour on these basses, I thought the white JC looked pretty damn good. Thoughts? (Taken from full article here: http://www.epiphone.com/News/Features/2016/Ltd-Ed-Blue-Royale-Collection.aspx )
  4. [quote name='titchfieldrelic' timestamp='1456782247' post='2992309'] However, I'm surprised that so few (5 Basschatters) commented [/quote] Have you tried getting a response in the "Share Your Music" forum? Oh, to be spat at in the face, you lucky, lucky b, etc.
  5. Don't mind - exposure is exposure. Taking the term "classic" to extremes - my wife runs an opera night and lots of people say they don't know any opera but they hear stuff and say "oh yeah, that's off the Durex advert" or whatever. I've discovered bands because of adverts and film soundtracks, it's all grist for the mill. I don't like this whole "selling out" argument (which is where I suspect this thread may go so I thought I'd get in early) - smacks of jealousy to me. If someone wants to use one of our songs for an advert (as long as it's not something we disagree with) then have at it. Anyone who wants to tell me I've "sold out" can go ahead, but they don't have their music on the telly, do they?
  6. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1456719939' post='2991685'] Thanks . I'll try that this evening. However, it is an original boss power supply . Will try later. [/quote] Since when does having a brand name on an item preclude it from becoming faulty? It's just narrowing things down - if it behaves the same regardless of the power source and you've used known working signal cables then you can probably blame something inside the pedal itself. If the behaviour changes, then it's something to do with how external DC power gets to the pedal.
  7. Put a battery in it and use it off that instead of PSU and see if the noise continues?
  8. What's wrong with it? Oh yeah, the neck's too short
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1456511609' post='2989925'] I do have one other question is it possible to have the obvious traders in another category then? [/quote] Not this again
  10. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1456493899' post='2989604'] Baldwin Vibraslim? [url="http://guitar-auctions.co.uk/portfolio-post/lot-188-baldwin-vibraslim-bass-guitar-made-in-england-circa-mid-to-late-1960/"]http://guitar-auctio...d-to-late-1960/[/url] Hagstrom? [url="http://www.vintageandrare.com/product/Hagstrom-Bass-1960-Red-Stain-39992"]http://www.vintagean...Red-Stain-39992[/url] [/quote] That Hagstrom is definitely not from 1960, it's an H-II-BN and they were made late 60s-early 70s. I'm pretty sure Hagstrom is another one of those "started making basses in 1961" lot.
  11. Don't ask me, I'm firmly in the "instruments should be played, if it's not getting play time, it's bye-bye time" camp. I can't imagine that any modern instrument is going to skyrocket in value in a couple of years - is that when you think people will have cash to flash once more?
  12. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1456435183' post='2989107'] How come I have never paid VAT when buying fro Thomann? [/quote] You see that (for now at least) we're a member of this thing called the European Union (previous names the "Common Market" and "European Economic Community") and one of the benefits of that is the importing of goods without additional VAT or import duties. Great, isn't it? Apparently some people think not. I will hunt down anyone responsible for making me pay duty on tasty goods from Thomann if this referendum goes the way of no.
  13. I missed out on an eBay bargain last year, should have taken the BIN (which was a damn good deal as it is) but I decided to try my luck and put in a bid to turn it into an auction. Unfortunately, the bass ended up being sold in person before the auction ended to someone who came to collect another bass from the seller. Kicked myself and rued that decision a little.
  14. Do you know what size hex it's supposed to be? I had some luck once using the nearest sized Torx bit in a mashed 5mm hex- the shape meant that it found what little remained of the edges and was able to turn it. T27 -> 4.95mm (great for 5mm hex) T20 -> 3.84mm (might work in a 4mm hex, but it's a tad small) Worth a shot if it's mangled already...
  15. Sounds like the kind of "junk" that some geek would have in a drawer/box somewhere and would probably help you out. Ultimately, it's not really about the cost versus the thing, it's the cost versus the amount of use you'll get. Also £50 is a night out, or a nice meal for two, for perspective.
  16. The Last Bus Depot in New Pitsligo - a big shed flanked with two double decker buses which have been tricked out with a kitchen and seating - like a giant camper van. People can sit in them and watch the gig - the back couple of rows of seats are "al fresco" (so the roof's been chopped back) so they act like balcony seats. Really cool place, absolutely crap acoustics (it's a metal shed) but we had such a laugh playing there, would love to get back there some time.
  17. How annoying - all the companies I thought of which haven't been mentioned started making basses in 1961!
  18. I think I had a brief encounter with this bass! GLWTS.
  19. Agreed, an L-2000 will run quite happily in passive mode with the battery removed or depleted. Then the passive/active/active with treble boost switch (the one nearest the bridge) effectively becomes a kill switch. This is of course assuming we're talking about stock wiring...
  20. 10 years to make my mind up, thanks for the heads-up
  21. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1456165825' post='2986171'] Jumping in with both feet, because I am feeling reckless. I lived in Aberdeen from 1986 to 2002 and, at the time I would have struggled to distinguish between nationalist, separatist and racist. I had White Settler sprayed on my house 11 times, was spat on, barred from pubs, assaulted, had the wheels loosened on my car, was refused from taxis. On most occasions when I reported this to the police, I was told "What do you expect? Go home." I won't be going back. [/quote] I'm sorry my home city let you down, that's a bloody awful report
  22. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1455958755' post='2983888'] No, just an over simplified statement of statistical theory... Most things fall into some form of distribution and that will include both cover and originals bands... As others have noted. On this table... X axis will be increasing goodness of band, Y axis will be number of bands... [/quote] Thanks for the basic stats lesson, prof. Now if you could just point on the X axis where "pretty awful" is, that would clear everything right up.
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