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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1453489546' post='2960043'] Not from my perspective no, we play originals and often play free, especially for friends. [/quote] The money figures being bandied about in the thread recently don't bear any resemblance to my experience.
  2. I presume this is yet another cover band only discussion?
  3. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2nd January 2016 @ The Tunnels, Aberdeen - [/font][/color]A quick phone vid from the same night, thanks to Debby Harley Quinn for providing the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o61WV0w90LA
  4. So it's their P and PJ bass? OK, suppose everyone else is at it so why not EBMM too?
  5. Two bands with whom I'm friends played at my birthday party for a slab of beer and food. They're good friends though.
  6. Interparcel/UPS for me too. Sent more than 10 basses in the past, and there was never a problem.
  7. The vast majority of the basses I have owned are second hand and usually already have dings and scratches when I take ownership of them. I actively protect them from further damage, but if it happens then so be it. I would be annoyed if damage happened through my own negligence or carelessness though.
  8. I happened upon this thread again - it's like one of those old school car mag "long term test drive" type reviews My Red Sub is still rumbling along - mostly nicely. It has developed a small fault - there's something iffy about the headphone jack which causes it to short occasionally, hence having the effect of muting the amp as if a plug had been inserted. Easy fix, plug something in it then remove it and it clears the problem (I always have a 1/4" > 3.5mm converter in the aux input so something suitable is always to hand). It only happens once in a blue moon so I haven't got around to looking into it. I guess the socket needs replaced which shouldn't be too troublesome. It has been used at least once a week at "war volume", mostly in the combo at rehearsals where it is the only bass producing equipment in the entire room and makes itself heard over the top of drums, keys, vocals, trombone and sax. In March that'll be 4 years I've had it and it keeps on doing exactly what I need. I will be sad if it ever does give up the ghost - to me this amp does everything I need and it'll be a right bugger to replace as I don't think there's anything quite like it around at the moment - not that I've been seriously looking.
  9. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1453105513' post='2956288'] Only if you perform to an audience of nothing but bass players. [/quote] Damn all of them! Oh, wait a minute...
  10. Seems on balance here that I'm wasting my time writing lyrics that are carefully crafted with the occasional poetic device to mean something (or sometimes more than one thing...)
  11. Make sure it stays friendly and welcoming. I went to a jam once, there was a clique of regulars clearly "in charge", I got glared at for making mistakes, the whole atmosphere was rather unfriendly. I never went back.
  12. 9 at home, 1 at work. I play whichever one takes my fancy at the time and I make a point of playing a different bass every gig where possible, basses which don't get played get sold. It's as much a fashion thing (will it go with my shirt?) as anything else. All basses sound bassy. Usually someone else handling FOH sound anyway so how much "control" over it do I actually have?
  13. You don't need to justify anything to me, buy what you like
  14. It's no accident that you get a Spartacus-like chant of "OBBM" every time this subject comes up
  15. Classy looking bass, shame it's short scale and too similar to my LP (black with cream binding, single cut). GLWTS
  16. I like some of those songs, I dislike some of them, I hadn't even heard of some of them. So, music then.
  17. [quote name='Grahambythesea' timestamp='1452355574' post='2949220'] GAK & Richtone both have them, I don't think they ae rare, they seem to come up on eBay quite often. I have played one and don't think they are anything out of the ordinary, if anything they are a bit prone to neck dive. [/quote] The OP is asking about the Gibson Les Paul Signature, not the Jack Casady. The Gibson LPS was only made from 1973-79 and is indeed rare and rather expensive whenever it appears on eBay or whatever. I had a Jack Casady and I could see myself going back to one in the future - they're so lightweight but sound really good to me. To be fair I did fit Ultralite tuners to it (one of the press fit bushings of the original tuners was coming out of the face of the headstock under string tension, and it bugged the neat freak in me ) but it didn't neck dive with me. RE: the LPS, I've never had the pleasure of playing one so I can't comment on them much. Lots of info at [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/LesPaulSignatureBass.php"]http://www.flyguitar...gnatureBass.php[/url] Noteworthy that Jack Casady had one, and when he came to help design his signature model, he cited the pickup of the original as a weakness and sought to design a better one with Epiphone ("I loved the bass but found the pickup to be deficient.") Apart from that I got nothing, including the three grand minimum budget I'd need to buy a Gibson LPS bass
  18. I had a 3 pickup Danelectro Hodad which had all combinations available and the solo pickup settings were the weakest sounding. It had a 6 position rotary and a toggle switch which bypassed the rotary and put all pickups on. That was the sound I liked the best, or maybe neck+middle, so I suspect this is a personal preference thing above all else.
  19. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1452090454' post='2946266'] There's a good reason no-one else does it. [/quote] What's the reason? Genuine question, not stirring. While I don't understand doing it with three pickups which are already inherently humbucking, I can see the wisdom in it for single coils.
  20. The whole weekend? The bloke's mad! He's going to fit right in
  21. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1452084883' post='2946194'] I tried out a 2012 Gibson Grabber in PMT last week. It was without doubt the worst sounding bass i've ever played. 3 x single coils, of which they can only be set on a 3 way as bridge + middle / all 3 and neck / middle pickups. The wide spacing of the pickups meant a very muddy sound I could not get any real definition from it, slap was out of the question. [/quote] Can't say I cared for that model either - much preferred the original seventies/early eighties G-3 - the pickups are different and all the pickups are nearer the bridge. The switching is by design - the middle one is wired the opposite way to the outside ones so you get some humbucking effect whichever setting you use. This is true of both iterations of the bass. I kinda miss my '78 G-3. Maybe I'll try and score another one some day.
  22. A "gentle introduction"? I got to all the various meters and my brain said "that's enough" and shut down like a slug in a salt cellar. Up until then it was fine.
  23. Not normally as they already have names (and when the names are as fine as Ripper, Victory and Thunderbird, why change them?), but my Gibson RD Artist is often referred to (only in house) as "the Bass Fairy bass" - my wife bought me it but said it came from "the Bass Fairy" and it kinda stuck
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