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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1444852208' post='2886770'] So did anyone buy one? Thought not. [/quote] Not waiting for an answer? A bit unfair. I didn't buy one, I have no time for the spindly necks reverse Thunderbirds have. And retailers blowing out this year's stock already? Dark times ahead for the Gibson bass aficionado, I fear.
  2. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1444819990' post='2886315'] And you felt the need to intervene why? [/quote] I don't have to justify anything to you. It's only the Internet, I can say whatever I like!
  3. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1444818877' post='2886294'] How rude! Not just rude of you but your two sycophants. [/quote] Have you not stirred up enough trouble yet? Baiting the mods - you fed up of being a member on here or something?
  4. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1444766785' post='2885866'] That was somewhat inevitable from you [/quote] Ha!
  5. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1444758421' post='2885713'] Ah - I was wondering when someone would use the term Troll! Kind of word that seeks to nullify any critique via an ad hominem statement. Bit like calling someone a racist because the conversation makes you feel uncomfortable so you say what you can to nip it in the bud! Not that I am saying that is your intention. Simply an observation! Kind regards, Mac [/quote] Don't like troll? OK, you're a stirrer then. That any better?
  6. I was in 2 bands at the same time for a couple of years, in the end I felt I had to slim it down because I wanted to focus on the band I was writing songs with. One less rehearsal a week, one less dose of money going to rehearsal rooms was a side consideration.
  7. Also the strap button's been moved from the heel to the bottom edge of the top horn.
  8. Somehow managed to get an R&B/blues/rock originals band going in punk/rock infested Aberdeen. The right people must be out there!
  9. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444578128' post='2884238'] Yes, I was meaning to support your point. [/quote] Ah, I see. Sorry I misread that.
  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444573812' post='2884200'] Not even all Precisions sound the same. [/quote] That's why I said "will sound the same... except they won't..."
  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1444558482' post='2884002'] You know, that's kind of what I was thinking when I read through this thread, a bass is a bass with your eyes closed they all sound the same . [/quote] You'll get chased with pitchforks for saying stuff like that. Of course when the "P bass is the only bass you need" brigade have their way and eradicate all other basses from the world then all basses will sound the same Except they won't and we'll be subjected to endless maple vs. rosewood and alder vs. ash debates and how everything was better before 1965.
  12. I'll jump in and say Gibson are a pale shadow of their former selves these days before anyone else does.
  13. Random but over time fair distribution. It's pretty much on a whim, but I try to take a different one every time. If I've decided which one to take to a gig then I'll do the rehearsal before with that bass. Think of it as an installation test
  14. Look at it another way, I'm in a band where everyone's so modest about their talents, so nice to each other that no-one wants to be the boss. Nothing gets done, I'm the first to get annoyed about it so now I'm the "boss". Everyone looks to me and I'm bloody awful at it! We've all got our problems Also, our keyboard player is a charming gentleman, talented, modest, sings too!
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1444463609' post='2883378'] Do they know gigging is fun? Blue [/quote] FFS Blue, that's an opinion, not a fact.
  16. Depends if the venue has backline or not. I'm going to go with does have, as that's the norm in my gigging world. £350? Bass would probably be a second hand Yamaha BB414/424. OBBM leads x2, tuner pedal of some sort (second hand Boss TU-2 would do), gig bag. Job done.
  17. After missing out on a 1973-75 Gibson EB-3L to restore (guy sold it outside of eBay while auction was ongoing ) I'm really looking for an old ratty one and annoyed that I didn't use the Buy it Now but figured I could get it for less in an auction, oh well.
  18. As someone who participates in the creative process (be it writing from scratch or adding my tuppence worth to someone else's idea), I don't relish the prospect of creating in a vacuum - the songs need to be played to random people to see how they go down otherwise how will you know if you're any good at writing songs?
  19. Don't get hung up about mistakes - they are fleeting moments in time - don't let them derail you. Be well rehearsed. Above all, enjoy yourself.
  20. I can afford it and it pleases me to have a small selection of basses to choose from. Justify it? No.
  21. The bass has been traded and is no longer for sale.
  22. I've tried to show (stupidly exaggerated actually so no-one feels like they're being misled) the chips around the bridge post. Cursory look: Angled to point the room lighting in: Stupidly exaggerated with flash: Make of it what you will. Honestly, you have to go looking for it, and I don't want anyone feeling like they were misled if I didn't try to show it and they found it days/weeks/months later.
  23. Pretty sure I've no idea what you're talking about...
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