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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1431121066' post='2768093'] Nooooooooo.... The bass should have gold hardware, I would go for black like the Black & Gold SB. The whole bass will be refinished in gloss black eventually... [/quote] Heh, you asked for options...
  2. Change the rest of the hardware to chrome?
  3. At our last gig, crowd was pretty quiet but then a group of ladies came in and started dancing in the middle of the dance floor, seemed to act as a catalyst and pull some people off the fence onto the floor, so we're ever so grateful to them for that
  4. Second one - ebay (US) - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331545808392 ?
  5. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1430781402' post='2764594'] I see this has 2 speakon sockets. Why is this? Sorry to be dumb [/quote] If you're using the cab with just a head, the second socket is a link to a second cab. They'll most likely be wired in parallel so it doesn't matter which one you use when you connect it as a single extension cab to a combo. EDIT: Beaten to it!
  6. I shall try to do some recordings of my EB's various combinations for reference and get back to you. Prices are ridiculous this year, on that we can agree.
  7. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1430697306' post='2763858'] I'm Stateside this week. Played a 2015 Thunderbird earlier...played nicely enough but distinctly underwhelmed with the new electronics. Couldn't hear anything different from the two new switches so couldn't vouch for what they actually do. New Babicz bridge is very nice, so may order one up when they're available. [/quote] Strange, assuming it's the same pickups and switching as on the EB (2013-) it makes an appreciable difference on the EB. What were you playing it through?
  8. May 1st 2015: Cafe Drummond, Aberdeen. Take that, audience. Photo by Cat.
  9. I can play anything with a chunky enough long scale neck. Attachments to certain instruments are formed with me because of circumstances - my wife bought me my RD Artist, I rescued my Victory Artist from being a basket case, I did a lot of modding to my Epi Les Paul Standard. Those would be the last three of the current batch to go if there had to be an emergency sale, know what I mean? After that, it's how much I like it versus how much of a PITA it would be to get another one. I really liked my Epi Jack Casady for instance, but it's simple enough to get another so I sold it when I needed some cash, no problem.
  10. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1430589665' post='2762957'] When an agreement is struck to do a gig, part of that agreement is surely "what are we, the performers, getting out of it?" If mere "exposure" isn't sufficient, don't do the gig. If you're aware beforehand that it's a freebie, and the gig was accepted/agreed on that basis, what exactly are you haggling over? [/quote] There are "promoters" out there who expect to get your services for nothing, and the OP put up a link to a sarcastic response to that. I didn't say anything about accepting a gig for free, so why are you bringing that up in response to something I said?
  11. The very fact that there are venues/promoters who think that music should be provided for free and feed performers no sustenance other than BS about what great "exposure" it'll be if they play their gig is why this article exists. If you can't (or won't) understand that, then you've clearly never experienced it. That's great for you, but spare a thought for others who have gone through what feels like a bruising haggling session just to squeeze a drop of fuel money out of these tight fisted so and sos.
  12. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1430386194' post='2760829'] I think all the HyDrive stuff is sealed so i expect that would be too. Looks like it'll be quite a nice little cab. Liam [/quote] All the info is in plain sight on the Hartke website. The 112 and 115 are ported. The 210, 410 and 810 are sealed.
  13. Build a bitsa - outsource the body finishing. I reckon that's the cheapest way you're going to achieve what you want to the standard you want.
  14. Nah, nothing doing. Applied to a couple but never heard anything back. They're announcing bands now, so I guess we're out in the cold this year. Still, just recorded some decent demos so hopefully they'll shake free some opportunities.
  15. Germany a bit closer? http://www.musikding.de/Alpha-24mm-Stereo_1 I've bought a couple of 1M rev log pots (G&L stuff) from these guys before.
  16. We're away to do our first out of town pub gig at the end of next month. Hoping to get a few nearby folk I know to come along. After that, it's just hope and pray it isn't awful. Did some out of town gigs with my previous bands and yeah, hit and miss. The busy, fun nights more than make up for the quiet, crappy ones - the good ones are the ones you reminisce about after all.
  17. At my last gig I turned myself down on stage because I thought I was being obnoxious. I was still nursing the one pint I got when I came in. I never have more than one drink before I play (I tried two once and I thought it made me sloppy). I don't think I'm in danger of this.
  18. Why is she going to kill you? Have you seriously compromised the household cashflow for the month? If she's going to kill you just because you've bought a bass then to be honest the fact a bass is coming into the house is the least of your worries.
  19. They're all inputs, probably wired in parallel. Two jacks and one speakon. They would also act as a link to another cab, although I wouldn't recommend playing with this as your cab is 4 ohm impedance. Most amps have 4 ohms as the minimum impedance they'll work with. Adding another 4 ohm cab (in parallel as it usually is) would take the load down to 2 ohms - not many amps like that.
  20. Oh yeah, EMGs are sterile, soulless and awful. Only kidding, I really like mine, but I also agree that there's so much top end on offer, usually I roll it well back otherwise they ruthlessly expose any sloppiness in my technique Time to start fiddling with the DIP switches on my BQC control for the high end knee frequency
  21. [quote name='Kempy535' timestamp='1429870854' post='2755741'] There was a bass listed in the for sale section beck before Christmas and I assume the guy listing it at what he thought it was a reasonable price. I thought it was very over priced and offered him what i though it was worth. Around 50% or the advertised price. He turned me down very curtly. I wished him good luck with the sale and left it. Bass is still for sale and almost at the price I offered him. Still no takers So was being a lowballer? Or offering what the value of the guitar was worth? [/quote] I forgot to reiterate that I don't advertise stuff for stupidly more than it's worth. I do my research. That is why people lowballing [i]me[/i] is irritating.
  22. "Outraged" is a bit melodramatic. I believe 3 years ago I said lowball offers "bug me". As in, they are irritating. Which they are, surely even to people who politely decline. I outlined my very calm and rational reasons why I find them irritating and I stand by them now. To me lowball is super low - speculative, taking the p. Someone coming in and asking if I can absorb the postage, or 10% less, I might entertain depending upon how desperate I am to shift the item in question. But people coming up and having the brass neck to offer you half of what you ask for (particularly when I don't think I'm being unreasonable in the first place) is irritating. I completely agree with 40hz above me whose reply came in as I was typing this.
  23. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1429786007' post='2754886'] Cool, you're right I should probably hit the search button. Aren't some woods heavier and doesn't that help with sound and vibration though? [/quote] I didn't mean to imply that you should search. I was merely illustrating how futile all the discussion has been for me. It certainly wasn't meant as a "let me google that for you" type thing, apologies if I came across as such.
  24. What's the difference between the woods? They all look different. Some are easier to work than others. Some produce irritant dust when you shape/sand them. But I'm guessing that's not what you were getting at. Is it important to the sound? No, in my opinion it's not important, and no conjecture posted here in the nearly 8 years I've been here have convinced me otherwise.
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