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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. It's much easier to do to a bass which has the truss rod adjustment at the heel (otherwise you need a headpiece/string retainer with a hole through which to access the truss rod nut). It's even easier with a bass with that and a zero fret (otherwise you most likely will have to retain the nut).
  2. Yup, another one who plays my own stuff, the stuff I play with my band. That's principally what the bass will be used for after all
  3. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1428788722' post='2744611'] You got any gigs booked round Glasgow way yet? [/quote] Might have sorted out a gig in Perth - getting closer
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429522736' post='2752154'] Yes, you've prevented your Gibsons from ever falling over! Simply lean one against your rig when the drummer's setting up, [i]et violin![/i] [/quote] If someone buys a Gibson (or any other instrument for that matter) and treats it like that, they deserve every broken headstock they receive. No sympathy here. You could have a cheap dig at Gibson if you like because you think they're fragile, but then again you [i]could[/i] look at it the other way and say that Fenders are the instrument of choice for mouth breathers who can't be trusted to look after gear. I am of course taking things to logical extremes for illustrative purposes, before anyone gets huffy.
  5. Short scale's no go for me. Sorry, I've tried a few, didn't really like how they felt when I played them. Not keen on Jazz width necks, but it depends upon the profile - if it's chunky front to back then I can maybe overlook it.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1429482820' post='2751905'] Tell that to the many Gibson owners who have suffered broken headstocks over the years. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1429482920' post='2751907'] I really think that's a Gibson thing, not an angled headstock thing. Spectors aren't known for headstock breakage for example. And anyway, isn't that more a Gibson g**t*r thing rather than a Gibson bass thing? [/quote] I've never had one break on me, am I doing it wrong?
  7. It's fun to whack the mid level up full, then sweep the mids rapidly, it's like a wah. Once you've stopped chuckling that that, yeah, trial and error really. Live you probably want a bit of mid boost and then sweep until you find a frequency that works.
  8. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1429130513' post='2748434'] I would really like to try out a G&L M2500, or if the neck isn't much different a L2500. They look like the sort of thing I would like, but the neck could be too big. The only specs give the width at the nut, which seems quite a bit, but obviously it depends on how thin the neck is (and they don't really look thin). I know the L2000 has a massive neck compared to a M2000, but the L&M 2500s seem to be the same size. Anyway, out here in yeovil I know none exist, but I do occasionally go into London and I am near basingstoke this weekend. I can't really find anywhere in this country that does them, which makes me think, maybe they are not as good as they seem? [/quote] Presumably you're talking about G&L Tribute basses, where you have no say over the neck and the L neck is like a baseball bat sawn in half compared to the M neck (which I believe is the same as the USA #12 neck - 1 5/8" nut, 12" radius). USA G&Ls have a choice of necks - for 4 strings. They only do one 5 string neck, curiously. So that would back up what you're saying about the L/M2500 necks seeming to be the same size.
  9. Simple, but not inexpensive - get a replacement bridge which offers adjustable string spacing. Such as the Hipshot A style (Fender mount) or the Schaller 3D (might not be a direct replacement so possibly not simple)
  10. I play a different bass every gig, plugged into whatever equipment the venue has, or mine. Most of the time, what the audience hears is under the control of the sound engineer anyway. There is no standard setup - I simply aim for being able to hear myself (and the rest of the band) then go for it.
  11. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1428931785' post='2746033'] Is this the only Scotland Bass Bash? [/quote] I believe so. Or, put it another way, I'm not aware of any others.
  12. Moffat is off the A74(M), between Glasgow and Carlisle, a bit north of Lockerbie and Dumfries.
  13. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1428930647' post='2746018'] Just wondering if there are any Scottish Bass Bash's happening this year? I've never been to a bass bash as most seem to be down South. Any info would be appreciated Alex [/quote] You've missed this years Moffat Bass Bash, it was in March. I once or twice have threatened to organise one up here in Aberdeen, but I've been too lazy to take it any further.
  14. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1428788722' post='2744611'] You got any gigs booked round Glasgow way yet? [/quote] Nah, nothing sorted out yet, sorry
  15. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1428865852' post='2745480'] What the title says. What does one of these things entail? The only image my mind conjures up is a load of guys sat in a circle with their gear playing at each other which, to be honest, sounds a bit sh*te. [/quote] Why should we enlighten you when you've already decided they're "a bit sh*te"? Nice attitude you've got there.
  16. Absolutely splendiferous top ranking idea, sir. You will know this miscreant by his gaudy, ostentatious gold coloured low frequency noise making machine and dreadful sartorial awareness.
  17. Yup, I don't have the appropriate shaped spanner for my Yamaha BB450 and I did the truss rod like that by loosening (but not removing) the neck screws then angling the neck to provide access for a regular socket and wrench. Couldn't be bothered removing the strings and the neck entirely, already did that for the washer trick for the maxed out rod.
  18. Details are sketchy but an intercepted communication has been decoded and revealed that a rag tag bunch of musicians who refer to themselves as "The Inevitable Teaspoons" will be making music at a place called Cafe Drummond in Aberdeen on 1st May. I have no idea what that means, so I recommend sending all available reconnaissance units to the aforementioned location from 8pm on 01/05/2015 to find out what is going on. Over and out.
  19. I used to avoid like the plague unstructured, free form jamming, I just didn't feel I was good enough and I didn't have nearly enough chops to contribute effectively so it left me cold. More recently though, a jam just kind of happened in the rehearsal room - the sax player was having a noodle to himself and gradually everyone just joined in and it became quite a funky thing IMHO, might even be the start of an idea for a new song. Not only did I manage to carve out a riff or two in the 8 or 9 minutes, I managed to change the direction of the jam as alluded to above, I went for a change about 6 minutes in and to my surprise (and delight) everyone followed me (there or thereabouts)! There is a recording, I swithered about putting up stuff that isn't "ready" but seeing as I think it's relevant - here it is: [media]http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/mp3/Teaspoons/practice20141118/Funky%20Spoons.mp3[/media]
  20. I continue to rule nothing out.
  21. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1428523996' post='2742190'] Are the Coronado and Starcaster not Chinese? [/quote] They are. So instantly not worthy of the name, it would seem.
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428501242' post='2741856'] That's good, because in my experience nothing improves your playing quicker than being in a band, especially if everyone else is better than you - you tend to play up to their level pretty damn quick, in a way you just don't do by noodling at home. [/quote] I'd agree with that.
  23. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1428397072' post='2740785'] a bit disturbed that this singer has been tried and found guilty by a kangaroo court here. [/quote] Well, the singer had better not log on here then, for that is the extent of our jurisdiction To be fair, the OP conducted the trial and reported the verdict first.
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