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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I've only used 'em a couple of times but I've had no issues with them. Took one of their extended warranties on my RedSub combo, but haven't needed to invoke it so can't comment there.
  2. How do they attach to the bass? A clamp with soft jaws or something?
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1423183334' post='2682084'] They never have a convincing go at trying new stuff. It's always a bit half-hearted, try something a bit different (not too radical, stick an active preamp in a Jazz for example) then if it doesn't take off in six months, ditch it. [/quote] Always? The Performer was a pretty radical departure from the norm, but it was ditched pretty quickly, I'll give you that
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1423144265' post='2681341'] Bwahaha. Fender are just plain lazy by relying on less than five core products for the last fifty or so years. They need a fecking kick in the pants to jimmy them up a bit. Gibson are just as guilty. [/quote] People give them crap for trying new stuff. People give them crap for sticking with the same old safe stuff. Can't win.
  5. Isn't that lucky that no-one bit? Glad you're getting along better now. Gibson bass in "not crap" shocker, eh?
  6. [quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1423092984' post='2680826'] i have had my mates gibson sg bass in my cupboard for almost a year, never played it, diddnt like em. i took it to practice, wow, the tone from the neck pu is probably what i jave been searching for from year dot, neck feels great, the bass feels really sensitive, inlike my fenders. now, heres the problem; im stocky, the wife would say i could loose a few pounds, the sg bass therefore looks like a silly little imitation girly bass. damn, what sould i do, go with the sg and face a lifetime of mocking from my fellow muscians (the guitarist feels particularly proud to 'have a larger one for once') or keep searching for the one? indeed, does anyone ever find the one? yours confused...... andytoad [/quote] Are we talking about a modern Gibson SG bass (three knobs, volume/volume/tone)? If so, the neck pickup is not a traditional sidewinder mudbucker, but a Gibson TB+ (humbucker, blades, ceramic magnets) masquerading as one, complete with fake pole pieces. I know this because I took the one out of my Midtown Standard. Also, see [url="http://music-electronics-forum.com/t35474/#post334486"]http://music-electro...474/#post334486[/url] Incidentally, that's my shout for a bigger bass using the same pickup jammed up against the heel of the neck, either a Midtown Standard or a Midtown Signature. Sure, it's chambered, but I doubt it'll make a lot of difference. The bigger body and 34" scale will make it feel a bit more in proportion
  7. I am not confident enough in my performance, songwriting or interpersonal skills to be a "professional" musician. Simple really. Geography probably doesn't do me any favours, as well as my unwillingness to move or jeopardise a very cosy career in Higher Education IT, nor does the suspicion that even in my local environment I'm politely clearing my throat at best into a crowd of DIY punks who either do not welcome my existence or merely neglect to acknowledge it. Also, I'm pretty lazy and don't enjoy all the admin-y crap one has to do when in a band - promotion and annoying people about getting gigs when you wonder sometimes whether or not you even have the right to exist, never mind ask for a fee for playing. I played a gig on Friday where the venue does discounted drinks but I did not avail myself of the opportunity as I feel like such a tit for saying "I'm in the band", like I'm important or something. Sucks. Basically, I fail on so many levels. I do enjoy playing and creating though. If I didn't enjoy the making of the music itself, and wasn't in a band where everyone gets along well, I don't think I'd bother at all. I think we need a manager, because despite me doing the lion's share of all the crap I hate (poorly, I might add), it ain't me. Anyone want a sixth share of F all?
  8. January 30th 2015: The Moorings Bar, Aberdeen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62sxwQnpTVo Thanks to my wife Jayne for taking a quick vid on her phone.
  9. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1423054710' post='2680026'] You can always put the original bits back on when if it comes to selling it. [/quote] Absolutely keep the bits to return it to stock when it comes to selling time - you'll get more for the upgrade parts separately than if they're attached to a bass.
  10. I think I'm doing it wrong. I would have starved to death long ago if I had to rely on my music for a living
  11. I work a 20 minute drive from my home and I've got a bass in my office at work
  12. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1422934675' post='2678595'] I don't like making assumptions and I don't like bringing up a touchy subject, but here goes; These guys don't look like they want a "brother" in the band. Blue [/quote] You know way more about what happens in the USA than me and you may have some insight which allows you to say such a thing with a degree of certainty, but over here in bad-teeth-cup-o'-tea-land I'm currently prising my eyebrow off the ceiling. I take it you don't tolerate any elephants in your rooms.
  13. Nothing to do with being shallow. It isn't working out the way you'd like, and it doesn't sound like it's going to any time soon so getting out seems like the way to go. Hope you have better luck with your next endeavour.
  14. I think white suits it, why not white pearl, just a little fancier than plain white but not too showy or ostentatious.
  15. In the meantime, have a pic of a slightly less "short of the mark" NR Thunderbird. That's as much chrome as I care to see on a bass if I'm being honest, but the black hardware did look pretty naff To me, this is the right blend of modern (which it is) and vintage (which it is influenced by). That probably didn't help, sorry! I am keen to see how the subject of this build diary turns out. Hope you get it sorted.
  16. I'm pleased and delighted if anyone says anything to me after a gig. Sometimes I feel like I'm pissing in the sea, to use a vulgar analogy. Friday was ok though - there was a guy taking some photographs and I spoke to him after. He said something like "I got a few pictures of you with a massive grin on - bass players aren't supposed to grin!" I replied "oh, but I love my job!"
  17. Ebony boards look great, clean and sharp, like a fitted suit in deep, deep black. I don't really pay any attention to how they feel - maple, rosewood, ebony or whatever are all suitably hard woods with which to make a fingerboard. I've got nothing to say about tonal differences, partly because I've never noticed, I've never studied it in any depth, and frankly, I don't care. It's purely an aesthetic choice as far as I'm concerned.
  18. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1422573304' post='2674341'] Today I received my first ever Fender - albeit a crafted in China modern player series. [/quote] You shouldn't feel like you have to qualify it like that. It's a Fender, and as long as you're happy with it, who cares where it was made? Enjoy
  19. I'd be more concerned about "The neck has been slimmed to aid playability." than any pickup augmentation.
  20. My Gibson Midtown Standard (modded with a DiMarzio Model One and series/parallel on a push/push volume pot)
  21. I have no problem leveraging the free trade between European countries, and I've got no problem with others doing it. Not that it's any of my business.
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1422664545' post='2675526'] You know what mate, I'm really not surprised. Not these days. Unless it's got at least 500,000 hits on youtube it's not worth the bother. And even then most peeps will only watch it hoping it's something they can take the piss out of or criticise. [/quote] I'd be happy for any proof of life out there. Piss taking and criticism is heaven compared to the silence and apathy which is what really makes me wonder why I bother doing .. anything to be honest.
  23. For what it's worth, seeing as the conversation is heading that way, for all my non-participation I don't feel like there's any badgering going on. I don't feel like I've been harassed, badgered or inconvenienced in any way by threads relating to the Composition Challenge. I just don't read them, or more likely spy them, think to myself "I should look at that some time" then never do. Sounds to me like some people have way too many ways to feel offended or put out. It's just another thread in a forum, if you're not interested, move on and look at something else.
  24. Oh, nearly forgot, there's also a bit of bitterness on my part. I shared music once in the appropriate forum and despite following the rules and offering my thoughts on a couple of the other posts I got diddly squat back. Nothing, not even a "hopeless, you should give up". It was up for about a month. I asked for my thread to be deleted. So I'm not particularly predisposed to participating in stuff because of that. Petty and childish, perhaps, but it peed me off.
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