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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1448286570' post='2914138'] I can strongly recommend this. Great venue, plenty of gear to try out; Dave Swift coming along; and the not inconsiderable matter of afternoon cakes provided by team Cringean, including the now legendary luminous green jelly ones. Curry night on the Saturday preceded by a dry sherry or two. What's not to like; roll up, roll up. [/quote] What have I told people about publicising the jelly slices? THEY'RE ALL MINE!
  2. Also with a bit of pickguard modification a single coil P pickup will work. SD Quarter Pound perhaps? Also the Squier Vista series Musicmaster had a 4 pole pickup very similar to a single coil P if memory serves.
  3. Yup, I have three Neotech Mega straps amongst others - they are the ones which get used more often than not.
  4. Hot Rails, Cool Rails, and I put a lipstick pickup in one I had (8K bridge position for Strat) which worked well and looked fantastic. Only downside was nowhere to rest my thumb so I put a thumbrest on as well.
  5. Did someone say "Candyman" the requisite number of times while looking in a mirror?
  6. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1447864066' post='2911063'] Was there something up with the Moog stuff that made people take them out? [/quote] I really don't understand why people felt the need to rip it out - you don't [i]have[/i] to use the Moog stuff (expansion/compression/bright) and on its own it's a perfectly workable, 2 band EQ active bass.
  7. Very nice, almost the same as mine, but mine is the post late '79 model with the two mini toggle switches for the Moog stuff instead of the single three way.
  8. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1447851096' post='2910902'] This! Peeling off that plasticky protective film stuff is a big part of the fun of a New [i]anything [/i]Day. [/quote] And surely commands a premium in the second hand market if this film is still intact, if you overlook the suggestion that the seller is a total weirdo who doesn't peel off that stuff as soon as they get something new!
  9. Another satisfied Interparcel/UPS customer here. Between 10 and 20 basses sent over the last few years, no mishaps, no problems.
  10. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1447789546' post='2910440'] are we just doomed to play the great bass lines of the past? [/quote] I'd like to think I'm playing great bass lines of the present, and great bass lines of the future will issue forth as and when the inspiration hits me Side note: I think it's high time I gave myself a bit of credit - it is not helpful for me to dismiss or play down what I have created. Thanks for helping me realise this. It still feels wrong (even un-bassplayerish), but hey ho, no-one will take me seriously if I keep being all self deprecating "I do OK" and "I can play a tune or two". I AM proud of some of the things I've come up with and damnit I'm going to keep coming up with more stuff!
  11. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1447834399' post='2910703'] Why buy something without even trying it first? [/quote] Because I live in the middle of nowhere (as far as instruments and most of the UK is concerned). Because my local (and even not so local) shops do not cater for my needs. Because I don't have middle of the road tastes in instruments. Because I'm protected by distance selling regulations. Because it would cost me less to post back a bass I don't like than travel to a shop which MIGHT have a bass I like, try it, decide it's not for me then travel back. Because I'm pretty self sufficient (do my own setups, can perform electronic repairs/upgrades, can polish out marks, can steam out dings, most things short of a full refinish to be honest) Is that OK?
  12. Buy reversible ones like Hipshot Ultralites? Seriously though, I thought the L/R thing was as you look at the front of the headstock, hence the popularity of 4L sets. So in your case, 3L 2R.
  13. A small booster preamp of some sort? Would explain why the bass only works with a battery in. Only 4 wires going into a sealed unit - +ve (red), -ve (black), signal in (yellow), boosted signal out (white)?
  14. Ahh, careful though! That board is for guitar, not bass. According to Fly Guitars that causes a headache with the pot shafts (the ones which are soldered to the board), the guitar ones are a 1/4" shorter.
  15. [quote name='NorthSands' timestamp='1447754779' post='2909965'] Shrunk the image as an attachment for some readon - try this: 'Scuse the electrical ignorance, but what do you mean by VVTT? There's a board on ebay US at the mo, would that be all I need? I'm assuming I can work around the lack of connector by joining the relevant wires, or is it more of a complex situation? Cheers! Here's the link: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gibson-RD-Artist-1978-1979-1989-Moog-Electronic-Control-Pots-Harness-Wiring-/321914666413?hash=item4af39bfdad:g:nZwAAOSwo6lWPlm4"]http://www.ebay.co.u...ZwAAOSwo6lWPlm4[/url] [/quote] Sorry, VVTT == Volume Volume Tone Tone. The board looks good, and pretty much complete. If you haven't already seen it then there's a mine of information at Fly Guitars - http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDartist_techinfo.php - stuff about the board, schematics, the pickup connectors I was talking about, all good stuff.
  16. Bit of a small pic but it looks like it's been done VVTT to me and the switch furthest from the pots is pickup selector (wired after the volume pot). Future irritation for you (apart from sourcing an RD Moog board of course) - the pickups connect to the original board with connectors which have been cut off yours.
  17. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1447672194' post='2909339'] Risking a good lynching here...I like the sound but not the look of the Fender P... [/quote] There'll be no lynching today, because believe it or not it's OK to have a negative opinion about P basses.
  18. Agreed, most recently I've had an Epiphone Jack Casady and yes it's a bit louder acoustically than a solid body and for some solo practice it's good enough to hear the notes if you can't be bothered hooking up your amp, but that's about it. You won't hear much above anything else going on.
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1447330426' post='2906726'] From that site, we can see that the exclusion of musical instruments is from 'enhanced' compensation, that's to say, extra that one pays for. Useless, then to pay extra for insurance. The instrument [i]is[/i], however, covered by the [i]included [/i]insurance of up to £100 or £200, depending on the exact method of service used. Basses are, then, insured, but for no more than that amount. [/quote] I didn't say they weren't covered, I was objecting to the fact that the post office do not enquire as to the contents of the parcel and happily sell people insurance which will never pay out. Also, £100 of insurance is pretty useless for many basses, I'd guess the majority of ones which trade around here. Suffice to say that ParcelForce are wholly unsuitable for the couriering of all but the most inexpensive musical instruments - can we agree upon that?
  20. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1447329626' post='2906711'] Insurance is included up to about £300, more than that costs extra. Sent quite a few guitars south using ParcelForce, and have always been able to insure them without any problems. [/quote] They'll quite happily sell you insurance that won't pay out - musical instruments are mentioned explicitly in the exclusions: [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica,][size=1] [b]Musical instruments[/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica,][size=1] Musical instruments are excluded from enhanced compensation.[/size][/font][/color] Taken from http://www.parcelforce.com/help-and-advice/sending/items-we-exclude-compensation
  21. BUCKIE? It's only an hour and a half away from Aberdeen, and is neither Highland nor Island. Clowns. If your buyer has any need to visit Aberdeen, I would happily act as go-between if it helps.
  22. I'm not looking for tone nirvana, I just like trying different things. If it wasn't for space and money considerations, I'd keep 'em all I only truly missed one bass I sold, so I bought it back again and this time it's going nowhere
  23. I traded basses with Jeff recently and I couldn't be happier with the transaction - great comms throughout and everything went as smooth as it can go.
  24. Buy whatever you like, there's no right and wrong (except for the comedy angle of course). In terms of "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]wobbling from the righteous path" - not since I found it. I'm probably going to get told I'm "wrong" but I'm glad I've specialised in bass. I tried guitar a long time ago and I just didn't "get it". So I don't really care about it. I respect and admire those who can coax pleasing sounds from guitars but I'm not one of them and I have no desire to learn either.[/font][/color]
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