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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I'm selling my black Gibson Midtown Standard bass - it's a lovely bass but it isn't getting played enough to justify keeping it so by my own rules it has to go. You probably know the skinny on these, but just in case you don't - mahogany chambered body, maple top, mahogany neck, rosewood fingerboard, bound body and neck. What's different about this one is that the neck pickup has been replaced with a DiMarzio Model One and the volume is a [b]push/push[/b] pot (not push/pull - don't pull it!) to allow series/parallel selection (up for parallel) - quite a tonal difference between the two and a worthwhile mod in my opinion. Comes with original hard shell case in excellent condition. Full specs here (apart from the pickup change of course): [url="http://www.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/Midtown-Standard-Bass/Specs.aspx"]http://www.gibson.co...Bass/Specs.aspx[/url] In good condition except for one little problem - one time when I was stretching strings, one of the bridge posts pulled up out of the body a little and chipped some of the finish around it. The bridge post has been reinserted (and hasn't moved since), the chipping has been disguised by colouring the chips with a black marker. Not an invisible fix, but as it's under the bridge you only see it if you're looking for it. Other than that, it's tip top. Will take some closeups of the area soon. With that in mind, I've reduced the price a little. Looking for £450 + postage.
  2. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1444037039' post='2879562'] Oh man is it on a Sunday? [/quote] It is. Which is why some of us get there on the Saturday - make a weekend of it
  3. I just randomly got excited at the prospect of next year's Moffat bash and checked that I've put in my/band calendar. I had. Phew! Sod Christmas, roll on March
  4. I currently own 8 basses ranging from £150 to £1500ish. I make sure to play them all equally, otherwise there's no point in me having them. I take a different one to every rehearsal/gig and I even keep a spreadsheet documenting which basses I've played at which gigs to keep a record and an eye on how the love is being shared. If I'm picking one up on a whim for a noodle at home it'll be more a case of "haven't played you for a while" rather than a favourite (regardless of the cost of it). The cost is irrelevant when you like them all for various reasons. The only favouritism I have (which basically covers the order in which they'd get sold in a financial meltdown) is based on sentimentality and ease of replacement vs. ease of selling. So, no then
  5. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX0MB7pJtKs[/media] "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable. If it doesn't work, you can always hit him with it."
  6. I'd press them for the list, it's less hassle for them. At least get some idea of what they play so that your choices can fit in with what they're playing. I wouldn't worry too much about memory, it's only 2 songs. My memory's like a sieve and I can hold it together for the 10-15 songs I have to play in a typical set Couple of month's prep? Assuming you'll get to sit in on a few rehearsals as part of your prep you'll ace it, no probs.
  7. [quote name='pieanoman' timestamp='1442619423' post='2868333'] Stunning! Is this the 1977 or 1978 version (slightly different electronics)? [/quote] If you mean the change in the Moog controls from a single 3 way toggle to 2 separate mini switches, that change didn't happen until late 1979.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442852502' post='2870012'] These threads always seem to get very polarised for some reason. I don't understand why people seem to get slightly irritated about the fact that other people really like Fender basses... and some don't. It's just one of those brands that seems to press that button. [/quote] It could be that people who don't care for Fenders don't like or appreciate being preached at by a vocal minority about how wrong they are. That's how it feels and comes across to me sometimes.
  9. A Precision may be all I need, but it's not anything close to what I want.
  10. Tatties o'er the side for OBBM then. Yeah, right
  11. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1442434849' post='2867003'] But this view does fall on its arse as soon as you plug in the squire p bass which may be set up sweet and play beautifully, but the output is just thin and hollow sounding??? [/quote] What are you saying here? Seems contentious, snobby and provocative on the surface but perhaps it's just badly worded?
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442394484' post='2866553'] I think a lot of negative product reviews are down to people being idiots and not understanding how things work. I've read negative bass reviews complaining about neck relief, action, strings, etc - issues that are the responsibility of the player/purchaser, imho. [/quote] Oh yeah, any mention of that kind of stuff is instant invalidation from me. Somewhere between Germany and the UK...
  13. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1442348630' post='2866336'] That is good stuff. Listened to all of them without skipping [/quote] Thanks very much for taking the time to listen, I'm glad you enjoyed the tunes.
  14. I haven't given up, but I've thought about it. What makes me want to give up? The apathy these days. Maybe we don't help ourselves by being terrible at self promotion, but I am trying and I'm getting pretty sick and tired of being habitually ignored by venues, promoters, bloggers and anyone else who I contact in order to try and get gigs or just a bit of feedback. That's what grinds me down and makes me think we must be rubbish or something. BTW, thanks to the couple of folk who have had a listen to our EP on here and been sufficiently moved to write something about it, it really means a lot, it keeps me wanting to play and write songs. Cheers
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442345745' post='2866310'] Thanks for that. I've also seen a few negative reviews online with regard to tone and build quality, but you're always going to get lemons (basses AND bass players). From what's been said here, they are obviously the exception. [/quote] If I paid attention to negative reviews, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be playing most of the basses I do
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1442303015' post='2865795'] Matt how does the neck compare to something like an M-2000? ;-) [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442343991' post='2866288'] 41mm nut width is encouraging, too. I'm hoping the neck is a little on the chunky side, as most Ibby's I've tried have been a bit too thin for my banana fingers. [/quote] No worries. I like a chunky neck - I'm definitely more P than J. The nut width has already been mentioned, and there's a decent bulk to the back of the neck - not the chunkiest 4 string I've played (that has to be the G&L Tribute L-2000 - like a baseball bat sawn in half!). It's a little chunker than the M-2000 (but it does have that lovely inbetween-y profile). Also worth reiterating is the satin finish on the back of the neck, smooth and not grabby in the slightest. I enjoy playing on this neck.
  17. [quote name='darren' timestamp='1442262294' post='2865648'] Frets and pots fine on mine. Maybe they have tightened up the qc or maybe qc is variable. Can't be too bad if you're buying another [/quote] I was being super picky for the balanced view. It almost felt churlish to even mention it at this price point
  18. Mint green ordered. Sunburst advertised (locally at first, I'd rather sell a £150 bass locally - if it doesn't go before the new one arrives then at least I'll have perfectly fitting packing material so may advertise it here ). Having had mine for a few months, may I offer a few words about mine: It is a stupidly good bass for this kind of money - well finished, sounds great (too much bass if you turn it up on the EQ, as if that was a bad thing), the EQ has a decent range of adjustment on it, jack socket feels sturdy, love the body shape (looks like a more rounded Jaguar to me), and the satin finish on the back of the neck is lovely - thumb slides easily on it without a hint of grab or stickiness. Machine heads are what you would expect at this price range, they maybe don't have that "quality feel" in the gearing as a premium machine but they hold their tune well enough, not much play in them, can't complain and don't feel compelled to change them out for something better. The downsides (of which there are scarily few for this price point). The pots feel a bit inexact for want of a better word - when you turn one half of the concentric, it has a tendency to "grab" slightly the other half and move it a little. The centre detents feel a bit inexact (get a thesaurus, man!), more like a curve or a dimple rather than a defined notch. The fret ends (which I touched upon above) are a bit too sharp for my liking. Not fret sprout or anything awful like that, but just not enough time spent on them so they do feel rough if you run your finger along them. I guess it's to be expected - money has to have been saved somewhere - and let me be clear that I don't notice it when I'm playing, but it's something you might want to get seen to if it bugs you. A quick search shows a luthier happy to tidy up fret ends for £30 so considering the bass only cost you £150 one can hardly complain. All things considered though, I'd happily gig this bass any time. Even more so when I get it in the colour I wanted!
  19. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1442060339' post='2864158'] Love the Rhodes piano on this EP! The first track reminds me of Taj Mahal a bit - some really great grooves throughout this. Excellent stuff, gentlemen! [/quote] Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen and for the kind words. Also I had never heard of Taj Mahal so I had a quick listen on Spotify and I'm enjoying that so cheers for the heads up
  20. I've had a sunburst one for a few months now. I'm a bit annoyed because I really wanted the mint green one but could only find black or burst at the time (in the EU). Distributors said they weren't getting the other finishes in, but I guess things change. Now that I can get the mint green one I'm going to sell the burst one. Stupidly good basses for the money. The fret ends are a wee bit rough on mine but only when you go looking for them.
  21. Not as far as I'm concerned, but then again I not interested in the fairy dust that's been sprinkled over it
  22. Looks reasonable to me, addressing you by your actual name instead of some non-specific noun like "Customer" is a good start.
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