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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I gig a 1979 Gibson RD Artist with some of the wackiest onboard electronics and it works fine. Just about everything is less mental than it, so you'll be fine
  2. That is a new low, I've never heard of that in my life before. My sympathies are extended to you, and I hope you get your stuff back. I can only speak for Aberdeen but here the music community is a web of weel kent faces (well known faces, sorry lapsed into the local lingo there) so word would be bound to get around about this and the perpetrator known to someone.
  3. When I acquired my Gibson Victory, one of the tuners kept snapping loose once string tension was applied - the screw that goes through from the back of the tuner had snapped inside the capstan. These things, while rare can happen.
  4. [quote name='juliusmonk' timestamp='1428317518' post='2740102'] [b]But that's the fun of it...[/b] Working class sense of humour is about the last option we have... I can be ironic about a 1000£ business class flight ticket or a 500£ surplus on Fender purely for a matching headstock and 'period correct' features all the same, can't I? Yet there will be people buying them, nothing wrong with that. We're talking here about an extreme, just discussing the subjective perception of value in a market where the vast majority of high end items go new for half the price. There is nothing apparent in these basses that justifies the price tag, that's all. If they have some obscure magic, then the one I tried was devoid of it. [/quote] I'm not seeing much fun in it, and there's definitely no joy.
  5. If you don't get/understand the price tag, fine. I don't get it either, but I don't question it - it's not relevant to me and there's no need to get all judgemental and preachy about it. If they were doing it wrong, they'd go bust.
  6. Ahh, one of the few benefits of taking up the instrument late and only beginning to perform in public in my 30s
  7. My technique is probably awful, but I haven't been fired yet
  8. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1428151760' post='2738532'] Is that really important when you have a string retainer? [/quote] It is important if you've got a mild case of OCD...
  9. Painted necks feel "cheap"? How come, surely it takes more effort and time (and therefore cost more) to do a neck in a solid colour rather than just a clear coat? Not trying to pick a fight, it just doesn't make logical sense to me.
  10. In the first picture it looks like the last wrap of the G string is at the top of the pile when it should be at the bottom like the other two? But maybe I'm seeing things wrong.
  11. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1428061620' post='2737623'] Yep understood.....i should have included that i'm considering for future modifications. [/quote] Ahh, now I get you. Obviously your choice of drop in replacements is pretty limited with the Cabronita - TV Jones stuff looks like it should fit but apart from that it'll be get the router out and/or hide the mess with a pickguard.
  12. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1428059842' post='2737583'] Would you say the sound from the Cabronita pup was fairly limited then? I really like the look but clearly a standard P seems more versatile. [/quote] The sound from the Fidelitron didn't wow me (sounded pretty good in isolation (in the guitar shop) but a bit meh when the rest of the band waded in), but that's just personal preference. I don't really understand why you would say that. Why would a standard P be any more or less versatile than a Cabronita? They've both got one pickup, one volume control and one passive treble cut tone control. The basic sound coming out of it will be different because of the change in pickup but apart from that, it's the same. It just comes down to which pickup you prefer the sound of, I guess.
  13. Look behind the sofa, pull out the fridge, find 75000 pennies, give them to me, I give you bass. Simples!
  14. Agreed, I'd want a bit more off for something that someone else has had their greasy mitts on. On the other hand, the small reduction probably reflects that there's nothing wrong with it other than having been in a courier's van for a while.
  15. I don't own one, but surely it's the fretless stealth Bongo as shown here? All it needs is the black nylon coated strings, lose the headstock branding and it's a ninja.
  16. I would also refute the allegation that the Jack Casady is "limited". OK, so it only has one pickup, but it has a three position varitone which switches in a choke coil at various points. The numbers on the switch are 50, 250, 500 - I have no idea what that means electronically but soundwise it comes out as "polite", "irritated" and "angry" Three different "voices" in addition to a tone control - I wouldn't call that "limited". It's also super light, so great for people with bad backs, bad shoulders, or stupid fools who bruise their ribs days before back to back gigs the same night... I recently sold mine to free up some funds, but when I'm flush again I will definitely get another (I had a gold top but it looks well tasty in white...) I had a Cabronita, played it for a while, then sold it on. I liked the look of it, it was nice, but not nice enough or interesting enough to keep. Can't comment on the Ibanez, but they seem to attract little in the way of derision or mockery on here, so I'm guessing they make good, solid gear in a quiet, Yamaha-y kind of way.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1427983789' post='2736687'] I bought ER-20s, but they didn't stay in my ears, so I don't use them, I just point my deaf ear at the noisy stuff, which may not be a scientific method for preventing hearing damage. [/quote] There are two sizes of ER-20, did you get the small one (sometimes sold as ER-20s - an actual thing, not ER-20 plural)? If so, try the other one? I know it's bigger because I got them first and they felt physically uncomfortable after about an hour in my dainty little ear canals.
  18. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1427980272' post='2736635'] No. Just curious and trying to learn [/quote] Curiosity killed the truss rod...
  19. I get a bit nervous when people talk about full turns [i]plural[/i] in relation to truss rods. Are you changing string gauges or brands? If not, why do you need to reset the relief every time? Same strings back on == same relief for the same truss rod setting. Change them one at a time if you're worried about upsetting the equilibrium?
  20. I had a 1981 B402-A. Lovely bass, I think it would make a great recording bass - a bit too "smooth" for live work. I wasn't happy with how I was sounding in amongst the rest of the band. Traded it in the end, as despite it being a pretty rare bass (only 335 made) I have no patience for the long game
  21. [quote name='Adrenochrome' timestamp='1427880778' post='2735290'] The strong impression I get from Landlords is that the bands encourage passing punters to stay for the evening instead of having one and moving to the next pub [/quote] This made me recall a gig last November. It was looking pretty grim, place was dead. The poor guys in the first band on - half their entire audience was us. Thankfully a half dozen of my friends came down not long before we went on to make things look not so desperate. As we played, I saw that people had come in, and that they were staying. Place was looking a whole lot better by the time we finished. I guess we weren't awful then, and it backs up what you're saying.
  22. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1427815107' post='2734572'] Will do neepheid...when I politely but firmly turned it down, the promoter replied back to me asking which parts I found to be unacceptable?! [/quote] Where to start? Mostly the doing of the promoter's job for them, I guess.
  23. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1427813259' post='2734539'] 'Promoters' ( ) have a lot to answer for as well...I've just tried to get my band booked onto a well known Glasgow venue this afternoon and this is the response I got back......... [i]On behalf of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to offer Bone Island a slot on the over 18‘s bill of Friday 8th May 2015. The show will be a local act showcase with running order being decided on the night by advance ticket sales. Face value of tickets will be £6.50 we must receive £4.50 from each ticket sold from your allocation and all unsold tickets must be returned. *Low ticket sales might result in the band not being asked back* If accepted please answer all questions below… How many tickets would you like printed? What is your contact number? What is the link to your Facebook page? What your username on twitter? What is your set up? What backline are you bringing? What backline are you willing to share? Have you read and understood all of this email? If accepted you please make sure:- You do NOT play any show in Glasgow at least 4 weeks either side of date above. You do NOT have any members under the age of 18 years old. (Unless show is over 14s) You pick your tickets up within 5 days of being notified that they are ready for collection. You arrange backline share with the other bands on the bill as backline including drum kit will not be provided. The show will not be confirmed until these stipulations are agreed and all above questions have been answered.[/i] So basically there is a ticket sale split of 30% to the band and 70% to the venue, we are not allowed to play any gigs in Glasgow for two months - a month either side of the date - and we are expected to provide full backline agreed between all bands on the bill...erm, where do I sign??! [/quote] What a load of crap. If you don't want to say which venue it is publicly, would you be so kind as to PM me the details? I'm trying to get gigs for my band and it's just as useful to know where to avoid as it is to know where to go. Cheers
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1427799822' post='2734316'] Much is said on here about making a big outlay for top-quality ear protection and it's good advice - what cost your hearing - but I've always used earplugs costing about a tenner and while obviously not as good, they have made all the difference. Any ear protection is better than none - in my experience. *Hides in wardrobe to avoid many posts to the contrary* [/quote] Aye aye, hiding in the wardrobe after starting this one up for the Nth time and leave all us other earplug cheapskates to be viewed down the nose and preached at. Thanks!
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