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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Are you talking about the A style Hipshot bridge? If you leave the string spacing adjustment screw loose then the saddle is free to slide from side to side, I think this would be a bad thing. I always tighten the ones on the Supertone bridge (same saddles as the A style)
  2. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1454106772' post='2966626'] I've used those and never had a problem with a symmetrically bodied bass. No good at all for an offset body though. [/quote] Your fall/calamity free experience is as invalid as mine
  3. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1454105957' post='2966613'] Gawd. It's being going on for almost double the length of time I've even been playing bass Glad I managed to get a ticket, enjoyed myself last year. [/quote] To be fair, there were two a year for the first couple of years if memory serves
  4. It's not something I would be interested in participating in and I thought I'd let you know why - if I come up with something good on the bass, I'd rather take it to my band and make a song with it.
  5. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1454069325' post='2966019'] That's a really bad idea. Your bass will fall over if you so much as stare hard at it. [/quote] I know, along with the spontaneous headstock detachment problem inherent in the designs of my preferred brand of bass, I'm a real gamblin' man
  6. I use one of these: http://www.herculesstands.co.uk/p/mini-electric-guitar-stand?pp=24 Someone will be along shortly to tell you what a bad idea that is and how often your bass will fall over.
  7. You seem to have two threads about this - you have replies in the other thread.
  8. Finding it hard to believe this is the ninth one! Glad to hear ticket sales are going well
  9. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1453991313' post='2965061'] Maybe, but I also never miss out on items because my neighbours are torrenting the entire internet, or because I desperately needed a pee, or because my kids have fallen and bashed their head, or an unexpected knock at the door, or a dead phone battery... ;-) [/quote] Yes, admittedly there are risks in the approach, and sniping on the phone isn't as sure a thing as on the computer. The peeing one I don't accept though - sniping takes planning, should have gone 5-10 mins before auction end
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1453990482' post='2965042'] They can take all the potshots they like, they only win if they bid more money than my maximum. Good luck to them. [/quote] Yes but if I bid my max with >10 seconds to go, there's very little opportunity for someone to bid more than they intended because they've got all caught up in it - that's what I'm getting at. Each to their own, this is what I believe and how I operate and it works for me.
  11. The longer you are the high bidder, the longer people have to take pot shots at you (who may be suffering from adrenaline fuelled bidding more than they meant to). There is adrenaline with sniping in person, but there's nothing you can do with it except breathe faster when you submit your best bid with >10 secs to go...
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1453986387' post='2964939'] If you post a video of yourself standing in the centre of Aberdeen (in your pants) shouting "Gibsons are crap" I'll do it [/quote] Everyone's thinking it, you said it
  13. Hi folks My band has been nominated for a couple of local music awards and it would be ace if you could spend a few minutes to give us a cheeky wee vote? We're up for Best of the Rest (which we're getting absolutely humped in, but never mind!) and Best EP/Single for our EP "Rearranging Deckchairs" - have a listen at https://theinevitableteaspoons.bandcamp.com/ Either fill out the survey here: http://fudgeaberdeen.polldaddy.com/s/the-fudge-music-awards-2016-vote-here Or join aberdeen-music.com (local music forum - could be useful if you're ever trying to get a gig in Aberdeen or find yourself in Aberdeen and wonder what to go see?) and vote here: http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/58289-best-epsingle-2016-fudge-awards/ http://www.aberdeen-music.com/topic/58297-best-of-the-rest-2016-fudge-awards/ Grateful for all votes received, bass brothers and sisters.
  14. eBay/PayPal is always on the side of the buyer, I'm not saying it's right but it'll work for you. Go for it, pay with PayPal, any shenanigans you report the user, they'll get a strike against them plus neg feedback which they can't retaliate against, you'll get your money back, simples.
  15. It certainly is - all the BB basses I've tried (and I've owned a 614) have been great.
  16. Possible issues if you're sure the wiring is all complete and intact - worst case scenario is that the bridge pickup is faulty. DC resistance of an RD Artist pickup should be around 6.5kOhm according to Fly Guitars. It could be the selector switch not making great contact in the bridge position - look to see if the contacts are being pushed together nicely by the switch arm and maybe give them a [u]little[/u] rub with fine wet n dry to brighten them up a bit. You could fit damn near any tone shaping preamp in there you like, there's plenty room You have tonnes of flexibility to use whatever pot/switch configuration you like with 6 holes to choose from...
  17. I enjoy gigging and I get annoyed at missed opportunities to gig because someone's on holiday or someone's playing with their other band and whatnot. However, if gigging went out the window then I guess I'd settle for writing songs and recording them to get them out there. Still not the same as seeing people dancing around to the music you're making right there at the time. But I wouldn't jack in bass completely if I couldn't gig - I would probably trim down the collection though - use the proceeds to go on holiday or something
  18. Pretty sure you can get some EMGs in white and cream.
  19. Hmm, bit of a gap between me and the next person - no other helpful BCers in Scotland?
  20. Yup, I have taken breaks before. The worst thing you can do is announce it - like anyone gives a monkey's! I usually leave when the holier-than-thou, a P-bass is all you need, Leo got it right, one true bass brigade get so sanctimonious and preachy that it's either leave or risk a ban for what I might say. But I usually get enticed back when the levels of BS being spouted about Gibson basses reach levels that I cannot leave unaddressed
  21. Don't look like wrecks, do they? (obvious play on words taken care of)
  22. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1453494580' post='2960114'] What else? No one here can write a decent riff! *ducks* [/quote] You haven't listened to everyone here
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1453494156' post='2960106'] which money? [/quote] Money crops up in at least one post per page of this thread. The whole thread was started on the basis of how much to charge for playing a party and a difference of opinion within the band. Are you trying to get a rise out of me or something?
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