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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1455884761' post='2983271'] But does it sound great? If so, great! [/quote] Depends who's playing it
  2. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1455872159' post='2983066'] What's your excuse? [/quote] I like my gear.
  3. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1455820662' post='2982764'] The hypocrisy, though, is that the majority of original bands are pretty awful. [/quote] A declaration of war!
  4. Hi folks, we've got a couple of gigs coming up in March as follows: Friday 4th - Zee's Venue/Nightclub, Stonehaven - with Rodriguez Friday 11th - Krakatoa, Aberdeen - with The Humpff Family See you there... https://www.facebook.com/TheInevitableTeaspoons
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455756143' post='2982244'] Question, am I the only guy on bass chat that loves gigging at the bar band level? [/quote] I dunno, but I'm pretty sure you're definitely the guy who talks most about gigging at the bar band level
  6. I think there's got to be some variety in the set, I wouldn't keep bashing people over the head at the same pace with the same ferocity for the entire time
  7. [quote name='SaxyBassist' timestamp='1455581232' post='2980501'] I took the recordings off - no one was interested apart from hiram.k.hackenbacker who kindly pm'd me some thoughts on it - I'm self taught and wanted a bit of feedback so I can keep improving - but then chickened out and took them off as it took me ages to pluck up the courage to post them!! Feel rubbish now [/quote] It was a month before I got any feedback on our EP. Still waiting for feedback on our live (mostly) unplugged radio stuff and that's been nearly two weeks. That's despite playing by the rules and offering feedback on other peoples' stuff. This forum moves pretty slow, doesn't mean your stuff is bad. Well, at least I hope it doesn't
  8. As someone who recently treated himself to the Tribute version of this - the Tribute is great so this'll be just that little bit more luxurious feeling. Great sound, punchy, powerful pickups (turn down that gain knob a touch!) and don't worry about the lack of tone control - use the volumes as directed at the start of this thread and you'll get your tonal variety. GLWTS
  9. Any other arbiters of taste and fashion like to chip in? I'd like to make sure I'm not breaking any rules with my clothing and I need your approval to survive
  10. Take the 's' out of the https in the link and it'll embed properly. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or_m7JIVKhM[/media] Am at work just now but will try to have a listen later
  11. Yup, although if I've done some of my own mods then there's always a little trepidation (not that anything bad has ever happened, my wiring/soldering is ok but I still doubt myself). I pretty much always use the bass I'm going to play at the gig at the rehearsal before - safety first!
  12. I couldn't resist the wordplay either
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1455196412' post='2976913'] When was this? How old were you? I can imagine that if you're 16-18 and half the class at school are looking for a band who'll gig their 18th Birthday for free, or for free beer, you can get away with it. Iike Sausage, above, I'm 56. I've never gigged. I started bass when I was 50. My repertoire is negligible. Most bands expect a 56 year old to be seasoned musician. It's fine thinking you can busk through with roots and 5ths, but unless you can get the right genre on the play-list you'll struggle to make covers sound right, surely? You may be ok with 12-bar blues, but funk is going to be something of a challenge. My day job has me getting up at 6am and I don't get finished until 8-9pm some nights and I can't plan when those nights are going to be. So rehearsals are always going to be at weekends; when most bands want to be gigging.... now it's me feeling like I'm going no where! And that's why I play weird stuff (for a bass player) at home. [/quote] It was 2009 and I was 33. I'm telling you I was a lazy so-and-so until I joined a band. Then I HAD to get good, or get lost.
  14. I joined a band when I don't even think I could play a whole song through. You're never going to be "ready" enough, so just do it
  15. Anyone who slags you off for having the audacity to listen to a U2 album and express a positive opinion about the bass playing contained within is a snobby, self important idiot and can GTFO as far as I'm concerned. Listen and appreciate away.
  16. Fair play to Fender for trying something a bit different, but you've got to get the proportions right and IMO something that slim also has to be sleek - to me it looks weird, stretched out or something, like an awkward gangly youth on a growth spurt but not all of their body got the memo.
  17. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1454522610' post='2970516'] Almost excusable, but I'm fairly certain that the seller is a player. [/quote] "Almost excusable"? Have a listen to yourself! Did I miss the memo when you were appointed judge, jury and executioner?
  18. I enjoyed listening to that - crunchy guitar and smooth synth - it's like a Double Decker I thought the vocal delivery sat well in amongst that and had an interesting quality to it, like slightly compressed, claustrophobic, processed or something, I dunno - technical stuff. The only thing which bugged me a little was that the synth seemed a bit more prominent when it was playing high stuff rather than low stuff, and the (perceived) change in volume there did make it jump out a little too much for me. Video showcases the band well and I guess that was the intention. Good work guys.
  19. I enjoyed that, good punchy sound, decent riffs, little bit of dusty end stuff from the bass as well Video was pretty well put together as well, impressive. I thought the vocals were a bit dry and thin sounding so didn't sit so well in amongst the punchy sonic surroundings, dunno what can be done about that (I'm not a sound engineer so I'm not going to embarrass myself by pretending I know how reverb etc. works). It's a minor complaint though, good work guys, I'd have been more than happy with a result like this.
  20. Something a bit different from us - a couple of months ago we appeared on our local community radio station (SHMU FM) on their Band of the Week show. Despite the five of us squeezing into a not very big studio we managed to perform a few songs mostly acoustically (the bass was electric but everything else - accordion, sax, trombone, vox and miniature drum kit (floor tom as bass)). I guess the accordion instead of organ (Wurlitzer, Rhodes, Hammond) gives it a bit of a folky flavour instead of the usual R&B madness. Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed playing it. The rest of the show was of dubious quality (our patter is terrible!) so believe me, these are the highlights [url="https://soundcloud.com/theinevitableteaspoons/sets/shmu-mostly-unplugged"]The Inevitable Teaspoons - SHMU (Mostly) Unplugged on Soundcloud[/url]
  21. The drummer in the 'Spoons also has that floor tom conversion hardware, has used it at gigs where space is a premium or for more stripped back outings.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1454155628' post='2966995'] Most bass strings only need 2 or 3 winds. Is that really enough to justify a winder? [/quote] Clearly your tuners are 1:1 ratio Aren't normal ones anything around 20:1? That's 20 turns of the button per complete rotation of the capstan. Times 2 or 3? That's quite a lot of winding.
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