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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I take it it's new, so still under warranty. Judgement call required - if you try and fix it yourself you can (probably) kiss goodbye to assistance from Thomann or Hagstrom (although companies have been known to turn a blind eye with a little "don't do that again" - thanks Gibson for getting me out of jail). Toothpicks/cocktail sticks might work, after that you're looking at drilling the holes out, filling with hardwood (not pine/softwood) dowel and re-drilling new (small-ish) pilot holes. After that, it's same again, but longer/bigger screws. After that, it's probably time to give up
  2. Surely no-one will object to you playing seated, given the circumstances?
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1427546012' post='2731598'] I don't really get people who mourn a sale of a bass.. If it was that good then why sell it in the first place..? [/quote] Grass is always greener... Also, sometimes people have to eat or maintain the roof over their heads more pressingly than they need to keep possession of a bass.
  4. Interparcel/UPS for me all the way. Had no issues over the between 10 and 20 bass deliveries I've sent using them. Had beef with Yodel in the past, so would prefer to avoid them. ParcelForce is an absolute no-no for me as they don't (sufficiently) insure musical instruments.
  5. I'm not familiar enough with upright sound to give a definitive answer, but I played a fretless Spector Spectorcore once and it had what I would describe as an "uprighty" sound. It's got a piezo and a magnetic pickup.
  6. The handrail along my stairs is fixed to plasterboard only with 12 of these because the posts just weren't in any handy place for the brackets: http://www.screwfix.com/p/rawlplug-intersets-m6-x-52mm-pack-of-20/68410 It's not going anywhere.
  7. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1427191302' post='2726835'] Why am I thinking ' Kangaroo Courts....' I have no other reason for this, other than this current thread is making me think there are unmarked police cars patrolling Basschat, ready to pull over folks who have overstepped whatever marks should not be overstepped, and very quicky dispense the justice or punishment the offender deserves...in there opinion..... or is there a vote of some sort....Is this the way it works ? I genuinely don't know, but would like to. Can I be pounced on for thinking like this. I was wonderfully oblivious to it all until this thread appeared, and now I am wondering, probably like many others, about how much control is being exerted behind the scenes,( if any.) Its the ole can of worms big style eh.... [/quote] You can be combative and robust in the debate without being a dick about it. I have moderated fora before - it's a thankless task because you can't please everyone. But it's basically the application of rules through a lens of common sense rather than the 1984-esque scenario depicted above. Moderating is not usually the moderator's day job so there's unlikely to be enough time to be as ruthlessly efficient as you describe
  8. I'd eat that. Oh, isn't it made of chocolate? Looks delish anyway - always liked the shape of these basses and the carves suit it very well indeed.
  9. It's all about ratios. The 12th fret will always be half way along the scale length (nut to bridge saddle), regardless of what that scale length is. Assuming tuning and intonation are set correctly you get the same note at the same fret position regardless of the scale length if the frets are installed at the correct places for the particular scale length. The spacing between the frets is identical for two fretboards of the same scale length, regardless of number of frets, it's just that the 20 fret fingerboard stops sooner. Probably TMI here: http://www.liutaiomottola.com/formulae/fret.htm
  10. Aside from the compliance factor - on some basses it's mandatory (like the original P bass), and on some it's strongly advised (like the G&L L-2500 - where the bridge is only attached with two screws and the through body stringing helps keep the bridge down. It's possible to top load these, but you're asking an awful lot of those two screws. Doesn't affect the 4 string - screwed down with 6 screws and no through body stringing available). On any Gibson with through body stringing and a three point bridge (RD, Ripper spring to mind) it helps keep string silks/ratty end bits away from the bridge saddles, because the top load anchor is so close to the saddles.
  11. Cheers guys, forgot about this, time for a bump
  12. [quote name='Bronner' timestamp='1426935867' post='2723608'] What I really believe is happening is that the Rickenbacker brand is in trouble and they have a negative history with this site, and either someone with the company, the dealers that depend Rick sales in the UK, or perhaps just some overzealous fans of the brand are trying to shut down criticism of the product. If you really felt strongly about someone giving their opinion about a brand, you would feel equally strongly about people saying good things about the brand. Why isn't that offensive to you? Everyone knows it's common to share experiences about a product on a forum. Look at some independent bass makers on this site; they handle themselves professionally, and don't engage in dubious arguments to try and shut down criticism. [/quote] You've missed my point. It's got the square root of naff all to do with Rickenbackers and I don't care about that. It's to do with me being mildly irritated by your unsolicited advice about what I should spend my money on. I'm pretty laid back too, so I suspect that if it annoyed me enough into posting something, it probably annoyed others too, hence the aggro. But plough on if it makes you happy, I've said my piece, starting to wish I hadn't bothered my arse, and I wish you a good day in spite of it all.
  13. Of the six component parts of The Inevitable Teaspoons sound, four of them are connected directly to the PA anyway (vox, keys, sax, trombone) and they are using the instruments they gig with. Drummer uses one of his own kits but it generally stays in the rehearsal room. Sometimes he uses crappy cymbals which are on their way out rather than waste the good stuff on rehearsal/jamming time. I use my wee RedSub combo, but at the gig I'll plug into whatever is provided unless I'm bringing the rig. I don't care either way as long as I can hear myself.
  14. Dear OP, I have no axe to grind on the matter (I barely have an opinion - I've played a Rickenbacker once in my life for about 2 mins) but if you're wondering why you're getting aggro it might be because you crossed over from simply giving your opinion (which you're more than entitled to have and express) into unsolicited advice on what people should/should not spend their money on. I can only speak for myself, but I don't really enjoy that coming from someone I don't know at all, never mind well enough to respect advice from.
  15. I do alright. The rest of my current band haven't tried to replace me that I know of, and the last band I left got me a card and a bottle of bubbly after the last gig so I must be doing something right.
  16. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I am a long term bass player who cannot play any guitar, I couldn't recognise a B7 chord visually without looking something up, and I pick up the more random seeming chord progressions from a guitarist by either listening, or asking them what they're playing.[/font][/color] I was no good at guitar when I tried about 20 years ago and I have no interest in trying again.
  17. Gibson used a rather pointier variation on this in the early 80s called Pozi-Lock. Then stopped. Of course.
  18. Does a plumber charge differently based upon the amount of water which will flow through the pipe?
  19. I guess I had a bit of a leg up on this when I started writing songs because I used to write poetry. When I write I tend to come up with a line or two then it kinda grows from there. I was annoyed one day because my wife was very busy (she is a self employed music teacher (vocals)) so I had a melody line already and fit the words onto it - "I'd like to ask a question of you if I may, would you be free to spend some time with me today?". Then I thought "If we had the time, what would we be doing?" - so it turned into a song about skiving off work and going to a beer garden. Lovely. So basically for me it grows from a seed - a line, a title or a concept. Also I don't force it. If it's not coming through naturally, I park it and come back to it at a later date.
  20. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1425993190' post='2713141'] If thats the case, you wont want one, no problem, stick with the copy. I would say they cost so much, because the people who can afford them disagree they are a poorly made instrument. Market forces, supply outstrips what they make and has done for many years. A greedy boss would cash in and start knocking out Chinese junk, a clever one, knows he might be better been happy with making a good living over a longer period. But to do this, they must protect the brand and tradmark, all succesful companies do, try selling supermarket pop as Coca cola or pepsi and see how long you get away with it. Fender decided to turn a Blind eye and look where that lead them and now Gibson are doing the same and we are seeing fake Gibson basses, even SG specials landing daily, the latsest snide offerings. The only people who appear to get upset are those wanting to buy snide. [/quote] You appear to be getting upset, if I may observe. Fender did not "turn a blind eye". They started making Squiers in order to beat the copyists at their own game, by legitimising some of them - getting them to make legitimate Fenders for the Japanese market in return for them taking their own branded copies off the shelves. An arguably more positive approach than the necessary "threaten everyone" approach when you go down the trademark/trade dress approach. Am I the only one who finds the whole "Chinese junk" thing a bit off? A bit disrespectful in my opinion.
  21. Have you got the other tuners? I'd suggest very carefully and methodically dismantling another one, noting where the plastic one is.
  22. Don't feel bad, I once dismantled my cab because of a weird distortion I heard. Turns out it was a dodgy lead. Oops.
  23. [quote name='Chaos Daveo' timestamp='1425747006' post='2710323'] Where are you based dude? [/quote] I am in Aberdeen.
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